
13-03-2025 Vol 19

#BoTB Results, Giggles, & Fill-ins

Last week, I hosted my 2019 BoTB Round 4 America VS Captain & Tennille in the “Muskrat Love” Showdown.

I decided from here on to not factor in my favorite artist in the contest.  I might hint who I prefer but I won’t add my pick to the tally.  Now that I have that out of the way, let me say researching any song always proves interesting but the tidbits regarding the original title and that rock band America covered this 70s song came as surprised to most of y’all.  I was sure I was the only one who didn’t know. That was a good feeling to not be the only one in the dark this time. 🙂  In the beginning, it seemed everyone voted for America but then the Captain and Toni began gathering momentum finally pulling ahead to win the showdown 10-7!

🎉 Congratulations to the late Daryl ‘Captain’ Dragon  & Toni Tennille 👏

My next battle is scheduled for March 1st. Mark, your calendar to help pick the next winner in Battle of the Bands!

Daryl & Toni scored 14 Top 100 US hits in their career time and while I know many of you this isn’t your cup of tea, I couldn’t resist.  Feel free to ignore and resume with the humor but if you like Captain and Tennille, then hit play and check out the link above to see how each song charted.


Moving on for those less than enthusiast Captain & Tennille fans with a bit of humor to cleanse your brain or not.

Good luck with that, Bud!
This is exactly how I feel, how about you?
You gotta love it!
This is me about two dozen times each day.


I’m rounding things out with these Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by the lovely, Ellen and Lorraine. How about a little feline humor for you cat lovers. You know who you are! 

The same thing works on small people. Our kids loved playing in boxes! If only I knew before hand, I could’ve saved a lot of money. Grocery stores will give you boxes for free!
1. I believe all things are possible with God.  When we see impossible, He says, “I’m possible” and that’s all I need to know.
2. I need to go Marie Kondo* on my entire house. Seriously, there’s not a spot in my home that couldn’t use a little or a whole lot of decluttering. That’s the problem of living in a place too small beside the obvious of having a packrat under the roof. Okay, one packrat and one packcat.
3. It does no good to worry about things that are out of your control unless you like high blood pressure, gray hair, wrinkles, ulcers, and a lot more health problems.  
4. I find life to be a walk in the park. Generally speaking, because my life is good and I am fairly blessed despite any difficulties hanging overhead. That’s where worrying doesn’t do any good and I have to turn it all over to God. 


Schools in our area have canceled class off and on for a couple of weeks because of illness.  This week this parody showed up in my FB feed and I thought it was purrfect.  That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor with your choice song picks on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me.

Have a good weekend!

X💋X💋, Cathy

More Friday linkups…

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31 thoughts on “#BoTB Results, Giggles, & Fill-ins

  1. Thank you for the laughs and giggles! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I’m sorry I’m so late to comment, but your fill-ins certainly are wonderful. You answered #1 beautifully, and I thoroughly agree with that sentiment. Have a wonderful day!

  2. I love Captain and Tennille. A friend of mine who is doing good by getting rid of 25 things a week gave me Kondo’s book. I’ve got a loooong ways to go. Love the funnies … especially “I walked into this room for a reason”. Sometimes I walk into a room two or three times before I finally pick up what I go there for the first time, lol.

    1. Mary,

      Excellent idea from Kondo’s book. I should implement that into my week but honestly, it’s so hard to maneuver the stuff we have. I’ll just wait until it’s moving time. Yeah, it’ll be a big headache but one I’ll just try to be happy over in spite of it all.

  3. I need to go Marie Kondo on my clothes. I’m realizing this more and more as temps warm back up. We moved from Beijing, keeping some cold weather clothes against the unknown. New expat friends in the summer assured me that winters get cold enough we might want a space heater! The coldest we got, I wore pants. I didn’t even break out a long-sleeve top! (although I did wear a jacket while on the motorbike, cuz wind) Granted, it’s only one winter, and the previous winter was drastically worse, by all accounts, but still. I first need to find out if there’s anyplace here that accepts clothing donations, and then I can thin out my wardrobe. Gotta make room for more shorts!

