Weekly song challenging, Hodgepodge Q&A, and Procreate artwork

Let’s start hump day with mewsic. Mary from JingleJangleJungle host’s a mid-week song challenge. She tosses out three prompts and then you’re to build a playlist.  This week’s prompts are a color, a girl’s name, and a boy’s name. 

My song picks started when I stumbled on the Grateful Dead’s “Samson and Delilah”  which inspired me to look for Bible inspired songs. 

The first song on my playlist, “Coloring Song” by Petra is obviously has lyrics based on Jesus’ sacrifice but the next two songs aren’t clear other than in name only.

Delilah”  by Tom Jones. Here’s a tidbit about the song found at Songfacts.

The Sun embarked on a search for the mystery woman who inspired the song, asking readers to call in if they knew Delia from Llandudno. They called off the search when they heard from Sylvan Mason, who explained that she co-wrote the song and that there was no Delia. According to Sylvan, Les Reed had already written the chorus “Why, why, why Delilah,” and the lyric is based on the 1954 musical Carmen Jones. “Les Reed’s idea was to write a modern-day Samson and Delilah song but we got carried away and it ended up like Carmen Jones,” she told WalesOnline, adding that the line “I was lost like a slave that no man could free” is a reference to Samson being tied up.

Samson” by Regina Spektor.  Songfacts says this…

This song is all about love and told through the biblical story of Samson and Delilah, found in Judges 16. Samson had tremendous strength, but he lost it when Delilah had his head shaved. In the song, Spektor makes uses this comparison to show how she feels, how even after she did something so horrible to her loved one, he kissed her til the morning light and told her that she’d done alright. It shows the unconditional forgiveness you have for someone you love.

I remember seeing the vintage film Samson & Delilah <—full feature YT movie link].  The Bible story always intrigued me so to see it on TV absolutely enthralled me. A man anointed by God with such strength to have a willy seductive woman to strip him of his powers by simply cutting his hair mesmerized me.   I’m sure most of you know the Bible story but here is a nice reference source to refresh or learn  more.


Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. What’s something we’d find you doing most afternoons? This afternoon, I hope to do two things.  Use my elliptical for an hour and have groceries delivered.

2. Who do you take after? In what way(s)? I look a little like both of my parents but I say I am more like my mom than my daddy.  We tend to think the same on many things. 

3. ‘After every storm comes a rainbow’ or ‘the calm before the storm’...which phrase do you relate to more right now? Tell us why?   I think I can relate more to ‘After every storm comes a rainbow’ and that’s what I’m looking for in the coming days en light of country’s political struggles.  My prayer is that the America we’ve come to love and enjoy has not be lost forever.

4.What are your plans for the day after tomorrow? Other than hitting the elliptical, I plan to make home-made pizza for dinner. 

5. Complete this sentence-“After all is said and done God is in charge.” As humans we want to control every aspect of our life. Ultimately everything is in God’s hands.  He allows us to do somethings for ourselves but the things that are pushed out of our reach then we have to trust Him to see us through the storm and know that we’re never alone.  He is by my side.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Last week, we had frozen fog a couple of mornings.  I snapped a few pictures from my window.  They aren’t fantastic and don’t do the actual scene justice but I thought I’d share these with you anyhow.


Last week’s art prompt Birds and sky, I thought about how I daydreamed about flying like a bird when I was a little.   I remember laying in my grandparents’ yard staring up into the clouds, just watching giant marshmallows pass over my head.   Often I’d see shapes in the clouds and other times I would think how wonderful it would be to soar like a bird high above the earth.   I couldn’t pass up this inspiration to draw such a scene, not of me daydreaming but of me flying like a bird in the clouds.   Okay, I don’t have long hair now but when I was little I did. I love how long hair flows in the air so naturally I draw most of my girls this way.

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I wore long night gowns right into my teen years, maybe even into my early 20s.   Oh, how I loved wearing them, too!   You don’t see cute gowns or pjs for youngsters or adults anymore.   Speaking of pajamas, we watched an old movie on Amazon Prime over the weekend called, “Pajama Party” with Annette Funicello.  That was such a fun  film! Just look at how cute these pjs are that Annette is wearing.

screen grab from the movie

Join my #WildWednesdays linky party where just about anything goes! The concept for this mid-week blog hop was conceived as I found myself moving farther away from photography and more toward art. Of course, that’s not what this party is about. You’re invited to share anything – artwork, DIY projects, photos, music, musings, randomness, recipes, and more! 

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha,  Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!

What do you think about… 

I like participating in multiple daily hops without having multiple daily posts.  However, when I do this it makes my post long.  Please tell me honestly,  do you read everything or do you skip to the section you’re most interested in?  Would you rather see the content split to make reading easier?  I’m not sure if I’ll change my posting format but the incite to what my friends like could influence my decision.  

That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow with an art contribution with Thursday Art Date with Rain.   Thanks for joining me today and may you have a blessed day! X💋X💋, Cathy

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