
24-03-2025 Vol 19

A2ZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter “M”

Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, Whew, we’re nearly half-way through the month and challenge. Where does the time go? Well…it’s Saturday so I’m absent from Blogosphere but you can rest assured I’ll make my rounds on Monday with fellow AtoZers. Today’s alpha prompt I’m sharing my favorite MONSTER with you.


Are you a cookie monster? I have a real-life Cookie Monster, DH. 😀  We have cookies on hand all the time so that he won’t have a melt down. What’s your favorite cookie recipe? Do you like store-bought cookies?

The year my baby brother was born, The Monkees had to #1 hit songs, “I’m a Believer” and “The Last Train to Clarksville”. Today’s playlist is in honor of JC’s 52nd birthday. He moved his residence back in 2006 to the Streets of Gold through the Pearlie Gates sitting at the feet of Jesus. No doubt, to stay out of trouble. 😉


Happy Birthday, little brother! I love you and miss you every day but I know I’ll see you again.


I sketched this last year for the A2Z challenge. You can a see the photo that I used in here if you want.

Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. Join me on Monday for a jam packed post full of fun. You’ll hae a chance to boogie with me on the dance floor with me for Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me (mewsic theme in side menu), vote in my newest BoTB, and sneak a peek at my next edition of Creating iPad Art Sketches!


In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is a quick link to each one:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z







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32 thoughts on “A2ZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter “M”

  1. Love Mr. Cookie Monster and I love cookies too. I do buy some cookies from the German delicatessen that are digestive cookies covered in dark chocolate but I like homemade the best. I usually make them. At Christmas but I can make a few here and there🌝 My favourite are, what I call German cookies, followed by shortbread, and the classic chocolate chip cookies

  2. I can be a notorious cookie monster at times. I do mostly store bought, but home made are greater when I can get ’em. Favorite cookies are chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, and the devils food cookies that I’ve found to be not often on store shelves anymore and kind of expensive when I do find them.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out / Battle of the Bands

    1. Lee,

      I have never made snickerdoodle cookies but we have gotten them on occasion at bakeries. I don’t know if we’ve ever gotten them out of the store, though. The devils’ food cookies used to be a favorite of mine when I was younger but I haven’t had them in years. They are rather hard to find and like you pointed out can be bit expensive compared to other good cookies on the shelf.

  3. I love the cookie monster. Sorry about your brother. HIs portrait is charming. (mary, cactus catz)

  4. You sketched my favorite monster, Cookie Monster. I’m sorry that your brother has passed, but you made my day by using the Monkees to honor him. I was a big fan.

    1. Who doesn’t like Cookie Monster? I think he’s a fan of everyone body, don’t you? I miss my baby brother but one day I’ll see him again. I loved the Monkees as a kid. In the mid-80s when they did their come-back tour or whatever they called I got to see them in concert. That was so much fun!

  5. We have several cookie monsters around here, especially at Girl Scout Cookie time. Our favorite recipe is for an almost flourless chocolate cookie that we call fudgie buddies.

    1. Mimi,

      I always liked Girl Scout cookies but you don’t have to wait for them to each year anymore with the various Kebbler take-offs of their popular flavors. Your fudgie buddies sound good. I find it difficult to make chocolate cookies chocolatey enough without making them too dry. I’d love to master this recipe. 🙂

  6. I love that Cookie Monster! I also love cookies, and have a new recipe I’m trying tomorrow after shopping (new ingredients).
    Your sketch of your brother is lovely. What an adorable family photo it was taken from! I am so sorry you lost him at such a young age.

    1. Lisa,

      Mmm, will you be sharing your cookie recipe for us in Blogosphere? I can’t wait to read about it. Thank you for your kind words about my brother. Sometimes I can still hear his voice in my head. I hope I never lose that! Thanks for visiting!

