I’m taking the day off from Blogosphere since it’s a holiday to spend with DH. I imagine most of y’all are just taking it easy today either recovering from a late night doing whatever you do to bring in a new year anyhow. In my first battle of this brand new year, I’m using ‘Brand New Day‘ by Van Morrison. This was a new song discovery. Wiki shares Morrison’s inspiration behind the words.
“Brand New Day” expressed a lot of hope. I was in Boston and having a hard job getting myself up spiritually…Then one day this song came on the FM station and it had this particular feeling and this particular groove and it was totally fresh. It seemed to me like things were making sense….I didn’t know who the hell the artist was. It turned out to be The Band. I looked up at the sky and the sun started to shine and all of a sudden the song just came through my head. I started to write it down, right from “When all the dark clouds roll away”….
Now moving on to my cover artist contenders. Honestly, there weren’t too many to choose from but of those I listened to, I found these two new-to-me artists to suit my mewsical preference best. Allow me to introduce the first contestant to you, Frank Shiner. I enjoyed reading a bit about Frank in this article. It’s beautiful learning of the struggles of others in reaching dreams swept under the rug. His vocals were an instant magnet to my ears and hopefully, you’ll find his mewsic style pleasing as well. Please give a listen to Shiner!
Next up is contestant number two, an Italian rock singer/songwriter, Graziano Romani and unlike artist #1, Romani has a less than polished sound which works quite well not only with Morrison’s song but to my ear. Might I ask you to give your attention to Graziano!
Who gets your vote, Frank or Graziano?
BoTB 3-step system:
- You VOTE. Leave your FAVORITE pick in comments. Everyone is welcome to vote. There is no wrong vote, except if you DON’T vote.
- Be interactive. Tell me why you like your favorite pick. (optional)
- Make me happy. Tell a friend, share the below tweet. (optional)
In my side menu beneath the BOTB banner, you’ll find more awesome battles underway. Feel free to join the fun!
Polls close at noon (EST) on Monday, January 7th!
You can find out how I voted in this round and to see if your favorite artist is named winner next week this time.
DID YOU VOTE? No! Okay, but if you leave WITHOUT voting, I won’t be held responsible for what happens to your computer. Just saying is all. 
, Cathy

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Oooh, girl! Great minds think alike! Brand New Day is a perfect song to start the new year. But before I vote, let me take a minute to wish you the happiest of new years and every blessing to you and your family. I hope it’s a wonderful year for you all.
Once again, I’m stopping and a blog that’s posting too great songs. Had the same problem over it Stephen’s blog. I’m like I’m both!
Graziano’s version really reminded me of Bob Seeger in his “Night Moves” mode. Not a bad 5th hing, by thg he way…I think I have to use more Seeger (spoiler alert).
But Frank Shiner gets my vote for his mellow, bluesy delivery. N I C E….
Thanks, Cathy!!
I just now saw that you voted. Gee, I really made a mess of things with reporting this showdown accurately and had to fix that also this morning. I’m so glad you not only got a chance to stop by but that I did see it! Your vote gave Frank the win!
I’m slow to the party, Cathy! If I get two days to sit at the desktop and actual pay attention, I’m lucky – but it will get better soon. I feel like the low man on the Battle totem pole, creativity-wise!
I hear ya, girl! I generally spend too much time in front of the computer but for the past few months, it’s been rushed time spent. I prefer to not sit so much but do other active things. That’s one thing I want to make sure to do more of this year. Your battles are always creative. Your personality shines through and I enjoy each one. I’m glad you got a chance to stop in!
Happy New Year, Cathy!
This song is new to me, so thanks for the introduction. Graziano’s rough-timbered voice struck a chord with me a lot more than Frank’s smoother tones. Figures, I’d go with the Italian, eh? 
Yeah, that’s pretty cool that Graziano captured your ear. Thanks for swinging by to vote!
I like Graziano’s voice better so I choose him. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year! XO
Many happy returns to you for the new year, my friend! Thanks for letting me know you prefer Graziano in my new battle. Have a blessed week!
CATHY, it’s that me, STMcC.
First of all, a blessed 2019 to you and your man! I hope it’s a great year for ya.
Hokey-Smoke! What a great song to use in BOTB on a January 1st! I mean, I think it’s a great song to begin with, but to begin the New Year’s BOTBing with it? Now THAT’S brilliant!
I know this song so well. It’s from Van’s ‘Moondance’ album, which I have always owned in one format or another. And I have always loved this song! I have a distinct memory of listening to it through my Walkman headphones while riding on the Venice Beach bike path one morning. This tune is very meaningful to me. In fact, on my recent road trip with my brother, Nappy, I kept saying “It’s a new day”, and it was THIS song I had in my mind every time I said that. (As you can probably tell, I feel very hopeful about 2019 – and it’s uncharacteristic of me to feel strong hope about any new year.)
Heck, Van Morrison is unquestionably one of the very greatest songwriters in the history of Rock music, and you just now inspired me to put on my ‘Moondance’ CD which, idiotically, I have not listened to in awhile.
Please give my vote to Mr. FRANK SHINER. The other guy’s gravelly voice didn’t appeal to me that much, and as John remarked, “Frank Shiner is a little more Van Morrison-esque”.
Yak later, Cathy!
