I’m Not Chicken

The first time I was introduced to “Six Sentence Stories” was years ago from the original meme creator Josie Two Shoes, so while visiting her yesterday I was reminded of it.

These days, Zoe at Uncharted, runs the meme but Josie plays along and promotes the weekly linkup.  I’ve toyed with the idea of rekindling my creative writing but keep putting it off.  Last month’s A2Z challenge stirred a lot of creativity within; I feel I need to do more than I have with my blog (life) and decided to give this writing exercise a try.

Here’s how Six Sentence Stories works. Each week, you’ll get a cue (Wednesday) to write about in 6 sentences, any genre using the prompt any way you want to create a masterpiece to link up on Thursdays. This week’s cue is Chicken.

I sketched this for last month’s A to Z challenge in my Art Sketching Through the Alphabet Series

Sophie Mae stared in anguish at the mother hen and her chicks. Gramma motioned the little girl to join her but she wasn’t having anything to do with going inside the chicken coop; after her last experience with those crazy birds flying every which way and becoming entangled in Sophie Mae’s long locks. Just thinking about it made her shudder nervously.  Slumping her shoulders, she sighed deeply with her head hung low ready to pivot on her heels to head back indoors to the safety of her grandparents’ farmhouse when her cousin, Bobby Gene ripped out the front door yelling, “What’s the matter, Sophie Mae, are you…?” Catching the boy’s smirky grin, she felt the heat flushing her cheeks red and knew what was coming next. Scrunching her brows together, she flashed angry eyes his direction that could’ve even stopped a creek and make it run backward; marching across the yard defiantly with arms swinging fast,  she retorted, “I’m not chicken!

What do you think of my snippet? Is there hope for me as kittie lit author?

I hope these weekly prompts will spur my interest to pick up where I left off with writing for kids again and to do something with them instead of letting more time pass.  Doing nothing when you could do something is a regret I can do without when I’m too old and can’t do anything at all. The game is on, so bring it on…next week’s cue that is! 😉



Stop in tomorrow for a weekly Rx of giggles with Friday Sillies and more!

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