
13-03-2025 Vol 19

#BoTB Round 15 ‘Piece of My Heart’ showdown

Buckle up, kiddies coz this is gonna be a long ride! I have jammed a lot of content in one post mewsic, sky views, fill-ins, and giggles galore!   I can’t believe it’s mid-month already, can you? Thanksgiving is now less than 2-weeks away. Phew, time zips! 

November 1st battle results…

Okay, it’s time to fill in how my last battle went in the ‘Piece of My Heart’ showdown between two hard rock bands – Lionsheart and Nazareth. The showdown initally was lopsided with Nazareth taking all the votes then Lionsheart evened out but never got ahead making Nazareth today’s champ taking twice the number of votes for a 10 to 5 win. To refresh your memory, let me recap how everyone voted. Lionsheart took Lee, Eugenia, Michael T, Donna, & Debbie’s ballots. Tom, Sandee, Mary, John, Stephen, Brian, Mimi, Amy,  Birgit, & Mike Spain’s ballots went to Nazareth

Now to sample perhaps the best known song by today’s winner – NAZARETH ‘Hair of the Dog’!

Mid-month showdown begins now…

Okay moving right along to my battle this morning.  I betcha thought I goofed on the post title but I didn’t. There are more bands I wanted to feature covering Franklin’s hit than I could squeeze into one post without someone having a seizure, so I’m breaking it down into another edition using the same song, ‘Piece of My Heart’.  

In this battle, it’s sorta like a dueling duet cover showdown.

The first dueling duet is Eddie Floyd & Mavis Staples. I’m not good with names in the mewsic industry but ya know I’ve done a whole lot of listening over the years.  Thanks the Internet researching celebrities is easy breezy.  Floyd is a well-known singer/songwriter.  I recognized his #1 hit, Knock on Wood, right off.  Believe it or not, I knew who Staples is as I recognized her from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation theme song. The R&B and gospel singer is also actress which I didn’t know. Anywho, I stumbled on Floyd & Staples cover on the 1969 R&B album, Boy Meets Girl.

The second dueling duet is none other than Steven Tyler of Aerosmith with The Loving Mary Band.  Last year I featured Tyler’s single with the same name as his album, We’re All  Somebody from Somewhere (full album).  What I didn’t know or just didn’t pay any attention to is his backing band on that album and on his first solo tour in 2016 is The Loving Mary Band.  

Who gets your vote, Eddie Floyd & Mavis Staples or Steve Tyler with The Loving Mary Band?

Remember there is no wrong vote, except a no vote. You don’t have to know the song or the artists, just pick the band that sounds the best to you. 😉

[tweetthis]I just voted in the ‘Round 15 #BoTB ‘Piece of My Heart’ showdown & you’re invited to play along. #coverbands[/tweetthis]

You’ll find more awesome battles underway listed in my side bar beneath my BOTB banner.

Polls close noon (EST) on the Nov. 21st!

Mark your calendar for December 1st to learn how this showdown went and be prepared to cast your vote in a new battle!

Skywatch Friday with two views of the morning sky within 24 hours of each other. What a difference the weather can make, huh?

This past Monday morning we had a gorgeous East Tennessee sunrise. Our temps reached the low 60s. I’d say not bad for mid-November, wouldn’t you?


24-hours later, this is how our East Tennessee morning sky looked – SNOW!! Our temperatures plummet throughout the day into the teens that night. Brrr, it feels like winter!

Rounding things out with some Friendly Fill-ins with Ellen & Lorraine

1. I have been busy working on my menu for the holidays. Yep, I meant to that to be in the pular form because I like to fix enough of some of my items to have for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It saves time and money.

2. Have you intricate a snowflake appears to the eyeI’m sure you have and yet it still marvels me to this day.

3. I always get in the Christmas feeling this time of year. Not that I ever completely get out of the Christmas feeling but it gets a new charge. 

4. The world could use more kind, loving people because if we had enough then maybe hatred wouldn’t be such a problem and people wouldn’t be so divided. 

