Song challenge week 8, Hodgepodge Q&A and a Brushstrokes photo do-over

February is nearly gone.  Time continues to march on despite personal or world crisis.  Everything is normal on the home front here for which I count myself blessed. Where ever you are in life at the moment, perhaps you’ll find joy with today’s song picks for this week’s song challenge.  Mary wants us to use a body part, a flower, and instrumental. 


The lyrics You are the apple of my eye, Forever you’ll stay in my heart came to mind for a body part and while “You Are the Sunshine of My Life” doesn’t list a body part in the title, but I couldn’t resist using Stevie Wonder’s 1973 #1 Billboard Hot 100 song.  One of the prettiest songs in recent years to hold a special place with me is Sheryl Crow’s “Wildflower“.  DH was a sweetie to buy Crow’s 2005 Wildflower album recently.  There are number of excellent instrumental movie/TV theme songs I can think of and even some oldies came to mind but I couldn’t come up with anything off the tip of my brain.  Once I looked around a YouTube, I was reminded of Santana’s magic with my discovery of “Europa“.


Weekly Song Challenge playlist tracks: 1. You Are the Sunshine of My Life 2. Wildflower 3. Europa

Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. Your favorite cleaning product? Do you clean your own house or hire out? Most disliked household chore? What one chore do you not mind so much?  Clorox is an excellent all around cleaner and disinfectant but my favorite has to be Kaboom with bleach for the shower.  That stuff really gets the tub sparkly clean.  We have a problem with black mold forming in our shower and this stuff makes it vanish.  I don’t mind doing housework.  It’s great seeing one’s productivity and the good feeling it gives.  I don’t want to hire a cleaning crew for various reasons but even if I wanted to I wouldn’t because of the satisfaction it brings me.  Perhaps, some day this will change but for now, I’ll enjoy it for what it is.

2. It’s Canned Food Month…do you use a lot of canned goods? What are the three canned items you purchase most often? Last thing you made using a canned ingredient?  Canned tomatoes crushed, diced, and paste.  Canned beans – baked, green, pintos, and kidney.  Black olives and although these items usually aren’t in a ‘can’ they are canned – green olives and red cherry peppers.

3. Can of worms, anything can happen, can you imagine?, as best I can, kick the can down the road, more than one can take, no can do, not if I can help it…choose an idiom and tell us how you currently relate.  I’d rather stay away from a ‘can of worms’ at all cost.  At present, I can’t say that any of these idioms describes my status.

4.The last Tuesday in February is National Spa Day. Are you someone who enjoys a day at the spa? Last time you visited a spa? Do you have a favorite spa? Are salons open for business in your area? Have you made changes to your hair and nail routine since Corona hit? In what way?  I’m not a spa kind of girl.  It sounds like a nice idea, though.  Nothing has changed regarding my hair or nail routine, as these are things I do myself at home. I think these places are open in our area, though.

5. Believe it or not this is the last Hodgepodge of the month. In one sentence sum up your February.  It’s been the coldest February in years that I can remember and I’m happy to see it go.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Over the weekend we watched, The Blues Brothers 2000 (1998)<–movie trailer link] on Amazon Prime.  I knew there was a sequel to The Blues Brothers (1980) but never had a desire to see it.  I figured it wouldn’t be any good but when I spotted it on Prime fixing to expire, March 1st, I thought why not give it a try.  I’m really glad that we did!  Dan Aykroyd not only starred in the film but is a script co-writer.  The movie had most of the original cast except for those who passed prior to it’s release.  The only living star at the time this film was made who didn’t make it into the script is Carrie Fisher but her role in the first was a cameo so perhaps this is why.  The script has a similar tone to the first which I thought was a hoot using a mix of old and new cast members bringing a lot of good energy onscreen as well as a ton of great music.   If you’re skeptical as we were, I encourage you to keep an open mind and go into it with the mind set you’re just going to have fun.  The flick earns my thumbs up approval!   👍 😉



I originally shared this image years ago, here, that I also did a little photo editing on but a different technique and honestly now I’m not sure what software I used. One thing I am sure of it wasn’t Brushstrokes. That’s what I used to achieve the painting like effect in my new re-imagined photo.

I’m temporarily retiring my WildWednesdays linky party.  The participation is usually low so I figured this would be a good time since I’d rather take things easy for awhile.  I plan to join these Wordless Wednesday Communities … Sandee, NatashaMarie, and Wordless Wednesday.  You’re invited to come along to the party with me! 😉

Join me tomorrow for Thursday Art Date with Rain.  Have a wonderful day!

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