
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Category: Music

Tune your ear to Megan Brickwood with her latest album, Fifth Mile!

California native songbird, Megan Brickwood crossed my path in 2021 leading me to share my discovery with you.  You know…

Christmas in Dixie #Alabama #music

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I kicked off a new-to-me music discovery on the first Tuesday of this month and I…

Christmas Together #TheTenors #music

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I kicked off a new-to-me music discovery on the first Tuesday of this month and I…

The Christmas Wish #HerbAlpert #music

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I kicked off a new-to-me mewsic discovery on the first Tuesday of this month and I…

Everyday is Christmas #Sia #music

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I kicked off a new-to-me mewsic discovery on the first Tuesday of this month and I…
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