
19-03-2025 Vol 19

#AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter “R”


30 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter “R”

  1. I can’t choose a favorite between your rock images. I like them both.

    I love ice cream, too, especially Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate. Their Banana Pudding variety is great, too.

    I loved my black pumps, too. I wore them pretty much everywhere.

    I look forward to your trips to the mountains and seeing the pictures. I miss that about being back home!

    Have a blessed Sunday, my friend!

  2. Well, okay shame on me… I cheated! ~hehehe~ I saw your lovely picture on facebook early this morning and I agree with you I prefer pencil drawing too! I draw a little and there’s nothing like the feel of doing your project yourself than doing it with a machine. You use the machine you are not sketching to me that’s like cheating… don’t you think? hahaha~~ Anyway, sorry I’m so late I went to the doctor and I’ll send you an email regarding that my friend. As far as your sketch is concerning I must apologize to you because to be honest that’s not really what I thought it was… do I have to tell you what I thought it was at first??? ~snicker~~ Personally I don’t think I have to tell you…. hahahA You know I loves ya gal, but truly the black & white one I thought it was poop at first bwahahahaha but then I said SHAME ON ME… IT’S “R” DAY!!!! bwahahaha Oh well, I must be losing it~!! Have a great weekend to you & Mr. R….

    1. Shirley,

      I almost didn’t add a layer of color. I’m glad that I did because everyone seems to like it better. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Love your rock sketches. Way cool.

    Love all the signs. People can be so creative can’t they.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Big hug. ♥

  4. Your rocks are quite good and I do like the coloured ones better if I had to choose:) I’d love to be in the mountains and be in nature. I also love to be in my craft room.

  5. Not sure if the signs or your rocks are the best part of the post. I can’t believe how realistic those rocks are! Or the posters! I’ll get back to you.

    1. Jacqui,

      Thank-you for your kindness. I didn’t do the posters. I borrowed those from Google because they were just funny. I appreciate you stopping in for a vist.

  6. I guess I need to read more closely. At first I thought your drawing was of realistic rabbits sleeping in the grass. I was thinking they weren’t very good rabbit drawings. Rocks makes more sense. I like color so I prefer the drawing that has been colored in.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      I think the A2Z Challenge is catching up with you, too. I did say at the beginning that I drew LAST year a REALISTIC RABBIT and then you read two other commenters say they saw something SLEEPING, so your brain did a mashup. Or, it could be I didn’t do such a good job. 😀 I love it that Y’all feel at ease to tell me these things knowing that I’m such relaxed personality. Thanks for visiting, my friend.

  7. Great sketches and I love these funny signs 🙂 Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. Sorry you can’t find the kind of shoes you want. Dodge ball always made me a little nervous 🙂 Have a nice weekend. XO

    1. Ellen,

      I don’t real pointy pumps. I don’t like the look and they are a tiny bit longer than other shoes so it’s a tripping hazard. I got a pair from Amazn last night and after examing them I don’t think they’re going to work. They are definitely a lot longer. I ordered a size 6 but I think I need to go down to a 5.5. That’s just crazy. I bet the smaller size won’t fit right, either. Thanks for the return visits and lovely words, my friend!

    1. Martha,

      Thank you for your kind words. Rocks are a bit challenging. I guess I have away to go before I can sell everyone on what’s pictured before them. lol I say that affectionately and trust me when I say, I’m glad people tell me like it is because that just pushes me to try a little harder. I’m hopping over to your place next!

    1. Leanne,

      Okay, first Alana sees sleeping cats and now you see sleeping dragons. This tells me two things. A. I didn’t do so good and I’d better try again. Or, B. You’re hopped up on caffeine causing hallucinations. I’m going to go with B because I’d say you’ve had to drink a lot of coffee to keep up with the A2Z challenge. I know I have! lol Note to self: Make second attempt to sketch rocks. Thanks for stopping by, my friend.

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy “R” day to you, dear friend! Your rock drawing reminds me of the fun I had as a boy when my parents took me to the mountains of Northern Penna to spend two weeks of summer vacation in a log cabin. Nearby was a babbling brook filled with large water-polished rocks like the ones in your illustration. I enjoyed hopping from one rock formation to the next to cross the stream. On more than one occasion I lost my footing on the moss and plunged into the cold water, but it was great fun.

    I’m happy to know that you (and DH) enjoy the mountains as much as I did as a boy and still do. You and I also match on the fun of dodge ball and our love of ice cream. I didn’t know that classic pumps are hard to find. Is it because most women’s shoes have been modified for health and safety reasons? As a red blooded hetero man I admit that I always appreciate the look of a well dressed woman wearing classic pumps.

    Thanks for sharing Friday Sillies, and thank you very much for the lovely comments you are leaving for Kathleen as we remember her mother Margaret. Have a great Friday and weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I remember trying to walk across a creek on slick river rocks which takes great balance. I often stepped off into the icy water but never minded it as a child. It was actually a refreshing summer past time.

      Most so-called classic pumps today show less toe cleavage and have a sharper toe point. Another thing is the design of the heel. Mine sorta start off wide and tapering off. That’s not a good way to describe it but if you look at Google images you’ll notice most have a slender, straight silhouette. The transformation that begins from heel that I mentioned like mine has been more pleasing looking. I prefer the 3 1/4″ height pumps and most pumps today are higher. I found a pair at Amazon that might work. I’m anxious for their arrival to see.

      Thanks for visiting this morning and I hope you have a good weekend, my friend.

    1. Alana,

      I be doggone if you aren’t right! My rocks do look a bit like sleeping cats. I guess it’s just the Cathy in me getting out. 🙂

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