Today, you’re getting an all-in-one special with this post. One of my favorite Jame Bond theme songs is Nobody Does It Better. I like singing these lines to DH…
Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, you’re the best
Clearly, I have my alpha prompt covered (the letter N) with this title song, but where is this going and what’s this new hashtag #BoTB? Battle of the Band (BoTB) is a bi-monthly music meme where we choice two artists doing the same song, and then allowing you, the voter, to decide who does it better.
Let the battle begin, only you can decide!
Nobody Does It Better lyrics written by Carole Bayer Sager and composed by Marvin Hamlisch. The Billboard Hot 100 chart by Carly Simon in 1977 with the blockbuster hit The Spy Who Loved Me theme is one of those songs recorded a gang of time by various artists over the year since its release.
Carly won’t be included in the show-down. She would simply sweep the votes away like a tornado. I decided to feature two lesser known artists (or, at least to me) to cover today’s song.
Now, close your eyes and listen. First up, Brittany Murphy…
Next, 8mm….
[wwm_survey id=”5865″]
To learn more visit STMcCP to get the details on how Battle of the Bands works. Many of the BoTB members either host or help with the #A2Z challenge, so I hope you’ll pop in on them to listen to their mid-April selections.
- STMcC Presents ‘Battle of the Bands’
- Lee @Tossing It Out
- Robin @ Your Daily Dose
- Fae @ Far Away Series
- Book Lover
- Mike’s Ramblings
- John @ The Sound of One Hand Typing
- Dixie @ dcrelief ~ Battle of the Bands
- Alex J. Cavanaugh
- Kim @ The Belle Rocks
And, please don’t forget to tell us in comments why you like your choice because Nobody Does It Better like bloggers and I iNvite you to check out a few natural-born iNdividuals with a special kNack in Blogosphere doing this nifty A2Z challenge!
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I love the raw edge emotion in Brittany’s voice — but I really liked how 8MM did it too. this one is tough!! I think I will go with Brittany in the end.
You may be the only person to vote for Brittany. I think she did okay on this song, but I’m not sure which I like the best. Thanks for voting, Les!
I like 8MM version better. Brittany voice was a bit soft on this song like Arlee mentioned.
gotta go with Brittany!! Just saw her guest on a Frasier re-run the other day, made me sad!
It’s officially the second half of A to Z. Time to catch that second wind, rest up on Sunday, then it’s that mad dash toward the finish line!
Stephen Tremp
A to Z Cohost
N is for Numerology
Ah… Brittany Murphy… “N”ostalgia made me want to vote for her. I just dedicated a hilarious bit from the movie Riding In Cars with Boys on my last HERE’S TO YOU post. Watching that again reminded me how talented this girl was. And how sad that her life ended too soon. Of course,she’s not a singer first, so that bit from (I don’t know the movie) was quite good for what it was. And I wanted to vote for her… but…
You put her up against actual singers. With a full song. A bit of “different” from the Simon original. And interesting instrumentation. Honestly, she just can’t compete with that I don’t think. I’ll be surprised if anyone votes for Murphy in this battle (and I really wanted to), but just can’t.
So a vote for 8mm. I’ve never heard of them before today, but liked them. So thanks!
I love “Nobody Does It Better”, nice song, I especially like the version of 8mm!
Hi Cathy! Great use of the letter, ‘N’, and I’m thrilled you could post a BOTB. It is a challenge to get things to gel. (Another blog hop tomorrow for me. Don’t know if you’re doing, ‘Celebrate.’)
Murphy is cute, but I love 8mm – give them my vote, please. Loved this battle.
UH UH…NO WAY…”Nobody Does it Better” than Carly Simon!
True, McGuffy, but Carly isn’t included in this BoTB because I knew she’d snare all the votes. lol
As she should. What can I say? I am a purist. Ha!
Oh, no! Now you’ve got THAT soundtrack running through my mind! Except the version I’m hearing is the one the Safeway grocery chain used in their ads for a number of years …

Well, if you visit my blog then you may be in danger of getting a new song stuck in your head every day! lol
I thought maybe you’d opted out of this round of BotB.
Both versions are pleasant. Brittany’s version is a little weak I thought and not particularly inspired.
The 8MM version is much better. They put some zip and power into the song and gave it a more updated quality. Actually it’s very very good I think.
A big vote for the 8MM version.
Good match up.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Nope, I didn’t opt out. I just decided to post a day late, as you see. It’s been a wild month with the A2Z challenge. I’m trying to not get bogged down with creating to not visit others, but this is a huge challenge for me. I guess, if I keep at it I’ll get the knack of it.
Thanks for voting!