
25-03-2025 Vol 19

Books! More Books for Sale (Alphabe-Thursday)

The beginning of a new day, the end of a month. What’s that? Did I blink or something? Wow, May 2012 will soon be behind us.

Last week, Miss Jenny kicked off round 5 of Alphabe-Thursday. What bright idea will flash in my brain today? Hmmm, okay I got it! No, not bear as in the cute coloring page I found for you, but Books! Yeah, Cathy how original is that? Okay, it’s not original. In fact, you may recall I posted Books! Books for Sale in our last time through.

It’s time to finish up what I started in November. Here’s the scoop, I have eight different book collections in my possession. These belonged to our DDs and they are begging to be dusted off, picked up, and read again! Would you like to give any of these lovely, home-spun Christian based wholesome collections a new home?

A SADIE ROSE ADVENTURE (11-book set) by Hilda Stahl
for girls ages 9-12 Price: $22.00 + S/H   SOLD!!!!

In these stories, the young heroine is that of a girl growing up in the prairie at the edge of the Nebraska sand hills. In this series Sadie Rose learns many lessons of her Christian faith as she meets new challenges.

for girls ages 8-12 Price: $8.00 + S/H

Annie Henry finds it difficult sometimes to be the daughter of the famous patriot Patrick Henry, but she learns how to cope with the attention, as she finds ways to make her mark during the revolution with the help of God.

Annie Henry and the Secret Mission
Annie Henry and the Birth of Liberty
Annie Henry and the Mysterious Stranger
Annie Henry and the Redcoats
ADVENTURES OF THE NORTHWOODS (10-book set) by Lois Walfried Johnson 
for girls 8-13 years Price: $20.00 + S/H     SOLD!!!

Best-selling novels set in the early 1900’s in Minnesota, northwest Wisconsin, and Michigan, these compelling, historically accurate stories attract reluctant, average, and gifted readers. Both boys and girls identify with characters who face danger and mystery while learning to deal with peer pressure, family relationships, and the need for unconditional love and forgiveness. (synopsis borrowed from Lois Walfried Johnson’s website)

AN AMERICAN ADVENTURE (9- book set) by Lee Roddy
for girls ages 9 – 12 Price: $18.00 + S/H NO LONGER HAVE!
Hildy Corrigan is the fiction hero in this series of adventure books written around the Great Depression era starting out in the Ozarks and leading the young girl across the country to California.
GRANDMA’S ATTIC SERIES (4-book set) by Arleta Richardson
for girls ages 8-12 Price: $8.00 + S/H    SOLD!!!
Memories of a young girl who spent countless hours digging through treasures in her grandma’s attic is heart-warming of one’s own reminiscing of a simpler time. Click on the links below to read the synopsis of each book.
In Grandma’s Attic
Treasures of Grandma’s Attic
More Stories from Grandma’s Attic
Still More Stories from Grandma’s Attic
JULI SCOTT SUPER SLEUTH (6-book set) by Colleen L. Reece
for girls ages  9 up Price: $12.00 + S/H NO LONGER HAVE!
For the Nancy Drew enthusiast, you may enjoy super sleuth Juli Scott. In these compelling mysteries aimed for girls 9 to 15 chockful of nail-biting adventures with a clear underlying Christian message for girls to learn from. While Juli and her savvy friends sort out clues, they find love, excitement, and discover it pays to have a good sense of humor.
SARAH’S JOURNEY (5-book set) by Wanda Luttrell
for girls ages 10 up Price: $10.00 + S/H NO LONGER HAVE!
Sarah Moore and her family uproot from their Virginia home to tame the first frontier – Kentucky at the time of the Revolutinary war. This series will leave the reader captive long after bedtime flipping from page to page possibly connecting with Sarah on the value of having faith in God.
Home on Stoney Creek
Reunion in Kentucky
 Stranger in Williamsburg
Whispers in Williamsburg
Shadows on Stoney Creek
for girls ages 10 up Price: $10.00 + S/H  SOLD!!!