Earlier in the week I made the discovery that Lydia from Where the Wild Things Were is hosting each week a Xmas Themed linky party that’ll run until the end of the year and will try my darnest to join the fun by sharing Christmas related posts from my archives.  Get inspired, join the fun! 

To celebrate the first snow of the season I couldn’t resist this humorous comparison….

Earlier in the week I saw my ENT. Everything went well. Right ear tube still in place, left ear (tube fell out about 6-months ago) looks good will continue to monitor both. This comic made me grin.  I’m so thankful DH doesn’t feel this way about me. 🙂

That’s it for now, but consider yourself inivted to the greatest dance party in Blogosphere with your choice song picks on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday.  Keep warm, folks it’s a cold weekend!


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39 thoughts on “#BoTB Round 15 ‘Piece of My Heart’ showdown

  1. No snow here in Japan. We just get crazy winds here. I wish they would stop as I felt being blown over today with the high winds.

    My pick is Eddie Floyd & Mavis Staples’s version. I like Mavis (that is the female, right) voice as it is super powerful. I love gospel voices as they are powerful and so great! Steve’s version is great but Eddie Floyd & Mavis Staples knock it out the park.

    1. Amy,

      I hate the wind especially once the temperatures get cooler. That’s just not fun!

      Yes, Mavis is the gal. Have you seen Christmas Vacation? She’s the one who sings the theme song for the movie. It’s a great film if you haven’t seen it before. It’s a tradition at our house to watch it at least once every Christmas. 🙂 Thanks for voting for Eddie & Mavis. Have a good day, my friend!

  2. I’m just like you and always try to conserve ingredients and time by preparing the same foods for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I sure am looking forward to both holidays, but I’m especially ready for Christmas. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins!

    1. Lorraine,

      I’m trying to not think Christmas thoughts. I like keeping holidays separate but it gets really hard as Thanksgiving gets closer. Of course, I’m terribly guilty of having our Christmas tree up for Thanksgiving but in my self-defense, it’s so it’ll make December easier. 🙂

  3. Hi Cathy 🙂 Great funnies…they made me smile today especially the north/south one. Toronto, Ontario still can live it down that the army was called in one year when there was an inch of snow falling lol. I’m glad to hear your doc appointment went okay. You have tinnitus my friend? The skywatch photos are wonderful, yes, one day can make such a huge difference in the weather can’t it? I have my Christmas menu planning on my mind too! It’ll get here quicker than you know it!!! 🙂

    1. Rain,

      Ooo, now that’s funny that the army was called in for that massive NOT snowfall in Toronto. That’s really bizarre! lol I have not been diagnosed with tinnitus but I do have some ringing in the ears. It’s a frequent thing, though. My ear problems relate to unequal pressure in my ears due to small eustachian tubes and damaged (hearing loss) in both ears from childhood ear infections. The tubes were put in place to keep further damage to my ears which would destroy what hearing I have. It’s a bit frightening but if the tubes keep me from losing my hearing then I’ll be a happy girl.

  4. Hey Cathy! Do you remember Atlanta’s 2014 Snowmageddon? I am glad I wasn’t commuting back then. Fun post with lots of stuff happening! Steven Tyler & The Loving Mary Band gets my vote!

    1. Eugenia,

      I think I remember Atlanta’s 2014 Snowmageddon. I went to Google to refresh my memory. After reading the details on one of y’alls local TV stations, I was reminded the first time I got strained on the interstate due to ice hitting our area. I was in college at the time and there were hundreds, more like thousands, of cars abandoned on the interstate. The woman I was going home with was one who had to do just that and I wound up calling DH to come get us. He strapped the tires on our little 1978 Ford Fiesta and he came to our rescue. That was one miserable night. I was so glad to finally get home. Thanks for voting for Steven Tyler & the Loving Mary Band.

  5. Definitely Steven Tyler. 🙂 Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I completely agree on #4. And I am meni planning too. I should make a lot to cover both meals like you do. Have a nice weekend! XO

  6. Those jokes at the end were great! Yep, we drink in the snow but it’s getting more like the south. Five inches of snow and the tunnel closes down. We still haven’t had any snow this month.

