Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs! Wasn’t it just Monday like yesterday? Boy, did the week ever shoot by FAST! This is my full Friday Fun Stuff edition. I hope you get plenty of giggles with my random Friday Sillies!
For all, you photo enthusiasts and Skywatch Friday fans here is this week’s contribution!

What are you celebrating?
Today, I Celebrate The Small Things
That it’s a new month! Honestly, I’ve tried all year long to not wish my days away but last month got the better of me and I’m hoping October will be better.
The return of cooler weather! Again, I didn’t want to hurry summer out the door but now that’s past us I’m so happy the weather is slacking off. In a few months, I’m sure I’ll be ready for summer again. Yep, there’s no pleasing this gal!
Like life’s simple pleasures! With autumn’s return
DH’s new glasses! Yes, we finally picked them up on Tuesday. The new frame & lens shape looks great on him and his vision is sharper. There’s still a bit of adjustment for his brain because his corrective eyewear is quite different from his previous prescription but all things in good time, right?

That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor for songs featuring hand claps/finger snaps on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!

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Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I completely relate to all of your thoughts on this change of seasons. I am ready for some hot chocolate, but I’m going to wait for it drop a bit more below 80°F. And I know what you mean about wishing for the heat wave to end, but also sort of dreading what winter has in store. Have a beautiful day!
The barbershop comic is so true. I welcome the cooler temps and looking forward to the fall colours and maybe seeing a movie in a theatre. We just had Thanksgiving and, it wasn’t the best. Don’t get me wrong, my hubby made a great turkey dinner..yes, my husband, and I made the dressing and gravy. We had his sister and her hubby over. My brother has been seeing someone new for the past 6 months and, par for t(w course, he forgets family. My niece has not spoken to me since I disagreed with her about Gary Oldman (sexual harassment) and Winston Churchill ( she thinks he is a genocidal a-hole whereas I respect the man for what he did during WW2. My mom is gone and I felt…lonely. I’m a bit better today but I feel a sore throat and I feel tired.
Hey Cathy!. I got my new glasses yesterday and I love them! I really didn’t need a prescription for my new right eye but still need something for my left eye, plus I wanted transitional, progressive, non-glare lenses.
Your site has a new appearance and looks fabulous!
Hi Cathy, I just love that sketch of the cat being tickled by a paintbrush, brilliant!
You’re quite talented, lady. Great pick for Rocktober, I forgot all about that Cars song. It’s nice and cool and rainy here today in the Pacific NW, perfect stay indoors & drink hot chocolate weather, I’d say. 
I sketched the laughing kitty last year for the April A to Z Challenge. I’m glad you like it. Your weather does sound purrfect for hot chocolate. It won’t be long before I can say the same. I just bought a large container of Ghiradelli unsweetened cocoa to get prepared for hot chocolate drinking season.
Beautiful fall picture and one of my favorite groups, the Cars . I’ll be back at some point for MusicMovesMe.
Thanks for joining me and no rush to hit the dance floor, dearie. It’s hard to stay on top of things. I can’t imagine what it’s like to do all that you do in Blogosphere, work outside the home, and tend to your MIL. You’re an amazing woman!
TW’s not a big fan of this time of year cos she hates winter with a passion.
I haven’t forgotten Monday Music. I don’t post as much anymore so some things have gone on the back burner.
I’m not overly fond of winter but I don’t hate it. Although we do get some cold temps, it’s nothing like other parts of the country which I constantly remind myself of how blessed we are to live in East Tennessee when the temps drop to freezing. It’s definitely cold but thankfully we don’t have to contend with lots of snowy weather. The killer for us is black ice but hopefully we won’t have to worry with that until January. That’s generally when the worse of our winter weather gets here. By that time, I’ll be like,”I can’t wait for spring!” I’m never happy for too long. lol Don’t sweat it, dance with the 4M gang anytime you want. Sometimes we go through blog burn out or life just gets in the way but you’ll eventually find your way back into the groove again. It’s good to see you, though. Have a good weekend, dearie!
We love the fall too and the colors are beautiful at our house.
Purrs & Head Bonks,
Oh goody, fall colors! I can’t wait for the show in our area. I’d say next weekend some colors will be visible in the upper elevations of the mountains. I hope we can take a day trip to see them. DH has some comp time we’d like to use for just that kind of occasion. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we’ll have nice weather and the opportunity to do it.
