Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, I’m doing another duplicate idea from last year. I sketched a prince & princess if you recall but what I wanted to draw and didn’t was Cinderella and Prince Charming. I didn’t feel comfortable, but I thought why not do that this go around and so here is my Prince Charming and his Princess Cinderella.
I don’t have to worry about that someday my PRINCE will come because it did many, many years ago when I fell hopeless, head-over-hills in love with DH in 1976.
After Alana read my Theme Reveal, she challenged me to draw her favorite bird, the parakeet. I have yet to master what I see mentally without a visual guide, so I turned to Google for help and found a cute image to use as an example. Birds in Paradise seemed like an a good title for my sketch but I decided to go with Parakeets In Love with the sunset heart-shape captured.
I ain’t gonna lie to you, I didn’t think I’d find a song with ‘parakeet’ in the title but I found this 1998 ditty by R.E.M. which is an introduction. How about you, do you know it?
- Three things on your spring bucket list? If you don’t have an actual list that’s fine, pretend you do. I don’t have a ‘bucket list’. That implies I’m on my last leg and I’m NOWHERE near that stage in life. Of course, I could go out to get my mail one day and meteor land on my head. But, why think about life nearing an end, instead of celebrating everything about everyday with a ‘WISH LIST’ of activities. Yes, that’s what I have is a wish list. The first thing is to get DH’s eye surgeries done early next month. Second, major yard clean-up and third, maybe plant some of my late MIL’s heirloom marigolds in my flower pots. I haven’t been too inspired in recent to do this but maybe it’s time to do it.
- Where do you find rest? What restores your soul? When was the last time you did whatever it was you answered here? Visiting the mountains is an excellent place to restore my soul. We actually got a chance to do this last weekend. On Friday, we went to the Historic Elkmont which I blogged about here more than a year ago and then on Saturday, we drove the southern end of the Blue Ridge Parkway. We stopped in Maggie Valley picked up some fresh chicken fingers, cole slaw, french fries, and bread (cornbread muffin, dinner roll, and a home-made biscuit) from Carver’s Maggie Valley Restaurant and had a late lunch at Water Rock Knob. It’s a gorgeous place to enjoy the view for miles. It was refreshingly wonderful to spend two days in God’s country as I call it.
- April is National Celery Month. Who knew? Do you like celery? What’s your favorite dish made with celery? On a veggie and dip platter which would you reach for first-carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumbers or cherry tomatoes? I think celery is okay. It makes certain dishes taste better but I don’t necessary enjoy eating it plain or for dipping. I think my favorite dish to use celery in is potato salad. On a veggie platter, I’m more likely to reach for cucumbers or carrot sticks.
- I read here eight things to do before 8 am to make your day less hectic-Start one load of laundry, drink water, empty the dishwasher, read your Bible, know what you’re having for dinner, get dressed, brain dump (two lists-one what you’re thankful for and one what’s weighing on your mind), and after the brain dump make your to-list for the day. How many of these are you currently doing? Which one do you think would help the most if you added it to your early morning routine? I always have 2-16oz glasses of water at the start of each morning. Whatever I put on when I get out of bed is what I wear all day. So, I’m dressed and ready for action. I normally do a load of laundry or dishes every other day. That’s the beauty of just the two of us that these jobs don’t need be done every day. The other things mentioned get worked into my day pretty easy so I don’t think moving any thing around will help make my mornings any better. What I need to do is find away to step away from the computer faster to do other things.
- Describe the view from your window. Out my kitchen window is a grown up bank that leads to a road and the view out my living room is our driveway but I can see the Smoky mountains most days. Sometimes visibility is fabulous!
- Insert your own random thought here. I read yesterday on Facebook that Barbara Bush passed away on Sunday but it turned out to be a hoax. Can’t people find better things to do instead of spreading rumors? I did read Mrs. Bush is in poor health. But, then later yesterday she actually did die. My prayers and thoughts go out to the former First Family. May God fill you with peace and loving memories of Barbara. I also read again on Facebook that Harry Anderson, star of the 80s TV sitcom ‘Night Court’ as Judge Harry Stone, died. I clicked the news link which stated he was found dead in his Asheville, North Carolina home Monday morning. This is a legit report after I asked Google. I think finding out that Anderson lived just over the mountain from us was the most surprising part other than his age. He was only 65 making him 9 years my senior. ‘Night Court’ was a short run program but it was a great comedy. I don’t know why it got canceled. So to pay a special tribe to Stone, I’m sharing the TV Theme mewsic.
Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. You might find me participating in my usual daily blog hops but right now I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. Join me tomorrow’s alpha-prompt inspired iPad Art Sketch in the April Challenge! XX
, Cathy
In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is a quick link to each one:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
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Aww, your prince and princess are charming. And those parrots are too cute. I am soooo jealous of your view outside your kitchen window!
We hope when we find our dream house that it has a similar view. It’s difficult finding a place that’s on the market and in budget with a view of the Smoky’s. We didn’t know how blessed we were when we first moved into this house but we soon discovered most days we can see our beloved mountains. Thanks for visiting, dear friend!
“Night Court” was such a great show. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
I can’t figure out why ‘Night Court’ ran for only one season. No doubt ratings but it was a fun show filled with good laughs.
Your Cinderella is charming! I love the parakeets too.
Thanks, I’m happy you like. At your suggestion to draw a swan, I did and will share that sketch next month in this time slot. I did credit you in my pre-post composition. It needs a bit of tweaking before it goes live on May 23rd.
Sorry for the double comment. I just actually read your comment directions and saw that you are asking for URLs. I know some people don’t like it so during A to Z I just name my blog as it’s listed in the Master LIst. I am at https://doesntspeakklingon.blogspot.com/
No worries about the second comment. I’m glad that you did and left a trail back to your blog. I often find if someone doesn’t either leave it and it’s not linked the profile or sign-in info then it’s hard to do a return visit and that’s frustrating. I’m sure others besides myself would like to do the same if there are breadcrumbs to follow. Thanks a bunch!
I can’t believe you drew those using a computer program! They look like pencil or chalk drawings. Well done. My niece is studying art in college, and she needed specific software. I guess I see why!
I found you on my husband’s blog (Transformed Nonconformist) . He’ll respond to your questions tonight. I am AtoZ-ing at Doesn’t Speak Klingon. Happy Q day! (It’s Thursday here in China, so I can say that.)
Howdy and welcome! DH got the Procreate app for me after reading reviews and watching for the price to drop in the App store. He often gets some good apps for free but most of the time he can grab them at a very low price. Things get muddled in my brain but I believe I had the app on my iPad Air but it had a battery problem which we just retired and he got my iPad Pro as an anniversary present last June. I was excited because I knew the Pro used the Apple pencil which my Air did not, so I got giddy thinking about pairing the two together for the purpose of doodling. After months of hinting about wanting the Apple Pencil for my birthday (in December) I sorta gave up because not because I didn’t want it anymore but because he made a generous offer to get me an iMac for Christmas since my computer was growing unstable. That boy did a fast one and still got me the Apple Pencil for my birthday and I was elated! I’ve used my iPad and Pencil probably every day since mid-December to sketch something. It’s been a lot of fun to learn. I just wish I were a lot better. At least I can say, there’s always room for improvement.
I do remember your husband’s blog and the cultural changes (difficulties finding pickles & popcorn) y’all are experiencing now in China. Thanks for making time to visit and have a good day or night whichever it is now in that part of the world. 
Thank you for taking my suggestion as inspiration, Cathy – I love how you capture the eye squint that parakeets in love do when they cuddle up. (The Prince Charming and Cinderella were nice, too). Thank you for taking my suggestion. I have to admit – the parakeet song was a bit weird. There are some interesting theories on the lyrics.
I’m glad you offered the parakeet suggestion. ‘Parakeet’ lyrics are weird and certainly don’t make a lot of sense but I read that it’s supposed to be about a man hating his job. I don’t know if that’s accurate. Although the words are strange but many songs can fall into that class at times, I do like the mewsic arrangement which I admit is usually the first thing that snags me anyhow. Thanks for visiting, my friend.
Your Parakeets in Love image is very sweet.
