
17-03-2025 Vol 19

B&W weekend no.1

My paternal grandmother holding my daddy. Photographed about 1939. Linking photo to Flashback Friday

I’m participating in the #IWSG monthly challenge. This week, I gave the group a snippet from a story inspired by my grandma (pictured above).

My last B&W contribution for this weekend’s edition…

A robin redbreast sitting pretty in a tree this past spring. Linking photo to B&W Wednesdays and The Weekend in Black and White

Little Robin Redbreast
By Anonymous

Little Robin Redbreast
    Sat upon a tree;
Up went Pussy-cat,
    Down went he.
Down came Pussy-cat,
    And away Robin ran;
Says little Robin Redbreast
    “Catch me if you can.”
Little Robin Redbreast
    Hopped upon a wall;
Pussy-cat jumped after him,
    And almost got a fall.
Little Robin chirped and sang,
    And what did Pussy say?
Pussy-cat said “Mew,”
    and Robin flew away.

Source: The Golden Book of Poetry (1947)


Please check out Daily Blog Hops for more weekend photography memes to link and share. Have a fototastic day!



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5 thoughts on “B&W weekend no.1

  1. Oh now, that is awesome. I have Flashback Friday with recipes and friends. Won’t you share your flashback by me too? That is wonderful. I love pictures like that. Ohhhhh if they could only talk (the pics I mean). hehehe Love it & thanks for sharing. I have a poem my dad taught me that he had to recite in front of his class & he just never forgot it. “I had a wind up engine it ran around the floor. Daddy played, and played with it and then he played some more. This year I’ll get him a gift, a engine of his own so he can play with his toys & leave mine alone.” Hehehehe I thought it was cute. Yours reminded me of that one. Have a great weekend.

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