Nothing is Taxing about the WSC

Hello folks, if you’re looking for my A2Z Looney Tunes Art Sketch you’ll find it here. Wait, don’t scoot off just yet.  I’m multi-tasking this morning bringing to you my mid-week contribution, Wild Wednesdays!  First let get some tunes playing.  I’m joining Mary from JingleJangleJungle her Weekly Song Challenge (WSC).  This week’s song title prompts are: LADY, LOVE, and LUCK/LUCKY.  Going with the first song to pop in my mind or on YouTube are Lady by Lionel Ritchie, Lost Without Your Love by Bread, and Lucky by Jason Mraz & Colbie Calliet.

I’m finishing things up with Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions.  Here are my answers!

1. What is something you currently find ‘taxing’? I could answer that by saying the taxes since it’s Tax Day and while it’s not my favorite thing to do, we did get it done finally a couple of days ago.  I was prepared that we would owe Uncle Sam money but we actually got a small refund. Thank the Lord for unseen things blessings!

2. I’ve seen this question asked in various forms on several social media sites…  you can only keep three- coffee, jewelry, tacos, wine, books, dogs, chocolate, Netflix, make-up, leggings, cheese, cats.  Which three do you keep and how easy or hard was it for you to decide? This is fairly easy for me jewelry specifically my wedding ring/engagement ring, coffee, and make-up.  I struggled a bit between coffee and chocolate but decided I don’t need the unwanted calories and need the extra energy coffee gives.

3. Tell us something you know or have learned about forgiveness? No one is perfect.  We’re all prong to making mistakes.  Sometimes accidentally and a lot of times purposely.  Holding onto ill feelings isn’t good for anyone but when you turn things completely over to God then it becomes easy to forgive someone whose wronged you.  I learned the peace that follows takes away the hurt and restores my joy.  Everyone can benefit from doing the same if they just hand it all over to the Lord.

4. What’s something you’d recommend that is often overlooked and under appreciated? Your husband or significant other. I think a lot about the things DH did and still does for the family.  His dedication to me and the children is 110%.  Everything he does, he does with me in mind as well as our kiddos.  I know there have been times when he’s felt underappreciated and I totally get that!

5. Give us a favorite word that starts with letter K and tell us why this is the one you chose.  Kindness is the first thing that came to mind.  I think everyone needs a little kindness shown.  We don’t know what another person is dealing with and when we’re having a grabby day we need to remember to be kind to others because the other person might be going through something far worse.

6. Insert your own random thought here. Last Friday we took a drive from Boone NC to Asheville NC along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  It was a gorgeous day!  A portion of the parkway was shut off to repair the Linnville Falls Bridge.  Just before the closure is our favorite picnic area.  It doesn’t get near the number of picnickers as the one further north and we thought it would be an excellent spot to stretch our legs.  We have no desire to walk the trails which are busy all the time and especially more on Friday than I expected.   Anyway, the walk was peaceful and relaxing.  There were a few people fishing nearby and there was another person walking the parking lot.  We had plenty of shade overhead to protect us from the sun rays and the wind got gusty at times keeping the temperature more enjoyable since it was a warm day.  We made the trek from one end of the picnic area to the other before turning back for the car.  About half way, we spotted a Bobcat.  We froze in our tracks!  Temptation to get closer won over fear as we ventured to move in little by little until we were at an uncomfortable distance but the Bobcat seemed unfazed by our presences.  I pulled out my iPhone to take a few pictures to mark this moment before my nervous wore thin.  Snap, snap, I got ’em!  Feeling satisfied as I imagined the late Marlin Perkins smiling down on me, we pulled away to continue our walk.  The photos turned out nice and I uploaded one to share with you, here.

In closing I want to honor my little brother on what would’ve been his 55th birthday.  On this day of your birth, dear brother, I was super charged with the news I was a big sister and always tried to be the best at my job for you.  Life was cut way too short for you.  You’re often missed but live in my heart always.  Happy Birthday to the sweetest, dearest brother!

On this day in 1966, Eddy Arnold’s “I Want To Go With You” was #1 and while I can’t go with you now, but I will see you again someday.  I love you, baby brother!

I’ll be back tomorrow with another edition to my Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch.  Have a wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

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