
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Careless Whisper BoTB

Today’s battle song inspiration is curtesy of DS.  A few months back he shared with me Careless Whisper but it wasn’t George Michael’s original.  I liked the artist and while listening I noticed another cover in the same music genre and I thought why not put them in showdown.  

This battle might be difficult for some of you.  I want you to pick your favorite heavy metal version.  This isn’t my normal cup of tea, musically speaking, but it’s a nice change and both bands are talented.  

Contender #1, Seether, is the band that planted this idea into my brain.
Contender #2, State of Mine, caught my eye while at YT listening to the first band.

Polls close at noon (ET) on Sep. 21st!

That concludes another segment of Battle of the Bands.  Next week, I’ll publish the results of this showdown.  Don’t forget to leave your vote for your favorite artist in comments.

Please check out the other battles underway today. Participants are listed in my side bar beneath the BOTB banner. This is CAAC signing off, have a bandtastic day!  X💋X💋, Cathy

Who did it better, Seether or State of Mine? Leave your vote in comments!

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26 thoughts on “Careless Whisper BoTB

  1. Sending big healing hugs. It’s not easy to see one’s parent cross over to the rainbow. But I hope you will smile knowing he always watches over you cradled in almighty’s loving arms.

    I will go with George Michael’s version any day. Btw do you know there is a documentary called Wham on Netflix. Fun! Do watch, if you can.

    Big bear hugs and loads of love dearest.

  2. I’m a heavy metal fan and I feel State of Mine put more into it than Seether. My vote goes to State of Mine. Blessings to you and your family, Cathy.❤️

  3. Well, this wasn’t near as difficult as I expected 😉 In fact, State of Mind got me reflecting back on my ballet years…but Seether tossed a good amount of passion into their otherwise hardline rendition, so they get my vote.

  4. CAThy! It’s That You Again!

    Yeah, Heavy Metal… when I read those words my mind automatically translates them into “amplified lawnmower at 7:00 AM”.

    But, since this song was performed as a semi-ballad, it wasn’t quite as terrifying and annoying as I expected. Well, actually, yeah the second version by SOM was pretty close to what my mind warned me about. (That singer guy emotes about the same way that I do when I find that Trader Joe’s is out of my favorite ice cream. But at least, for me, it’s about ice cream and not some… girl. 😉

    SEETHER was pretty alright. Ballad-like with some cryin’ guitars.
    I can vote for that, yes –
    Yes, can do
    Said, I can vote for that, yes –
    Yes, can do

    Very nice to see you back in Blogland, my Sister!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Stephen,

      Well, I’m glad you didn’t come out shooting up the place. I shutter to think about any place I shop not having the ice cream I want. It’s really a sad world we live in when one’s comfort foods can’t easily be found. I LOVE ice cream! Pull self out of freezer Oh you got my mind off this battle. Let me put my spoon back. I’ll get to a dish or two or the whole carton later. Thank you for making me laugh a bit with your comment. You’re always so cleverly witty, a personality trait I love to see in others. I secretly wish that I were the same but we all can’t be. Your vote makes number three for SEETHER. Thanks for participating in the fun, my friend!

  5. I’m glad you only had 2 videos this time because this was intense and I don’t think I could stand any more intensity. There came a jolt initially but as I listened, the heavy metal delivery made a lot of sense. Both of these are very good.

    However, under the influence of video, I was able to realize band #2 has a lot of aspects that I like: violin, theatrics, and solid musical arrangement. Number 1 won me over, but that State of Mine sound is the real winner over all. My vote goes to them.


    1. Lee,

      I understand. It’s hard to listen and sometimes vote when there’s more than two contenders. Heavy metal isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It’s not mine but I do enjoy it on occasion depending on the song of course. STATE OF MINE now has five votes! Thanks for playing along, my friend.

  6. I vote for State of Mine. I like that one much better.

    Hope all is well in your world. I think and pray for you often.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      STATE OF MINE has four counts now and ahead!

      My world is slowly getting back to normal. Friday night, our grandson was born becoming my little rainbow after weeks of bad storms. He’s such a precious gift and I’m so blessed. Thank you for asking about and keeping me in your prayers, darlin’! xo

    1. Janet,

      You NEVER listen to heavy metal? How did you decide your vote? lol I’m being silly. I know what you mean. I rarely listen to this genre unless someone shares a song or a tune happens to captures my curiosity. Thanks for playing along. STATE OF MINE takes a third vote!

  7. Definitely difficult, but not for the reason most people would say, since I LOVE hard rock and metal. I enjoyed both versions and had to listen a couple more times. In the end, I think State of Mine captured the emotion of the song a bit more. Please give my vote to them!

    1. Debbie,

      I knew you wouldn’t have any problem with this genre. I’m glad you enjoyed both covers. I’ll put your down for STATE OF MINE, dear friend!

  8. Yes these are not my fav but, I listened all the way, I have to go with the 2nd guy. I just found it more emotive. I’ve been thinking about you and hope you are doing OK. I hope you look at my blog for Wednesday’s posy. I have songs about angels and thought of you.

    1. I’ve always said there was a time and place for all the genres. With everything you are going through, I think heavy metal is a good fit.

      I’m voting for Seether in this battle. I’ve always secretly liked them.

      1. Mary,

        Heavy metal worked better than I expected with this song. It was certainly a surprise when DS shared it with me. A second vote goes to SEETHER!

    2. Birgit,

      Your thoughtfulness is so sweet! I am doing okay. The bright light through this dark time has been the birth of our grandson. New life reminds me of our Creator and the wonderful love He has for us all. The newest family member will certainly get plenty of love from us and the whole family. He’s such a blessing!

      Thanks for clueing me in on your upcoming post. I will watch for it to show up. I have your vote logged for STATE OF MINE, my friend!

  9. Metal’s not exactly my favorite genre, but I do have to say these were both very good. I liked the video State of Mine did, but this one goes to Seether. I liked the way they backed off of all the fuzz and noise on the verses. Very clever idea for a battle!

    My battle will be released at noon Eastern.

    1. John,

      Thanks for letting me know that you had a battle running. My brain is so unplugged these days. Thanks for dropping by to cast the first vote for SEETHER!

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