    1. Red,

      It’s always good to keep a little of everything in your closet just for those unpredictable times. Years ago a friend got rid of her heavy coat because she was moving to California but it turned out she needed it. lol I’m looking forward to the return of warmer weather. 🙂

    1. Christopher,

      While nearly half of those who voted in this BoTB went with America, the majority preferred C&T’s ‘Muskrat Love’ cover. I don’t think my readership (very loyal fan base I might say) would’ve not suffered because of this one song. My blogger buds are the greatest! 🙂 Thanks for stopping in for a visit.

  4. Yep, I’m another one of those people who are much younger than other people their age. In fact, people my age are like 20 years older than I am. :o)

    I’m kind of surprised that America didn’t win this. But then again, The Captain & Tennille were the ones who had a big hit with ‘Muskrat Love’, and hits rarely lose in BOTB contests.

    See ya on March 1st, CATHY!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Stephen,

      I was surprised America didn’t win, too. That’s interesting to know that C&T rarely lose in BoTB. I didn’t know that. I like their ‘Muskrat Love’ cover only slightly better than America’s. I wish I had someone other than C&T to compete against them. That might have proven interesting.

  5. I am shocked… stunned… flabbergasted… How could this happen?

    Maybe it was the sympathy vote on behalf of Daryl Dragon, because he passed. I don’t know.

    1. Mimi,

      DH & I are staying home. We’re having flash flooding in the city with more than 90 streets closed. Tonight, we’re expecting gusty winds which might cause trees to topple with the ground being saturated. This makes me very happy that we had all of the pine trees on our property removed several years ago. They have a horrible root system. Let’s just hope if trees come down that power is quickly restored but flooded streets might make it difficult for KUB to work. It’s quite scary but we’re in a good place with our home elevated. That’s the one thing I like about this property, we’re on a little incline.

  6. Glad the Captain and Tenille won:) I love the sillies especially the cats and my ex would love that pun! he is the Pun King and one can hear the many groans from everyone around him. Take your time with the de-cluttering..well, as much time as you can do. I will go through one room and just pick up 2 tings and put them aside to bring to the Salvation Army. You know, we are truly blessed especially when we hear such horrible news. A family from Syria, living in Nova Scotia, had a bad house fire and the mother lost all 7 of her children and her husband is in serious condition. They ranged in age from 4 months to 14 years. Apparently, she keeps asking for her children. So far, I have not heard the cause of the fire but I really don’t know how this woman will ever adjust to this devastation. Yesterday I had a lovely lady in my office who looked wonderful but she suffered an aortic aneurism and survived much to the doctors’ amazement. She was clinically dead for 6 1/2 minutes so she has suffered memory issues as a result. She told me of the other issues she had and that, once she is a bit stronger, they need to open her one side completely to fix things further. It is genetic but, thankfully, her 3 kids don’t have this. She already lost 2 brothers to this, one as young as 16. She has been told she only has, tops 5 years left. She has Student Loans owing so i gave her information in the hopes they will be forgiven due to the severe disability she has. When i hear of such horrible news, I realize how blessed I am to have what i have and I cherish it even more.

  7. I chose the Captain and Tenille 🙂 Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. I said my clothes need Marie Kondo, but honestly our house could use a full declutter too. I had the same answer for #3 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful weekend! XO

    1. Ellen,

      I need to go through my clothing but I’m certain most I’d keep. There are some dresses that don’t fit properly but am hopeful of changing that soon. They are just too pretty and irreplaceable. That’s why I hang onto them. 🙂

  8. Hi Cathy; As one of those Capt. and Tennille “non-fans”, I’m truly surprised they won! To keep an open mind, I did go through the playlist and have to say, songs 11, 12 and 13 were better than I expected. Really good, in fact. 🙂 And Toni Tennille does have a beautiful tone to her voice. Light-hearted pop music will never be a favourite genre, but, I do recognize talent, regardless.

