
19-03-2025 Vol 19

Bad Hair Day with Hodgepodge and Chit-Chat on a Farmhouse Porch

This ugly cat looks miserable – lol

If only I could be this lucky! The sad truth is, I have been blessed…correction cursed with fine locks. Once upon a time, I had a bit of wave. For the past two years, my locks have flopped. What little volume I had is forever gone. The best I can do is use some mouse to add a little fluff, but after a few hours, my hair crashes to its normal state – straight and flat.  

Over the weekend, my DH took me to Target exclusively so we could look at shampoo. I found four new ones designed especially for treating fine, low-volume hair.

The price tag stopped me in my tracks, but my DH said, “You’re not going to know if they work until you try them.” What can I say, he’s just a sweetheart. With almost $100 in new shampoos, this is what I came home with…

Fekkai Full Volume
Matrix Essentials Amplify 
Paul Mitchell Extra-Body Daily Shampoo
Redken 5th Avenue NYC Body Full.

Watch for my product comparison post in the coming weeks. 

Today, I’m reaching out to you with the hope I can learn some tricks for bringing vitality to my crown of glory. Tell me, what secret weapons do you have for plumping up your locks?

Let’s not get all tangled up in hairy matters. Shall we have a little fun? Then, follow me over to Joyce’s for her 71st edition of

From this Side of the Pond

1. The first day of spring is here-do you enjoy working in the yard? Weeding, raking, mowing, planting…your favorite springtime garden chore? How about your least favorite?  I like playing in the dirt planting flower seeds or re-potting small flowering plants into containers on my porch. It’s a bit therapeutic to be outdoors in the lovely sunshine while getting all messy. 

2. What puts a spring in your step?  Usually, anything I do specifically family driven makes me walk lighter and happier. It gives me great joy to making those I love a wee bit glad I did something just for them.

 3. Describe a time when you had to spring into action. About four years ago, our DS was outside playing toss with his football, alone. He was throwing that ball into the air, then go scrambling across the yard as hard as could to try to catch it before it hit the ground. I called from the doorway, warning him he shouldn’t go at it so hard. He seemed out of control and something bad is bound to go wrong if he wasn’t careful in his play. I hate to be, “I told you so” kind of person, but sure as the world no sooner had those words tumbled from my lips the inevitable happened. DS managed to trip over a rock and landed on a bush cut low to the ground. He gashed his right leg about 3-4 inches long just below his knee. We wound up at Children’s where he had to have several stitches. Luckily, no muscle damage and Mom survived the whole affair. I believe the valuable lesson — listen to your mother ALWAYS is one DS learned or at least until next time, right?

 4. We’re having carrots for dinner…would you prefer yours raw or cooked?  I like carrots both ways, too. Overall, though, I think I prefer them raw.

 5. Do you take the shampoos and other sundries from your hotel room when its time to check out?  To remove tiny shampoos or other sundries would mean I first have to stay at a hotel. This hasn’t happened in several years, but if I were staying away from home in paid quarters then no I wouldn’t take any. In fact, I wouldn’t use them unless it was an emergency. I prefer to use my own. However, when our girls were small they would love to take them home. You know how little girls are with small things, they’ve just gotta have them. It’s an unwritten law or something that all little girls must have anything remotely small or else. I’m sure the world will come to an abrupt end if one little girl doesn’t adhere to this unpublished rule of the land.

6. What’s the most enjoyable team or club you’ve belonged to and what was it that made it so?  I always enjoyed being a cheerleader and being a part of the Pep club, but that’s been too many years ago to count. I also liked being in Glee club. Funny, our Glee club was nothing spectacular like what you see on TV – fancy productions, actors/actresses helping out, etc. No, I don’t watch the program. I’ve only gathered this tidbit from the promos I catch occasionally. 

7. Is cloning a sign of progress? This is playing God in my opinion. It would be hard for me to believe God would want us to tamper with what He created in the Garden of Eden.

 8. Insert your own random thought here.  Which of you watch daytime soaps? Come on, be honest. I grew up watching Days of Our Lives. About the time, I retarded from the workforce to be a Stay-at-home Mom, I became a regular viewer of the show again. It’s always the same ole song and dance script – love, hate, mistrust, deception, murder, scandal, death, and resurrection (or so it seems). How many times can you count when you think someone is dead to learn months or years that he/she wasn’t dead at all. This can only happen on a soap, right?

