Weekly Song Challenge, St Patrick’s Day Hodgepodge, & The View Through My Windshield

Knocking around on Saturday we found ourselves heading toward Sevierville TN from Kodak and like many time the clouds lay low on the mountains. The view is always a breathless beauty. *iPhone capture

Hello y’all! I’m committed to keeping my routine blogging schedule going while I prepare for next month’s daily blog challenge.  There are times when I’m ready to throw on the brakes to put everything aside so I can get a better handle on things but pushing forward challenges me to learn ways to balance things.  This might be good for me. 

First up, I’m joining Mary from JingleJangleJungle host in her mid-week song challenge. The prompts are: a parody, a song written for a girl, and a planet. 

The Holderness Family has really grown on me over the years with all their creative, quirky parodies.  I thought it would be perfect to share “Daylight Savings Time Green Day Parody” since well…the clocks went forward an hour this past Sunday morning.  John Denver promotes such good feelings, don’t you think?  I love, love his music!! His song he wrote for his wife, “Annie’s Song” is one of my favorites.  It just encompasses me with such warmth and beauty.  He really loved his wife.  Can you imagine the wonderful songs he could’ve written had he not left this world so soon?  I never knew the story behind “Drops of Jupiter” until recent years.  Train’s lead singer, Pat Monahan, wrote the song about the death of his mother.  The words paint a fantastical imagery and you can feel the love wrapped in the lyrics for his mom.  It’s really a nice song.  I hope you enjoy my mini WSC playlist.

Are you playing along? Join Mary’s WSC linky party!

Next I’m borrowing Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions to answer and share with you.  Here’s how I responded to this week’s set.

1. This week’s Hodgepodge lands on St. Patrick’s Day. Will you wear green? Eat corned beef and cabbage? Drink green beer? Have you ever been to Ireland? Is it on your travel ‘bucket list’? Chances are good I’ll wear my “Kiss Me I’m An Irish Girl” t-shirt.  I have plans to make a copy-cat Beef O’Brady.  It’s a grilled sandwich consisting of corned beef, Swiss cheese, and sauerkraut with mayo on rye but I use whole wheat.  I am also going to make a small pot of potato soup which is a very Irish thing.  No to drinking beer except ‘root beer’ which I did get a 2L bottle of A&W for the occasion.  I won’t be adding green dye to it, though.  Nope, never been to Ireland.  If I were an overseas traveler then this would be one place I’d love to visit.

2. Something you think is ‘worth its weight in gold’? My wonderful husband!

3. Something that makes you ‘green around the gills’? The thought of drinking beer. Yuck!   Every time I see someone on TV drinking it I often say, we’ll that’s a fine way to ruin your meal. 

4. What puts a ‘spring in your step’ these days? The weather or the hope of continued better days to come. We’ve been given just enough of a tease that makes me want more.

5. Write a limerick using one of the following as your theme….March, St. Patrick’s Day, Covid, 2020 and/or 2021, the color green, or life lately. Yes, you can do it.  

Music fills my mind
Leavin’ all cares behind
Steppin’ to the beat
Movin’ my feet
Ain’t life sweet

Music really does fill my whole being.  I’m sure there are others but the first Irish bands I recall being introduced in the 90s is The Corrs.  I found a YT playlist of their greatest hits for ya to enjoy. 😉


6. Insert your own random thought here. I’m making nice progress with my A to Z Looney Tune art sketches.  As of yesterday I have A – G completed.  Next week, will be more challenging with two doctor appointments scheduled one for each of us.  While DH is having his teeth worked on, I plan to do some sketching in the car as I wait.  It’s a great way to spend my time.


Please, please notice I’m doing something a little different.  At the top of my blog I’m now pinning my BoTB posts with the hopes of generating new interest from others to pick his/her favorite artist in the showdowns.  If you like music then you’re sure to enjoy casting a vote for the singer/band who does it better.  That’s it for now. I hope I can join in with Rain’s art date tomorrow.  If you’ve subscribed for email notifications then whenever I publish anything new then you’ll be alerted.  Y’all stay safe and be well.  Have a wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha,  Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!

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