
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Billboard Top 40 #1 Rock Hits

 It’s time to dance! This week’s theme is #1 Hits on the Billboard Top 40 from the Rock Era (1955-present).

I thought I’d pick tunes from some very important years in my life. To start today’s party my first selection is from 1979, the year we married, and how appropriate is this song?

Are you ready to get your groove on?

Continuing my line of thinking, the next year of importance is the year our first child was born, DD#1, in 1988. Honestly, I do not remember this song. Sure, I’ve heard it many times over the years but I just don’t recall it coming out and this really isn’t one of my favorite songs by Michael Jackson. Let’s give a listen to Dirty Diana!


In 1990, DD#2 joined our little family. Believe it or not, I don’t recall this #1 hit by Madonna and again, it’s not one of my favorites. Here’s Vogue!

By 1994, my mommy brain fog must have lifted. I blame that for the music blank when our girls were born or then again maybe it has something to do with daughters altogether. Hmm, let me think about that one for a minute. Where was I? Oh yes, my head was clearing that year and we also added our third bundle of joy, DS. Funny, I do remember this next song and I actually like it. Go figure, right? Do you remember Ace of Base, The Sign?

Winding things up, I decided to share a current popular. I give you, Rude by Magic!

Thanks for joining us for another week Monday’s Music Moves Me! On behalf of the lovely Dancing Queen,  Marie @XmasDolly  and her Solid Gold dancers ~ Callie @JAmericanSpice, Stacy @Stacy Uncorked, Becca @Everyday Life, & myself , I want to invite you to step on the dance floor with the 4M crew.


This week’s Spotlight Dancer is in the #1 position of the link up. Be sure to stop by to boogie with our featured blogger, and don’t forget to link your 4M URL below to join in on the fun!



** Remember, to be considered for the Spotlight Dancer every other week, be sure to add your URL to the link up.**

Did you have a good time on the dance floor? I did. Why not show some blog love? Invite your friends to hit the dance floor with the 4M crew now. There’s always room for one more!

Next stop… your place!  What music moves you?



1. Grab XmasDolly 4M button here. 2. Display it on your blog. 3. Add your favorite YouTube videos.  FYI: we dance freebie style every other week, and on the off weeks we dance to a chosen theme picked by the previous week Spotlight Dancer. You can find it listed on XmasDolly’s side menu. That all being said, we aren’t music snobs. As long as you have tunes for us to dance to, then you’re cool!

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15 thoughts on “Billboard Top 40 #1 Rock Hits

  1. Cool tunes! I don’t remember that Michael Jackson one either and am generally not a fan, but I like it! Have a great week. 🙂

  2. Loved the song ‘The Sign’ when it was popular! My musical memories are sketchy during my childbirth years, too. It must have been from fatigue and lack of sleep!

  3. I know the Michael Jackson, BeeGee’s & Madonna song. never heard of the others. Thanks for sharing. I am now following you 🙂

  4. Brilliant choices, “Love You Inside Out” was my absolute favourite at the time, I used to play it so much on the pub juke box that in the end they used to reject it and refund my money LOL (all in fun of course)

    Have a tanfastical week Cathy 😉

  5. I love the Bee Gees too! Great song to get us up and movin’ this Monday. Thanks for sharing it with us all. And I hope you have a terrific week!

  6. Luvin’ your pics here girlfriend! I haven’t heard some of these in like forever… I saw the signs use to be a favorite of mine. Too cute. Your last one is a new one to me. Cool! YOU ROCK! hugs.

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