Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! I’m going to keep things simple today. This is a short but full week for many especially for those of us in the US. Our mewsic theme is songs about “Thanksgiving or being thankful“. Here’s my Thanksgiving playlist!
- “Be Thankful for What You Got” by William DeVaughn (incidentally I used this three cover songs of this in last week’s BoTB. You’re invited to check it out & cast your vote for your favorite artist) is an excellent song to remind us to be grateful for what we have instead of looking to our neighbors who have more and to be thankful. This is the way I translate it….be happy with what you have, keep your eyes off what others have because when you look around there are others who are worse off than you.
- “Every Good Thing” by The Afters reminds us we’re all guilty of taking life for granted and it’s with these words I am thankful…”You’re the reason for every good thing, every heartbeat. Every day we get to breathe. You’re the reason for anything that lasts, every second chance. Every laugh, life is so sweet.”
- “Why Me Lord” by Kris Kristofferson isn’t a song I would say reminds me of Thanksgiving but I certainly get the point of the lyrics, it’s a humbled man talking to the Lord who’s obviously filled with gratitude for Jesus’ love
- “Thankful” by Josh Groban reminds us there is joy around us but we forget to notice which is something I’m constantly reminding myself to seek the happy tidbits amidst the troubles because life isn’t purrfect.
- “Presence of the Lord” by Blind Faith is considered to be the first true supergroup formed by Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, Steve Winwood, and Ric Grech. Another song title that isn’t obviously stated but showing your thankfulness is to live in the presence of the Lord.
- “All Things” by Citizen Way is a story told by a woman living on hard times who reminds the listener to give the Lord thanks for all things even those things we don’t even know. This is something I strive to pray for daily because I know everything in my world comes from God and without Him I’d have nothing.
- “Grateful” by Rita Ora is an excellent reminder that we give thanks for the storms in our lives because rising above it all makes us stronger while teaching us to appreciate the sun even more.
Are you ready to groove? My partners XmasDolly, Stacy, & Colette are ready to boogie with you and you’re invited to step out on the dance floor with us now!
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This is a weekly hop for mewsic enthusiasts regardless if you follow our weekly theme or not if you have mewsic to share then we’re ready to dance with you. Otherwise, I ask that you do not link non-mewsic posts to boost traffic to your site. You’re welcome to leave your URL in comments with a brief description inviting me (and others) to check it out. Thank you for respecting this simple rule!
[tweetthis]Tell a friend & hit the dance floor with “Thanksgiving/Thankful” #music with the #4M gals! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]
What mewsic moves you today? ?
I invite you hop over to McGuffy’s Reader for more “Sparks” of inspiraiton/encouragement. Let’s make the world a better place, one person at a time beginning with #1!

Do you see your life as good, bad, or in-between? What things are you thankful for this year?
Keep those tunes playing and your body swaying, I’ll see ya around the cyber block as quickly as possible. It’s gonna get busy from here on! XX
, Cathy
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Your “Sparks” is spot on. – Sorry to be late commenting. A lot going on here lately.
I’m running late this week, too. So, no worries! The thing with blogging is a friend’s door is always open and comments are welcome anytime.
Great song choices, all, Cathy. Life can and does change in an instant – in my case, from a fall my husband took in mid October – it could have ended so badly; he was so very lucky he only sustained the injuries he did sustain. Life is so precious and fragile. I hope you had a most wonderful Thanksgiving, Cathy!
Life is precious. I couldn’t agree more. We get reminders all the time that life is fragile, just like y’all did in October. I’m happy that your husband’s accident wasn’t worse.
Great song choice, Cathy! I’m thankful for a friend like you!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 
Ditto, my friend! I’m thankful for a friend like you, too!;)
Wishing you a lovely holiday!
I’m sorry for not conveying warm wishes sooner but many happy returns to you, my friend and thanks for visiting!
I am happy as an analogy of your choosing, Cathy.
I have been listening quite a lot of Stevie Winwood lately. I really don’t know why.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Steve Winwood is a good artist. I think we all get on kicks to listen to a particular mewsician or band. I’m delighted that you enjoyed my playlist this week. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, my friend!
Hey Cathy,
Nice playlist of thankful songs. I haven’t put one together — yet. I might still do it, I’m not sure. I just didn’t have time leading up to it. It’s a very busy week for me here with the dogsitting business. I have 10 dogs here now and getting 5 more over the next 2 days. So it’s going to be a bit crazy and if I have time (and any energy left) I might go ahead and put something together. It’s a great theme and I hate to miss it.
In any case, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. It’s been great getting to know you better this year and I definitely appreciate you and all you put out here for us. May you have a fabulous holiday weekend, surrounded by loving family and friends.
talk soon,
Michele at Angels Bark
WOW, the dogsitting business keeps you busy! I think having mewsic of thanksgiving is needed any time, so whenever you get your playlist together then bring it to the dance floor! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Ours was nice and I’m behind in Blogospehre now.
some great choices on this one
I’m glad you like my “Thankful” playlist. I hope you have wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend. I’m thankful that you stopped by for a dance!
Nice song choices and that is a wonderful spark, so true.
Thanks for dancing and enjoying my quote of the week!