I love the drawings of the parakeets! Beautiful colors.
Thanks. I like the colors, too.
We have something in common… I’m from Kingsport, TN, and spent LOTS of time in Knoxville while growing up. My husband and I have even tried to move to Knoxville recently. Go Vols! Love your sketches!
I’m always amazed at just how small our world is through the blogging community. East Tennessee is a beautiful area. I hope y’all get to move back here ASAP. The housing market always seems so hot, new homes springing up all the place and nice one on the market get scooped up rather quickly. Thanks for taking time to return the visit and have a pAwesome day!
Hi Cathy, great pictures and great music choices – I really love your parakeets, so cute. It’s amazing that you’re doing these pictures on an i-pad. Great answers to the hodgepodge, and your trip to the mountains sounds idyllic. What a lovely way to spend a day with your husband.
Have a wonderful day.
We consider ourselves blessed to live in such a wonderful area where we can escape to the mountains for the day. After DH has his eye surgery next month, he’ll have restrictions which limit him to not going beyond 2000ft so we won’t be able to go to the mountains until after the gas bubble his Retina surgeon places in his eye dissolves. We do not know the duration of the bubble yet but I’m sure the doctor will tell as the time of his release. Thanks for stopping by for a visit and lovely comment, my friend.
The Prince looks quite charming, and she is beautiful. The parakeets are lovely, too.
Ahh, thanks! Cinderella doesn’t look exactly like the Disney princess but I’m getting there…I think.
The parakeets turned out better than I thought they were and I’m super glad Alana challenged me to draw them. 
Hey Girlfriend, just kinda hangin’ out today, but it’s one of those blaaaaahhh days! Anyway, your Cinderella & her Prince picture looks like they walked right off a Disney cartoon & with Linda Ronstadt – Someday my prince will come, which was awesome and your love birds as well are extremely adorable! Those should be on a wedding invitation card… and actually both of them would make a lovely wedding invitation! Girl, you are letting all this talent go to waste. Shame on you hording such lovely talents all to yourself when they can be putting so many smiles on so many faces!!! Love your post girlfriend! Great job!
You’re just plumb darlin’, my friend. I’m glad you like my sketches. Your kind words mean so much to me. Perhaps, I can figure out a way to use my artwork on my site for those interested in purchasing. I just don’t want my hobby becoming arduous. Thank you for your encouragement.
Love the sketches!
Thank you for letting me know. Have a good day!
very fun post!
Thanks! ;;)
Hi Cathy, it’s nice to meet you. I enjoyed seeing some of your artwork this morning, you’re talented. I have other forms of artistic abilities, but I’ve always wanted to be able to sketch. Thank you for your visit to my page this morning, I hope to see you again.
I’m glad you found time for a return visit. Unfortunately, you did not include your blog URL when you signed-in nor did you leave it in comments for me trace your footsteps back to your site.
I hope you’re reading this because I certainly would like to hop back to your place later today. Anywho, I think if you have a desire to draw then try it. For years I wanted to sketch but didn’t because I always felt inferior. All I needed was a push to put pencil to paper to see what I could do and last year’s A2Z nudge me to finally do something about it. I’m really glad I threw caution to the wind, stepping away from my fears and doing it just for the fun. Sketching is now my favorite pastime. 
Love your prince and princess. I have been lucky enough that my Prince Charming found me too. The parakeets are adorable. I was surprised about Harry Anderson. He was relatively young.
I’m Playing catch up and now I am catching up on your blog:) I love your Cinderella and Prince Charming-the faces are well done. The parakeets are great also and show your progress as an artist. I love how you coloured the parakeets as well and The song sung by the great Linda Ronstadt fits with both drawings. I want to get back to my cards, start a scrapbook for my friend and get some pictures in order..maybe clean up my craft room
I love all your sketches. Way cool.
I loved Night Court. I watched it every week too.
I loved Barbara Bush. May she rest in peace.
I’ve not heard Parakeet until today.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Big hugs and lots of lovies coming your way. ♥
I try to think outside the box which often introduces and educates me like with R.E.M’s song “Parakeet”. Who knew right?
I think you get better every day with your iPad. That Cinderella is wonderful.