This series of books is written around the Greystone Orphanage near Boston in the late 1800s. Each story captures the challenges and discoveries transitioning seven young girls to the Orphan Train bound westward with hopes of having their dreams filled – to have a loving family again.

All books will sell at $2.00 each plus shipping/handling (current USPS priority rate). No set will be broken up. Collections are in almost like new condition.  These books are offered on a first come, first served basis. That being said, act now by sending your request to cathykennedysblog@gmail.com  for the book selections you’re interested in. I will reserve your choice and generate a PayPal invoice for your convenience.

Books! More Books for Sale is brought to you as my classroom participation in Miss Jenny’s Alphabe-Thursday blog hop. For more brilliant ‘B’ posts which deserve an A+, join the other students by clicking HERE

1. What is your favorite type of books to read – fiction or non-fiction?

2. Which do you prefer, hardcopy or e-book format?

Bonus: Do you have a book title to recommend to our readers?

Come back tomorrow to play along with my new blog hop – Friday Sillies!

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15 thoughts on “Books! More Books for Sale (Alphabe-Thursday)

  1. Hi Miss Cathy, I sent you an e-mail!

    These series all sound wonderful and I have three Grandlittles who love to read!

    I actually haven’t heard of any of these series so it was really informative!

    Thanks for linking.


  2. I just love to read! I finally finished “Unbroken” and it was difficult to read because during WWII the prison camps were so difficult to imagine and the suffering was just so emotionally draining! But the book was well written and very historically accurate. I like good old fashioned books!

    1. Anything, which has to do with WWII prison camps are heart wrenching. I can not even begin to imagine what many of the poor people had to endure. Thanks for the insight on your newly finished read. I think it would be a good book to read, if I could keep my mind settled long enough.

  3. I’m thinking if I should join in the library reading list for the summer. My kids have already joined.
    1. I read both fiction and non-fiction at the same rate.
    2. As of now, I prefer e-book format, but I still want to read a regular hard cover to my children.
    3. Nothing comes to mind right now. I don’t think anyone would want the one I’m reading.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  4. That is a great collection of books Cathy, I hope they all find good homes. I only have one step child and she is in college.

    I read all types of books but prefer fiction.

    I get so many books from publishers that I prefer, for the sake of space, ebooks.

    My favorite book is usually the one I just read. A recent favorite is a little book of facts called Death by Petticoat. I’m getting ready to post about one called The Dog That Talked to God.

  5. My lord! And I thought I had a lot of books! I just went through my own bookshelves and gave my sons all the books they had when they were young. And I gave my 13 year old granddaughter the classics that belonged to me when I was young.

    I hope the young people who get your books will treat them with the same love that you have, Cathy!!

  6. You are always a good resource when I need to find a new series for my grandkids!


  7. 1) I like both fiction and non fiction, but it depends on the book.

    2) eReader is kind of convenient nowadays, and I have them on my cell too. So it’s nice not to carry many devices.

  8. Thanks for visiting CITexasGal for the Letter B and Bread Baking. You do have a great selectio of BOOKS! I’m enjoying reading on my Kindle, so this group of books will havea to wait for a grandson to get a few years older.

  9. I like non-fiction- mostly bios.
    I prefer hard copy.

    Have a great Thursday!

  10. 1) I like both, doesn’t matter which type. Just as long as the story is interesting to me.
    2) e-book for now until I am retired. I think having a real book in my hands will make me feel relax, and luxurious.

  11. Hi Cathy ~~ Neat “B” words. Sorry though, I wouldn’t be buying any of those books. Our grandkids are either too old for them or they live too far away (over the water).

    Mostly I read fiction for reading. I also will read other books, the last non-fiction was by Bill O’Rielly, Killing Lincoln. Then too I read books on writing, probably more on writing poetry than other types.

    An iPod is on my wish list but probably won’t be coming. Our library has a lot of e-books and they will load onto my computer as a loan.
    Cathy, you visited my Thursday Two Questions. I also have a Through the Alphabet with Jenny, here: Jim’s Alphabe-Thursday

  12. I normally go for non-fiction books and at present I prefer reading e-books then paperbacks as I find it easier to scroll through the pages.

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