    “People my age are so much older than me.” Got that right! And often, I apply this to people who are younger than me, too. 😀 Think young, act young, be young is my motto, Yours too, right, Cathy?

    We are packrats, so decluttering is always on the agenda, around here. It’s hard to get in the proper mood, though.

    Thanks for the Friday Sillies smiles! Have a good weekend.

    1. Debbie,

      Honestly, I thought America would win this one, too. They came out of the gate strong staying in the lead a long time but then as we know how these things can go C&T fans quickly gained in numbers. Of course, some of those who went with C&T said they liked America’s cover but because they grew up listening to C&T went that way. I wish I could’ve found someone other than Daryl & Toni to go against America just to see how things played out. 🙂

      There are people a lot younger than me who not only act but look older than me. I wonder if it’s from hard living or bad health making these individuals age before their time.

      Decluttering does take a certain mindset. We’re more open to it now than we were 10 years ago but still, there are many things that are just hard to lose. As I said before I’m confident when it comes time to move we’ll make the right call to take or ditch items. It’s so easy to fill up space fast, knowing this we don’t want to soon find ourselves in the same cramped situation like we are now. 🙂

  9. Funny video on flu – i saw the signs, lol.. Enjoyed your post – and yes instead of worrying – give it up to God – that always works for me. Captain and Tenille – i read recently of his passing.

    1. Sandy,

      I was a saddened to learn of Daryl Dragon’s passing in January. I hadn’t realized until I read the mews clip that he and Toni divorced years ago but she was there in his final hours. Thanks for dropping in today!

  10. Congratulations to the Captain and Tenille and God bless America!

    I’m totally with you on that age comparison thing. I’m often shocked how much older other people my age seem to be, but then I’m biased and still see the younger me in the mirror and think him in my mind.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  11. I love your fill-ins. I love your sense of humor. I love that you have a wonderful relationship with God. You’re just a delight.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug and lots of love. ♥

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Friday Fun Stuff day, dear friend! I’m sipping Starbucks and happy to be waking up with you.

    I have been on a losing streak with your band battles. I think I have been on the losing team the last three BOTB’s in a row. There must be more pop lovers than rock band lovers in your circle.

    I love your Friday Sillies memes and cartoons, Cathy. You and I both can relate to the one that states: “People my age are so much older than me.” There are also many people younger than me who already seem older than me. Never give in to aging, I always say, and thinking young is half the battle won. The expressions on those two dogs’ faces are perfect to make that two-part pun work. “How to distract an Egyptian God” was very clever. It’s true about young children, too. When I was young we played inside the cartons refrigerators and other large appliances came in. By using our imagination, something kids today aren’t required to do as much, we turned everyday items found around the house into no tech toys and had hours of fun. I owned a few types of balls – a basketball, a softball, a baseball and a “super ball” made of compressed rubber that enabled it to bounce higher than an ordinary ball. Those were the only toys I ever needed to be happy.

    If you’re planning to organize and declutter your house, chunk the task down and do one room at a time. As you finish each room you will build momentum and feel more like seeing the entire project through to completion. I’m sorry to learn that schools in your vicinity have canceled classes due to outbreaks of illness. Is it influenza? You know you are getting older when you encounter parodies of songs you never heard of. Such is the case here, but nevertheless I enjoyed the song and video.

    Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      The year I was pregnant with DS, we bought an Ethan Allen dining room table. The chairs were delivered in boxes which we turned into a playhouse for the girl. They absolutely loved it, too. It took up a good portion of our dining room but we kept it up for as long as possible and it killed them (and me) to get rid of it. I also remember my mother-in-law turning her washing machine box into a playhouse for them. Of course, she was able to keep it in the basement out of the way and was able to keep it for years until they outgrew it. lol What fun memories! I’m not going to do any deep decluttering just yet. I may do some light tossing as I easily come across articles that can be donated or thrown out but the real serious organization I will leave for when I go to pack things up for transport to our new place. I suspect when we do move, it’ll take us a year to get everything squared away either keep or get rid of. That’s okay. We aren’t under any pressure to make a fast move. Have a good weekend, my friend!

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