Hi Cathy, love your thankful playlist – there’s some fabulous songs in there. I had to smile when I read your spark, mainly because I nearly went with that one this week. It’s an important reminder to all of us that there are so many people around the world that would love to have even a small part of our lives. Thanks for sharing.
Someone in Blogosphere used this quote on another meme recently before me and I thought, “Oh, drats” but then I realized it’s worth sharing again because we all need these reminders, don’t we? You’re so right, there are way too many people in the world who look at my life and think, “WOW, I’d love to be where she is!” This doesn’t mean we have a lot, either. Our home is too small. It’s in dire need of repair and furniture replaced. We’re a one-income, one-car family. And, if I keep digging I can see room for improvement if we had the “Smiths’ life” but we don’t and I still see the good in my life. I’m blessed to have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in at night, more than enough food to eat and clothes to wear, reliable transportation, good health, and we manage to pay our bills on time. So, anything else that comes our way is like icing on the cake. Our basic needs are met and there are some who don’t have that, so yeah I’m totally gratiful!
Always good to remember to be thankful for the things you have. Happy Thanksgiving!
I am grateful and inspired by others to always see the good in my life whenever possible.
Although these are not new songs, they are new to me. Thanks for the listen and have a wonderful holiday!
Great to see you on the dance floor today. I’m sure things will slow down as the week progresses.
Happy Thanksgiving! I started off the week right sharing great conversation with my father. Thanks for sharing that vintage holiday image. I love how non PC it is. ~grin~ Have a blessed day!
Talking with the Lord you can never go wrong! Thank you for stopping by and I hope y’all have a blessed Thanksgiving celebration!
Always thankful for being alive and being able to do the things I enjoy. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Me, too! Everything is good when you wake to a new day, isn’t it? We’re not promised tomorrow, so each day we should thank God for bringing us to it.
I love your Spark. We often get overtaken by the negative in our lives when there is so much positive.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy.
Everyone is human and the tough times or when things don’t go exactly as we hope does pull us down but a heart filled with gratitude finds a way to push past it all and offer words of thanksgiving. I wish I could catch myself sooner than I do on this score. The good news is the more time that passes the better I am to not allow gloominess to overshadow God’s blessings.
I love that quote because it is so true when you think about the many people who can’t find food, have family members disappear, or you live under a dictatorship or in war. I am thankful for my hubby, my fur babes, my friends, my family and how pretty every season brings. It was snowing last night and it was just so pretty.
Most of us don’t know what it’s like to really suffer. We think we do but we don’t. I think the snow is pretty but I’m glad it’s not falling here just yet. DD#2 sent us a video last week and it was snowing in Portland, Maine. They now live in Brunswick if you recall. It still feels weird having her so far from home but she’s doing a fabulous job keeping in touch with us which makes it easier.
Gratitude changes everything. Happy Monday!
Ain’t that the truth!
I included Thankful, by Josh Groban, in my Thankful Series posts. He was featured on Saturday, because that song reminds me to always be thankful. I agree with your reasoning for adding Why Me, Lord, by Kris, too. That song makes me cry. God is good.
Your Sparks is a good one, too. While it may be true that others may have more, there are many who have far less. We could lose it in a heartbeat. We should be thankful for it. Happy Thanksgiving, my dear friend.
That’s right, what we have can all be gone in a heartbeat – literally. However, for those spared of such a fate, it’s important to see everything in our lives as a blessing and while some have more than us there are a whole lot of others who have lots less than we do. It’s when I think of those without that I’m humbled and grateful for the things God has given me. I’m indeed blessed!
Hi, Cathy!
Today is my birthday and listening to the songs on your play list while sipping my morning coffee was a great way to get it started. I like all of these mewsical selections especially the last one, “Grateful” by Rita Ora. As you might recall I featured Rita in a couple of my posts last year. Her inspiring song is ideal for a movie soundtrack.
At this time of year I am always thankful that the long Florida hot spell has come to an end and that the hurricane season is winding down. I am thankful for having survived another year of challenges, thankful for my health and thankful for great friends like you, Cathy.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Well, happy birthday, dear friend! I’m delighted you joined me for a bit of mewsic while you’re having your morning brew. Another year of life is good reason enough to feel grateful. Ah, I knew Rita Ora sounded familiar to me for some reason. I guess it was at your place where I first heard her. Surviving the hot Florida summers and hurricane season are two more excellent reasons to give thanks. I, like you am thankful for good friends and you certainly fall into that category. We all have much to be thankful for this year, don’t we? Enjoy your time this blessed season with Mrs. Shady and family.
Happy Thanksgiving, Cathy!
Nice selection of tunes, and a great reminder to be thankful and grateful of our many blessings.
Jingle Jangle Jungle
Thank you, Mary. I somehow missed seeing your comment. I reckon too much to do and too little time to devote my attention properly but I sure do appreciate you stopping by as I count all of my friends as blessings!
I’m pretty content. There are a lot of things I’d change if I could, but as things are I can live with it all. I am very thankful for my life in all of its good and bad times.
Tossing It Out
I’m not sure how I missed your comment. *smack forehead* Anyhow, being content is a good thing. I think all too often people keeping looking at the other side of the fence growing envious of other people’s lives instead of seeing the blessing that surrounds them. If nothing ever changed from this moment forth in my life, then I’d be okay. I know I have it better than many and count grateful for everything the Lord has given me, even in hard times I see God’s blessings.