Yep, you have to be careful with those automatic feeders.
Like you, i want the heat to go and the cold to stay away, too. It would be nice if everything just stayed in the middle.
Beautiful skywatch photo! The automatic cat feeder joke made me laugh!
There is nothing better than cats and humor to fill the day
well… and mewsic, too! This musicfest is proving to be a lot of fun. I’ve even found a way to incorporate the Monday themes in with my posts. Can’t wait to share 
Have a terrific weekend!
Your Rocktober Mewsic Fest is a wonderful opportunity to share in something we love. I’m so glad you’re enjoying doing this and I’m happy to be apart of it. Maybe, this will be a new annual event for you now that you finally got the ball rolling this year! Thanks for joining in some laughs & a whole bunch more Friday fun!
I love the automatic cat feeder comic strip, typical cat
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am loving this time of year and luckily, we do have cooler weather.I am glad DH got his new glasses and even looks good in them. Have a wonderful weekend! XO
I spoke with DD#2 a couple of days ago. We were in the low 80s, she reported it was in the low 60s in Sabattus, Maine. Nice big difference! I was a little envious but I know it’ll cool off here soon enough, so I’m not complaining. You have a good weekend, too!
Great cartoons, but most of all I love your cat being tickled by the paint brush. I may have said that before, and if so I am sorry for repeating myself.
I’m not sure if you’ve told me before that you like my cat being ticked sketch before but thanks! I never tire of anyone telling me that they enjoy this drawing. It makes me very happy. I had fun drawing it. Thanks for being apart of my weekend but I’m unsure how to get back to your blog since your gravatar account or your log-in is linked to website.
Thanks for stopping by!
Love the video. What a toe tapper. You and I like the same kind of music.
Love all the funnies and the one about the hair is spot on. Not fair either.
I don’t like the cold weather either.
Have a fabulous day and weekend. Love you. ♥
LOL thanks for the kitty laughs Cathy I liked your fill-Ins too
Have a ffill-intastic weekend
Thank you for popping by for some laughs and more!
I just walked five miles and came back to your hilarious cartoons. Perfect. I’m ready for life.
WOW, you walked five miles! That’s pAwesome!! For the past couple of weeks I haven’t had a chance to get into the exercise groove. I hope to resume on Monday. I sure do miss using my elliptical. Thanks for stopping in for some laughs!
Those are all so darn cute!
I’m happy that you like them!
If we were to wait for the weather to get cold around here, we would never get to drink hot chocolate. Have a blessed week.
I can drink hot chocolate anytime but I prefer to have it when it gets cooler. Of course, Texas weather is different my East Tennessee climate.
HI, Cathy!
I am here guzzling black coffee and enjoying your Friday Sillies, dear friend! I don’t know which barber shop that man and woman go to, but it is kinda pricey.
The barber shop I go to only charges $12. That’s a spectacular view of the cloud formation over Fort Loudon Lake. Thanks for sharing. I too am celebrating the arrival of October because it brings Floridians one month closer to the end of the oppressive heat and humidity. It’s been a long haul and real relief won’t come until the middle of next month sometime. At least the hurricane season seems to be winding down. I’ll bet DH enjoys those fresh baked cookies you made. You are good to your man! I am happy to learn that DH’s vision improved this week when he started wearing his new glasses and that you like the style of the frame and lens shape on him. I regularly rotate fonts on my blog and use Georgia fairly often, although Arial and Verdana are said to be the most readable. I enjoyed viewing the lyrics of “Let’s Go,” one of my favorites by The Cars. I never paid attention to the words before. I’m one of those people who tunes in to the overall sound and groove of the recording and doesn’t know the all the lyrics to most songs. If you try to look up song lyrics online you find many sites posting incorrect lyrics. It’s atrocious! It’s interesting how Ocasek describes the girl in the song as a “frozen fire.” I never picked up on that before.
Thanks for the Friday morning entertainment, dear friend Cathy. I wish you and DH a safe and happy weekend and I will be back for 4M – Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me. I’m sure the mewsic you offer will be MMMM MMMM good!
WOW, your barber shop is very reasonable! That’s good. Years ago, we switched the Flowbee hair system for cutting our hair and it works great. It’s saved us so much time and money over the years. You know me and lyrics, I misunderstand them most of the time. You peaked my curiosity on these lyrics, so I will go check them out in a sec. DH & I were looking forward to spending the weekend doing something neat but he has to work tomorrow. This is his third weekend straight. Oh well…we’ll eventually get some time together doing something fun. Thanks for popping by for a visit, dear friend!