    1. Cathy,

      Refresh my memory again, where do you live? I gather someplace north but I can’t recall. Not to worry I’m sure the snow will find its way there soon enough.

  7. I always feel better just for. coming here to see you! I wish I could send you a bit more snow lol,, we are buried in it !

    1. Laurie,

      Ahh, that makes me feel good reading that you feel better when you visit my site. Oh, that’s okay you don’t need to go to any trouble sending snow this way. I’m happy with out it. lol

  8. You know that feeling that something just doesn’t seem to fit? That’s how I felt listening to Steven Tyler try “Piece of my Heart.” Eddie Floyd and Mavis Staples sound good anyway, but even better in comparison to Steven. They get my vote.

    1. John,

      Yes, I know precisely what you’re talking about. I didn’t get that with Steve & LMB, though. I have ya down for Eddie & Mavis, my friend.

  9. Howdy, CATHY!

    I thought all the cartoons you included were funny! Good stuffs!

    And, yes, I did think you had goofed when I saw the title of your BOTB blog bit in my sidebar. But, nice decision to do a Round 2. Maybe you should do a Round 3 and put the two winners from 1 and 2 up against each other(?)

    Easy decision for me here. I really like Mavis – pretty much anything she sings – and I think the rendition by EDDIE & MAVIS may be my favorite take on this song. I’d never heard it before, so thanks for the introduction.

    Just those pictures of drivers in the snowy North and the snowy South nearly made my stomach churn. I am NOT looking forward to becoming one of them in the coming months!

    ~ Stephen
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation

    1. Stephen,

      The idea of putting together a third battle between the two winners crossed my mind. I may see if I can work that in next month. I already have a battle scheduled but I might consider pushing it to another time slot. We’ll see. I marked your ballot for Eddie & Mavis giving them a vote lead.

  10. I am going with Eddie and Mavis who were great as Steven Tyler grated on my nerves. I am glad you are well and laughed at your pictures especially the one of the South:) I go to the Jim each morning too…a coupe of times! I have burned many calories as this manner. The last one is funny and reminds me of the Herman comics. I have been going crazy at work but still get a nice Christmas feeling when I look out the window and see snow, even if it’s the parking lot. have you seen the snow when it glitters like diamond dust? it is so pretty. I always get into the Christmas feeling too especially when it snows. I think the world would be a better place if we take what the film It’s A Wonderful Life teaches us and remember that no man is a failure if he has friends.

    1. Birgit,

      This battle is turning out interesting to see how everyone goes choosing their favorite duet team. Both have their good and bad points but overall I enjoyed each cover song with the artists’ personalities shining through. Thanks for voting for Eddie & Mavis and I’m glad you liked the sillies.

  11. I don’t much envy your weather. Here in L.A. things have cooled down, but we’re still hovering around 80 in the daytime and nights don’t go below 50–not yet at least.

    In your Battle I’m going to have to go with Floyd and Staples–easy decision for me. I’m not a big fan of scream/sing or vocal histrionics so that duo not only outdoes Steven Tyler et al but Joplin as well. I like singing and not shouting.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      I wouldn’t like the daytime highs that you’re having but I wouldn’t mind at all those nightly lows. 🙂 I can take some screaming/shouting in a song. It just depends on how it’s done. I liked Steve’s cover quite a bit but I’m unsure between the contenders I like the best. I have you down for Floyd & Staples. In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with either!

  12. Glad I was on the right side of last weeks picks.

    Okay, I love both of these, but I’m going with Steve Tyler. Again because it’s what I remember from back in the day.

    Love your fill-ins and especially that last one. I agree.

    It’s still pretty warm here in the afternoons. In the 70s. Monday it will be 75 degrees.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Big hug. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I have you down for Steve Tyler in this round. WOW, y’all are still having some warm temps! Today, our forecast is saying 59º and we have plenty of sunshine. That’ll feel great but once the sun goes down it’ll cool off fast. Late fall weather finally arrived here. There were times last week when it felt more like winter, especially at night with temps below freezing. That I can live without. 🙂

  13. HI Cathy; I’m not surprised Nazareth won, even though I preferred the Lionsheart rendition. As for your new battle here, first let me say, Janis Joplin’s recording is the definitive version, in my opinion. Eddie and Mavis set my teeth on edge (not a good thing LOL), but Steven Tyler? All I can say is WOW! What a fantastic performance all around. 👏👏👏💖 Please give my vote to him and the Loving Mary Band.