Thanks, Jacqui! I hope that I am getting better but regardless I’m having lots of fun!
I love the parakeets! So sad about Barbara Bush and Harry Anderson. He was so popular for awhile and then seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Hope you have a great week.
Thanks, I’m glad you liked my parakeets! Yes, it’s sad that we lost two famous people so close together but it happens. Over the years anytime Night Court came to mind I thought the same thing about Harry Anderson and wonder what became of him. What’s interesting is how celebs live in my general area without me even knowing it or they have family here. For instance, Harrison Ford married a gal from Knoxville and was seen downtown late last year. I had no clue! Thanks for visiting today!
Beautiful sketches, I especially love Cinderella. I am blessed to have my prince too. Nice to learn more about you with those questions. We grow celery and it is so much better than store bought , you would love it. I was sad to see Harry Anderson passed away so young. I liked Night Court too.
Thank you so much, Ellen! I’m happy that you’re getting better acquainted with me. I have not had home-grown celery before. Now, you got me curious!
Love your sketches, Cathy. Linda Ronstadt looks so young in that video! I don’t particularly hate celery but it’s not my fave veggie either.
Happy WW!
Thanks for returning the visit this morning, my friend. Yes, Linda looks quite young in this video but then again I looked younger 30 years ago, too. lol I don’t hate celery, either. It’s just not my favorite. I can take it or leave it most of the time.
Your sketches are amazing Cathy very artistic and elegant
Have a artistictastic week Cathy
Oh, stop it, you’re making me blush. Well…if you insist my art is amazing then who am I to argue? lol Thank you for your kind comment and visit, my friend. Have a good day!
Hi, Cathy!
That’s an enchanting illustration of Prince Charming and Princess Cinderella at the ball, dear friend! Once again, the eyes have it. Cinderella’s gaze tells me she doesn’t quite know how to react to the kiss on the hand (perhaps her very first) because, as a “cleaning lady,” she suffers low self esteem and believes herself to be unworthy. I read that in literature Prince Charming comes to the rescue of various fairy tale damsels in distress which, in addition to Cinderella, include Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. You are lucky to have found your Prince Charming in DH.
It was touching to listen to Linda Ronstadt sing “Someday My Prince Will Come.” It makes me sad to remember that in 2013 Linda revealed she has Parkinson’s disease and, in her own words, “can no longer sing a note.”
Your Parakeets In Love drawing is fabulous, Cathy – so colorful and natural looking. I was not familiar with the song “Parakeet” by R.E.M.
I didn’t realize April is National Celery Month. On a plate, I would first reach for the cuke spears, then carrot sticks, then cherry tomatoes, then the celery. I picked celery last because it takes a lot of work to chew, doesn’t have much flavor and requires you to brush and floss your teeth after eating it. I always drink a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning, at 5 am, to detoxify my system and help get myself awake and energized.
Yes, we lost former First Lady Barbara Bush and Harry Anderson. I watched Night Court and thought it was one of the funniest comedies on TV. Harry’s co-stars tweeted some touching tributes to him.
Have a wonderful day, dear friend Cathy!
I think it’s wonderful for young girls to look for her Prince Charming. Unfortunately, they are being taught the opposite today. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a man to protect, support, and love you. It doesn’t mean you can’t do things for yourself but it’s nice to have a soulmate who’s all the things you’re looking for in a happy ever after. I know the Bush and Anderson families are deeply saddened this morning. It amazes me how often I hear about someone famous or not passing to the next life. I guess being in my 50s just causes me to focus more on my mortality than I did thirty years ago. I don’t know a lot about Parkinson’s Disease but it’s sad that Ronstadt can’t sing anymore because of the disease. I always think of Michael J. Fox when I think of this disease. I guess it was his diagnosis years ago that made us more aware of the disease. At least he is able to do some acting still. You put those veggies in the same order as I would. Celery does take too long to eat and it gets caught between your teeth. Lemon water is a good natural way to detox and jumps start your system. I used to do that but haven’t in years. Maybe, I should incorporate it again into my morning regimen. Thanks for stopping by so early this morning for a visit, my friend. Have a good day!