Okay, I changed my mind. On the 1st, I said I would wait until the 12th to share the results of “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” #BoTB Showdown but I thought it was best to go ahead in bringing the outcome (as if you don’t already know) today. You can blame this on crazy female hormones. Forget the hormone imbalance, I’m just crazy!
The battle between Ali Ollie Woodson and James Durbin was a near shut out but thankfully one lone soul, other than myself saved the day. Most of y’all preferred Durbin for his rockabilly version and as a group collectively liked Woodson but not the length of his cut. The one thing I thought of going into this battle and wondered if it would hinder you guys mentally but no one mentioned it other than “Stephen the Neanderthal”, (Hey, I didn’t come up with the name, I’m just quoting the dude. ) and that’s getting passed a chick song sung by roosters. The honors for this round goes to….

Thank y’all for making this battle successful and fun. If it pleases you, let me give you another taste of Durbin super talents. You know heavy rock isn’t me, I prefer middle of the road rock but I found a couple of new recordings that I enjoyed from his latest album, Riot on Sunset.
The #BoTB List Master keeps and shares all players on his site, so if you want to find out how the other battles went down then hop over to visit, Stephen now. Next battle is the 15th and I need your help picking the next winner, so mark your calendar for the next event!
Today is very special for two reasons and is why I celebrate the small things with Lexa while giving you your dose of laughs.

The first reason I celebrate is… it’s my little sister’s birthday!

Coincidentally, I honored all my siblings through mewsic on Monday.
The second thing I’m celebrating is, it’s our anniversary!

In honor of our 38th wedding anniversary, I will share with you and fellow Skywatch Friday photo enthusiasts a few sky view photo memories from our 10th anniversary spent in New England.

Images from top to bottom: Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Bristol Maine, Porcupine Islands View from Cadillac Mountain – Acadia National Park, Hammond Castle Gloucester Massachusetts, and Motif No. 1 in Rockport Maine. These moments captured with my first big girl camera a Nikon FG-20 35mm camera in 1989. I scanned the negatives a few years back to my computer but they needed a little photo touch up to mainly remove dust but I adjusted the color balance a bit in Pixelmator. This was a magical trip for us and DD#1. It was more magical for us than her since she was three weeks shy of her first birthday.
A biggest part of blogging is getting to know one another. Earlier in the week I shared, “30 Odd Questions” about me and here’s yet another way we can get better acquainted with FRIENDLY FILL-INS hosted by Annie and Ellen.
A prop from a tv show or film I would like to own is the ruby-red slippers from The Wizard of Oz.

My oldest friendship is with my two friends from Kindergarten – Anita Davis Rice and Robert Hogan. (Two kids in foreground are me and my little brother, JC. Anita and Robbie are behind us.)

Whenever I have dairy products, I always stomach problems. I’m lactose intolerant but I love cheese (which bothers me the most) and ice cream.

The best part of my day is when DH comes home.