    I’m SO surprised you had snow, too! 😮 We were also hit, and it’s way too early for us, so I can imagine how shocking it must have been in Tennessee! Beautiful photos, both. 👌

    Your #4 fill-in is spot on! If only!

    I’m glad to read that your check up went well. Here’s hoping you’ll remain in the pink of health for a long time!

    Love the funnies! We had pizza for dinner last night, but went to the Jim this morning. 😀

    TGIF and happy weekend!

    1. Debbie,

      I’m glad that you liked Steven Tyler & LMB. That cover was an interesting little gem to discover. The earliest I recall seeing snow in our area is Halloween. I remember this because our kids were small and we drove across town to take them to DH’s brother’s house to trick or treat. That was an annual event for them for years and they loved it! It was so cold and windy, not the kind of weather you wanted to be out in walking around the neighborhood that’s for sure. 🙂 The snow was brief this time but it was the wet kind and if had kept it up then we would’ve had a nice one. I think we got about half an inch, maybe an inch of snow. It’s all gone now. I’m glad you enjoyed the funnies. Thanks for sharing the laughs with me. 😉

  14. Hi, Cathy!

    I can tell I’m getting old because I forgot that today is the 15th of the month and therefore Band Battle day. I checked earlier and didn’t find a post from you and figured you were skipping Friday Sillies. I am pleased to see everything wrapped into a single post.

    For what I believe is the third BOTB in a row, I wound up on the winning side as a member of Team Naz. Thanks for reporting the final tally. I am delighted that you like the song “Piece Of My Heart” enough to present two more versions in today’s battle. I like Eddie Floyd, The Staple Singers and the Stax/Volt studio musicians, but I did not care for this particular rendition of “Piece Of My Heart.” It was too loosely structured, like a rehearsal. There were too many ad libs by Eddie when Mavis was singing her part and by Mavis when Eddie was singing. It became distracting. By far the better performance of the song was Aerosmith rocker Steven’s solo backed by The Loving Mary Band, a sensational group of singers and musicians who describe their style as “intricate vocal harmonies combined with country flair and rock swagger.” They backed Steve without interfering with his lead vocal and together their live performance is one of the most exciting I ever witnessed. They killed it. I was smiling the whole way through. I give my vote to Steven Tyler & The Loving Mary Band!

    I appreciate your Skywatch pictures, the first one showing red and purple clouds, and the second a bluish tinted snowscape. I’m with you on the Fill-in about spreading kindness and love. We must. It’s the only way out of this mess our country is in. I like the Silly with the old lady boasting that she goes to the Jim every morning and the one about burning 1200 calories. 🙂 It reminds me of the old joke in which the woman says, I lost 200 pounds of ugly fat – I divorced my husband.

    Your ears are coming along and my eye is coming along. Thanks for the update. I wish you all the best with your ear tubes so that you can continue to enjoy your mewsic and mine.

    Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      You’re not getting old, you just have a lot on your mind. I’m trying to get my posts set up to go live at 6am with the exception of my 4M on Sunday which I still have set for midnight. Maybe, I should consider moving my Sunday post to the same time. I’ll have to think about that.

      I’m glad you enjoyed Steven Tyler & The Loving Mary Band cover. I really like it, too.

      The weather started off fantastic at the start of the week but quickly went downhill within 24hrs. I’m glad I got those two sky views to share today to show the difference. Contrasting but beautiful. The cold temps I can do without, though. Those Maxine comics are hilarious sometimes. The old joke about the woman losing 200 pounds of ugly fat cracked me up.

      I am very happy that you and I both got good news this week. We’re indeed blessed.

      Thanks for joining me today and have a good weekend, dear friend Tom!

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