 I’ve seen this show go from the typical to the bazaar. That’s when I decide okay enough is enough and will stop watching. I usually give it several months or even years before I’ll watch it on a daily basis again. Because of the strange trend, the soap writers have taken over the past decade, I don’t feel compelled to plan my day around DOOL. The show has no power over me, as it once did.

This partly is due to the repetitiveness of the storyline but mostly I think it’s because it’s not believable. No one really lives this way, so why on earth do the writer keep pushing the same ridiculousness? Here’s a novel idea, why not write about real life – sexual harassments, unfaithfulness (portrayed for the ugliness it really is instead of glamming it up) violence against women, children abductions, terminal illness, troubled teens, school shootings, drug addiction, and the list goes on.

Yesterday, my buttons got pushed wrong when the same stuff played out. Husband walks in on the wife (separated because of husband’s indiscretions) unannounced and certainly uninvited who now thinks his wife is sleeping with another man. This isn’t the case at all and the furthest thing from the truth, but it’s not nearly as dramatic if there isn’t a fist fight and name calling going on, I suppose.

What I’d like to see is less unbelievable drama and more life-like stories. Wouldn’t it be grand if the wife didn’t clam up and shout out, “I can barely stand him, but he’s only here because I passed out because… I’m, I’m pregnant with your baby! If you hadn’t cheated on me, then I wouldn’t be in this lonely hotel room with a person I hardly care about but need very much to be near me for the health of my baby who means the world to me despite you being my child’s daddy. How dare you barge into my room and say unkind things to me. I didn’t do anything and you are totally at fault on so many levels! “

For more mid-week fun, let’s venture over to


For our morning chit-chat session with Patrice and Wendell. This week’s questions are:

1.What’s your favorite clock, a digital or an old-fashioned face with hands?  I like old fashion clocks for their look, but I prefer digital clocks because they are easier to read from a distance. I still have this grand idea of having a coo-coo clock or at least one that chimes on the hour. I’m pretty sure DH wouldn’t be too keen on this idea, but being the sweetheart that he is, if I truly wanted this then he’d get it for me.

2.What’s your favorite type of bird?  I’ve always thought Blackcap Chickadees are adorable and Hummingbirds fascinating.  I think I prefer all small birds over large ones, but, I love catching a glimpse of a beautiful Cardinal against the stark, gray landscape. Seeing our vivid red feathered friends is the midst of winter is a true mood booster.  

3.How do you feel about being in front of people? This could include meetings, speeches, performing, or just saying something at a party. It doesn’t bother me nearly as much as did when I was younger. I still find myself a little lost for the right wording and my nervous make my tongue stumble. I think this is really kind of funny because one-on-one I can bend your ear off without any trouble or at least very little trouble, but as soon as I’m speaking to a group of people then my brain shuts down a bit.

4.What’s the last item of clothing that you purchased? I bought two shimmery JLo tank tops Kohl’s.

5.Please give me a caption or a Wendell quote for this picture. I don’t mind sharing the barnyard with you and your crazy kind, but don’t invade my personal space. Oh! Yes! Be sure to stir clear of my blind spot. I won’t be responsible for my action or behavior. Are we good on this?










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5 thoughts on “Bad Hair Day with Hodgepodge and Chit-Chat on a Farmhouse Porch

  1. I have always had baby fine hair. I went through a few years of using dr. prescribed rogaine, but have given up on that. It helped me keep the hair I had but it is in an alcohol base and we all know what alcohol does to hair. I now take supplements. I researched it and found some interesting facts.

  2. I’m afraid that I can be of no assistance with the shampoo issue. My hair is the texture of Wendell’s tail. Blessing? Maybe. Cruse? Maybe. It can certainly have a mind of its own some days- ponytail time! I didn’t think of chickadees or hummingbirds when I asked this, but they are both favorites.Wendell would probably say that. He was watching them out of the corner of his eye while he grazed. Have a great week!

  3. Hi Cathy! I too love to be out in the dirt and sunshine! LOL!!

    I really enjoyed your answers, meeting you and getting to know you a bit today! Your caption is a funny one and brought a smile to my face … “are we good on this?” is spoken many times a day in our home!!

    In Him~

  4. Hi Cathy,
    I totally agree with you on the subject of cloning. I used to watch DOOL all the time, but haven’t done so in years. The storyline just lost me the last time I tuned in.

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