That’s a wrap for another tunetastic, giggle-filled, photo-optimistic day. Hit the dance floor “Freebie” style with the 4M gals on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Moves!
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I always wish I had the time to really focus on doing the BOTB, but I simply can’t. I’m barely keeping up with blogging as is.
Love this post.
Oh Cathy, Happy Anniversary to you and your love. What a blessed years together. Hey I love ice cream and such too but I’m lactose intolerant. I use probiotics to help.
Keeping up with Blogging is hard work. No worries with missing my BoTB editions. I’m happy whenever you get a chance to play along. Thanks for the anniversary wishes. It’s funny ice cream doesn’t bother so much as long as I don’t over do it but cheese and milk is a different story. Oddly, probiotics don’t seem to help a lot for me.
Happy anniversary, Cathy! Looks like you spent it in a beautiful place. Thanks for introducing me to James Durbin, I had never heard of him. When I listened to your videos I felt very much reminded of (Jon) Bon Jovi, who I really like. So, I looked up a few more videos until I stumbled over his cover of ‘I’ll be there for you’ – I did not like that one
Oh well… The minions are the best
Claudia, thank you for the anniversary wishes. New England is a beautiful place to visit and our first trip in 1989 was magical. We burned the road up while we were there hopping between from Vermont to New Hampshire to Massachuttess to Maine. By the time we were done with our vacation I felt like I needed another vacation just to recuperate but that’s the way we do things every time. We don’t believe in wasting a minute. I’m glad you enjoyed James Durbin. He has a good voice but unfortunately most to his mewsic isn’t a good match for listening pleasure. The minions are funny and often times silly creatures. I love finding the minion memes to use!
I love the minions rules for marriage! Thanks for sharing all of these wonderful pictures.
Anytime, Tamara! It’s a delight to have your visit!!
Hey, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Wow, 28 years!! Way to go. Beautiful pictures of your New England trip. One of these days I’ll get up there…
And thanks for sharing the other James Durbin songs. I liked them.
Enjoy your weekend and your special celebration!
Michele at Angels Bark
Celebrating 38 years with my favorite guy was wonderful! We kept things low-key knocking around town and nearby towns. We’ve lived in Knoxville our entire married life and we still find new things to do. Have a good week!
Happy anniversary and happy belated birthday to your sister! Sounds like a full week. The pictures are gorgeous too!
Sorry I didn’t get a chance to vote this week. Happy Anniversary!!!
Ellen, don’t worry for missing the last round of BoTB. Maybe, you’ll get a chance to join me this Thursday.
By the way, I got an error when trying to visit your site. Godaddy flashed a notice your blog is parked for free. Does this mean you need to renew? Just wanted you to know. 
Beautiful pics. Have a great weekend.
Thanks Patrick!
A couple people want those shoes! Ha! Cute childhood photo. I wore long braids, too. Who needs to show their tummy after age 50? No, show other pictures of who you are and what you have accomplished! You are fine at the age you are. Ask DH! HUGS! Happy anniversary to you both!
You don’t think about your body when you’re young and everything is in place but after you have kids and you get a few years on you then you wish for one more time to have it all back the way it used to be.
I know I won’t ever look the same but I can do my best to always look my best no matter at any age. This is not only for DH but for me. Thanks for the anniversary wishes! 
Happy Anniversary! I like that thing from The Wizard of Oz. I’ve actually seen something that suggests that Glinda the Good Witch brought Dorothy to Oz and do all that stuff.
Hmm, I always thought Dorothy was dreaming the whole Wizard of Oz stuff since the characters she met along the Yellow Brick road looked like people from her life. Thanks for the anniversary wishes.
That was the story in the movie, that it was a weird dream she had after she got knocked on the head in her house. But here’s the alternate theory… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYVKip-3EmA
Now that’s awesome! I theory does shed an interesting light on Glinda the Good Witch but I still want to see her as such, “Good” instead of evil and keep a piece of my childhood innocence intact. Thanks for sharing this with me.
Haha…I love finding cute cartoons and quotes on Pinterest and FB. I have found some really funny ones before. Thanks for sharing
Pinterest is an excellent source for cartoons and quotes. I also like all the wonderful recipes found there.
Firstly, a very Happy Anniversary to you and DH and Happy Birthday to your l’il Sis. Lots of cause for celebration!
I’m glad James Durbin won the battle; he’s been a favourite of mine since his American Idol days. Thanks for sharing those new songs. ‘Riot on Sunset’ was especially enjoyable. Beautiful photos of Maine! I’d love to visit that area one day. Have you tried Lactaid pills, Cathy? I have a friend who is lactose intolerant and she swears by them. Just take one before you have any dairy product and there won’t be any stomach upsets. Cheers!
Thanks for the anniversary wishes and for bday wishes for my sis. Yes, I’ve tried Lactaid and other products but these do little to no good. Cheese and milk bother my stomach more than ice cream. Maybe it’s because I eat smaller portions of ice cream but usually when I consume dishes with cheese and milk then I’m not sure how much I’m ingesting. Perhaps if I limit my intake of these products then I wouldn’t have issues or less problems with them. Luckily I don’t eat these very often so I don’t worry about it too much. Thanks ofr the suggestions, though. I appreciate you thinking of me.
That was a very decisive outcome for the Battle. Also a very packed post. I’m getting concerned that I’m becoming lactose intolerant. I switched to the lactose free milk and that’s helped. I’d hate to have to remove ice cream or cheese from my diet.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I still eat ice cream but I found if I don’t over do it then I’m ok. I found drinking Diamond unsweetened almond milk the best alternative and low in calories (1 cup = 30 cals) choice for me. It doesn’t taste like cows milk and takes a bit to get used to but it works just fine in cereal and that’s primarily why I buy it. I miss whole milk cow’s milk.
Try adding probiotics to your diet or taking enzymes to help with diary absorption. These might be good DIY self-helps to add your digestion.
What a fun post! I loved every minute of it. Happy Anniversary! ??? Me and my sisters had/have a very different, but very special relationship….they were 16 & 18 when I was born.
Barbara, WOW there’s a big gap in age between you and your sisters. There’s 9 years between my sister and me, which I thought was a lot. I missed her growing up years and over the years there’s been a bit of disconnect. I love her dearly and still think of her as the little sister I read bedtime stories to.