  7. My youngest brother is almost 20 years younger than I, and for his first Christmas I bought him a Cookie Monster stuffed doll. He seemed to like it, although he was only three months old at the time. Mom would put him in the playpen and he’d watch Sesame Street and Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, and we used to sit and watch with him.

    1. John,

      That’s a sweet memory to have of your baby brother and boy was he younger than you. I thought a baby sister almost 10 years younger than me was a big deal but you trump me on this one.

  8. Great cookie monster. I know him well from our three kids. I remember the drawing of your brother from last year. You’ve captured him so well. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Janet,

      Cookie Monster might have debuted on Sesame Street in the mid-80s and that’s how most of us know the loveable, big-eyed, blue monster. But, I learned Jim Hanson sketched a creature in 1966 that looked a lot like Cookie that he called The Wheel Stealer which I thought was interesting which you can read about HERE. Have a good week!

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    Me likey your bright blue cookie monster illustration, dear friend! Well done! I can’t say that I am a cookie monster because I rarely eats sweets of any kind. However I prefer cookies to cake or candy, and whenever I eat cookies, I prefer the homemade cookies that Mrs. Shady’s bakes. Every holiday season she whips up dozens of cookies in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, designs and flavors. I like her peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies best.

    April is a big birthday month. Today you mark the 52nd year anniversary of the birth of your brother who unfortunately passed away a dozen years ago. Your sketch of him as a boy bears a striking resemblance to his picture. It was nice to click back to that picture of you as a girl with your siblings and daddy. (When your brother was born, I was age sixteen and hanging out at the Shady Dell every evening. I watched The Monkees on a small black and white TV on top of the refrigerator in the Dell snack bar.) Monday is my big brother’s 79th birthday and Wednesday is another very important date on the Shady Dell calendar, the birthday of Margaret Schneider, “The Oldest Living Dell Rat.” As you recall, Margaret died last spring at the age of 105.

    I hope you and DH will get out and about and enjoy your weekend. I’ll see you Monday.

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      What this, you’re not much of a sweets eater? *smack forehead* Well…DH & I will have to eat your share. 🙂 There’s nothing like fresh, baked cookies. Chocolate Chip cookies is a classic favorite here. I have made home-made peanut butter cookies but those aren’t DH favorites so I only make them at his request but now you got me wanting them. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. First of all, your little brother is darling! A real cutie pie! You did fabulous on him. The Cookie Monster well my oldest son we called him, “Cuddles” cuz when he was little if you laid him on the bed next to you he would manuever his body over to you and cuddle right up next to you. It was so cute & still hysterical all at the same time. When he got older he had this Cookie Monster Puppet & he’d say to me, “Mommy, can I have a cookie and I would say, “Were you a good boy?” and he’s say, “Yes, Mommy”! and I’d give him one and one day he asked the same. We’d say the same, and this time he had Cookie on his hand and he said to me, “Mommy, can Cookie have a cookie too?”!!! bwahahahahahaha How adorable is that! How could a Mommy refuse! Have a great weekend my friend! GREAT JOB!!! hugs

  11. Ah, the Cookie Monster! I like Anzacs, macaroons(M word!) and amaretti. All delicious and quick and easy to make. I’ve been known to bake macaroons when someone was on their way over to my place, and have it out of the oven, ready to eat by the time they arrived. I made Anzacs for my Year 7 class last year, for Anzac Day – they are made with oatmeal and golden syrup. The kids ate the lot in five minutes.

    Sad about your brother – is that him in the drawing?

    Aussie Children’s Writers – Elyne Mitchell

    1. Sue,

      Mmm, macaroons sound marvelous! I have not had fresh baked macaroons. I keep saying I need to do that but I’m a bit hesitant because DH might be allergic to coconut. We’re not 100% on this but in recent years after eating it he got really sick so now we’re just cautious. Yes, the sketch of the little boy is my brother. I should try to sketch him as an adult. Maybe, I’ll give that a try in the not-so-distant future. Thanks for visiting. I’m off to see you now!

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