When DD#1 was a wee one, she had a See n’ Saw. Do you know what I’m talking about? Her’s made sounds of different farm animals. Whenever the dial pointed to the picture of the cow we’d pulled the string and the toy would say, “The cow says…’Mooooo'”. She would without fail cry every time. It was so stinkin’ cute. I’m not sure why it frightened her but it did and to this day, we’ll poke a little fun her way. This story has nothing to do with how I came up with today’s giggles but as it turned out while Internet grazing I’ll stumbled on one funny that moooved me to another with same theme and that’s how I came to corral these bits of cow humor. The flashback I shared was an afterthought.

It’s time to grab a cup of coffee and follow along with me as I head off to visit Sandee for some Happy Tuesdays giggles at Comedy-Plus, then I’ll check out Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked, and finishing things up by checking out this week’s word prompt found at Eugi’s Causerie for the wannabe poet buried inside. That’s a wrap for now but come back tomorrow for Wild Wednesdays where just about anything goes!
, Cathy
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Fun cow jokes, Cathy! Have a mootastic day!

Thanks, Eugenia! I hope you’re having a moovalous day!
These were truly smile makers today. Thanks for sharing fun. How people think of some of this stuff amazes me!
I know, I love a good sense of humor. If only I could be so talented to come up with stuff to make people giggle.
Again, thank you!
My alter-ego, “Louis la Vache” approves!

Some fine Western swing there!
Those were funny Cathy!
Thanks for the much needed chuckle.XO
Can you imagine if cows had smart phones? OMG, I loved Hippity Hops.
Love those cutie cows, we’ll boogie with them when they get home!
Udderly hilarious. Thanks. I love that video too. A real toe tapper.
Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. Be well. ♥
Hi, Cathy!
This post is a lotta bull, dear friend!
You milked the cow humor for all it’s worth!
I got a smile or laugh out of every one of these cowtoons.
Those cow-pie brownies made my mouth water! 
Yessum, in the late 90s we bought a See n’ Saw for our little granddaughter to play with when she visited us. She loved to hear the various animal sounds. I remember mooing along with the toy to make her laugh. Gosh, she will soon be age 23. I wonder why your first daughter cried when she heard the cow moo. Did you ever ask her? Maybe she can explain her odd reaction. I’m thinking it might have been similar to the sound a scary monster made in something she saw on TV. I enjoyed jump starting my heart this morning with Clay’s “Boogie Till The Cows Come Home.”
Have a safe and happy day, dear friend Cathy!
I did ask her once but she couldn’t remember why. She was really small, something like 12-18 months of age. That’s really too young to remember things. The mooo was deep and stretched out sounding, so I suspect it the tone just sounded scary to her. It seems she didn’t care to much for her ‘jack in the box’ toy, either. I get that because it was even startling to me.
DH is now working from home as of today. Yesterday the city order a Safe at Home protocol for all non-essential employees. I spoke to my mom this morning and she said WV is doing the same thing. I guess other cities might be as well, but I haven’t heard for sure. Be safe if you have to out and take care. Thanks for dropping in today for some giggles, my friend!