~ D-FensDogG @ STMcC Presents ‘BATTLE OF THE BANDS’
Thank you for the warm wishes for a blessed 2019! I hope the year is a good one for you, too. I’m delighted you’re feeling optimistic going into a brand new year. I’m feeling a bit more charged than usual, too. I mean, I’m ready for some wonderful things to come this way. Not that my life is horrible but you know how things can get at times with this and that being thrown at ya. I’m glad that I picked a song that’s especially meaningful for you. That’s always a cool thing when I strick a sweet spot in someone’s memories with mewsic. I have ya down for Frank Shiner. I guess his Van Morrison-esque is the reason he’s stealing the show.
Happy New Year and wishing you all the best! I was up with my hubby..I was surprised he stayed up, and we were watching tv. We went to bed around 12:30 and I slept and slept and I feel a little better today but still quite shaky. This is a great song and I give my vote to Graciano because I love his voice. It just seemed more earthy but Frank is also quite good but my heart goes to the Italian. All the best!
That’s cool that your hubby stayed up with you to see the new year in. There’s a first time for everything, right? lol I’m glad you’re doing some better. Do you have the flu? Saying prayers you’re well again soon, my dear. Thank you for taking the time to vote for Graciano! Happy New Year, my friend!
Graziano’s gravelly voice had me from the start, it reminds me of Satchmo and others like him, and i am very partial to it!
We went to our favorite sports bar and left right after the midnight hour. This morning we’ve been busy cleaning and watching football. Both artisits do a good job on the song and I am giving my vote to Frank Shiner. Have a fantastic year, Cathy!
We didn’t stay up long past midnight. I think we got in bed around 12:30 to 12:45 and we slept in a bit getting up around 9:30. The day was spent quietly around the house watching the Rose Parade, followed by the bowl game. Thanks for voting for Frank Shiner in 2019 BoTB Round 1!
They both do the song justice, but Frank Shiner is a little more Van Morrison-esque, so he gets my vote. Happy New Year!
Whew, everyone seems to have taken a shiner to Frank Shiner.
Happy New Years to you, too!
My vote is for Frank.
May you and yours have a very happy and healthy New Year. Love you. ♥
Happy New Year, Sandee!
I have your vote recorded for Frank Shiner. Thanks for stopping by with warm wishes for the new year. Love you back, my friend
May we have a wonderful 2019 together.
Happy New Year to you filled with ‘song.’
Ahh, thanks! I hope your new year is chockful of good blessings!
I was up bright and early this New Year’s morn. That’s partly the result of having gone to bed at 9:30 and partly because I’m always up early. We had a great New Year’s Eve and we look forward to a peaceful pleasant day at home today.
I don’t remember this song, but since I have most of Morrison’s albums, I’ve probably heard it somewhere along the way.
Both versions are good, but at this moment I’m preferring the laid back sound of Frank Shiner.
Have a fantastic year ahead!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
We went to bed after midnight. It was nice to watch the ball drop in Time Square and then we finished the movie we’d started, ‘Transsiberian‘ on Amazon Prime with Woody Harrelson, Emily Mortimer, Eduardo Noriega, Kate Mara, & Ben Kingsley. The only stars I knew by name are Woody, Kate, & Ben. It was a decent enough film. Thanks for dropping by to cast your for Frank Shiner!
Here’s to fun tunes! Happy New Year from all of us!
Happy New Year to you, Brian! I just noticed your email address. I know that Brian is your kitty’s name but I was at a loss as to how to address my responses/comments. Would you rather I keep using Brian or what I suspect is your real name?
It’s your call. I know some people rather not use their names in Blogosphere. Have a blessed day, my friend and a furtastic new year!
Brian is fine, he is the main cat at Brian’s Home, but the typist is Dad Terry but he has been known to answer to Brian as well, especially when he attends a pet blogger event
Hi, Cathy!
Happy new year, dear friend! What better way to begin 2019 than with a band battle?
The thing I like most about Van Morrison’s original recording of “Brand New Day” is the soulful sweetening provided by the gospel drenched backing singers Jackie Verdell, Judy Clay and Cissy Houston. Jackie was a Philadelphia gospel singer. Judy Clay and Cissy Houston (Whitney Houston’s mother) were members of the famous Drinkard Sisters (later known as The Sweet Inspirations), an act that also included Dionne Warwick and sister Dee Dee Warwick.
Frank Shiner is from my neck of the woods, Wilkes-Barre, PA, and he sings well. His vocal on “Brand New Day” sounded similar to Van’s original, but it struck me as a country style recording. Female backing vocalists were used in the session, but they lack the depth of soul achieved by Verdell, Clay and Houston on the original.
Graziano Romani, founder of the Italian rock band The Rocking Chairs, does not use female background singers, which I think would have been a nice touch, but I prefer his gravel voice and the country rock style arrangement on his version. Both covers fall short of the original but both are good. It’s a tough decision but, overall, I found more to like on Romani’s recording. Give my vote to Graziano Romani!
I wish you and your family many blessings in 2019, dear friend Cathy. Have a tunetastic first week!
You always share something new in comments about my post. I like learning tidbits you pass to me. Naturally, I knew of this about Van Morrison’s backup singers. I do know the name Cissy Houston but I can’t recall if I knew that she was also in the mewsic industry. Thanks for joining in for BoTB Round 1 by giving your vote to Graziano Romani. Have a great new week in the new year, my friend!
Happy New Year, Cathy!
My ears have taken a ‘shining’ to Frank’s rendition of this song.
Here’s to a Happy, Healthy, and Successful 2019!
You were the first to vote in my first battle of the new year. I have you down for Frank Shiner! I wish you well in throughout the new year, too!