Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, It’s mid-week already. How are y’all keeping up with the challenge? After such a poor start, I’m feeling pretty confident with my progress. I think I might be falling to pieces had I not had my posts scheduled, though. Things got too hurried with the passing of my father-in-law and I’m still working through the items we brought home with us but there’s more we need to go back to get. We may have to rent a storage unit to house anything else especially if it’s a significant amount. Hopefully by now you know the reason behind my theme but in case you don’t last year I pushed myself to step outside my comfort zone. I picked up my pencil after years to create art sketches. You’ll find a complete list of all of my artwork in my Reflections’ post. This year I’m continuing my new-found passion but instead I’m using two new tools DH got me last year, an Apple iPad and pencil. I hope you’ll hang with me throughout April as I create iPad art sketches through the alphabet.

I used these step-by-step instructions to sketch my dolphin.
I welcome anyone who wants to add their post URL to my not-so Wordless Wednesday linky party during the April A to Z Challenge!
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I dare you, no I double dare you to request that a draft a new drawing! What subject would you like for me to doodle?

Enjoy the Three Finger guitarist from the mid-40s, Django Reinhardt.
I hope sharing my sketches encourage you to do something that you’ve put off because like me you just didn’t think you could do it. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised at what you can do! Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. You might find me participating in my usual daily blog hops at host of not-so-Wordless Wednesday but right now I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. Join me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches!
, Cathy
In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is quick link to each one: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
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Such a cute and friendly dolphin
I really like that, especially the faded shading on the dolphin and the water splashes. I’m going to have to find those step-by-step instructions and try it myself!
Jemima, blogging from A to Z on my writing inspirations
How fun, Cathy, and you’re good at drawing. Kudos for doing something you enjoy.
Doodling goes give me great joy and I’m so delighted that I put myself to the challenge last year. Had I not, then I’d be missing out on so much fun right now.
How fun! I can’t imagine drawing on an iPad!! Looking forward to more A to Z
Thanks for visiting. Drawing on an iPad isn’t as hard as I first thought. It was just a matter of adjusting my hand. There are some things that are tricky like very fine lines that can come off being too broad at times but the good thing is you can create a drawing in layers to preserve one part without destroying the details. It’s really cool.
How cool that we both had Dolphins for our D post, Cathy! WOW I am impressed with the quality of that sketch. It looks like a real drawing on paper, not something done on an iPad.
Happy birthday to your Mom!
So sorry about your father-in-law. I hope that family harmony reigns as you sort through his things.
Emily In Ecuador | Dolphins in Puerto Lopez
Thank you for the return visit. Yes, sketches on the iPad do look like artwork on paper. I printed the daisies onto cardstock for my mother and mailed it to her. I was surprised at how good it looked, too. I’m considering doing more greeting cards like this in the future. Oh, thank you for the kind words regarding my father-in-law’s passing. He’s in heaven free from pain. God bless!
I love Hoppy the Dolphin..I cant help naming animals and this drawing is sweet. It’s hard when one needs to downsize….my mom moved 4 times and it was difficult to get rid of some pieces. Happy birthday to you young mom! She will love the daisies..is that a card you drew for her?? Your mom is young…to me anyway.
I like that name, ‘Hoppy’!
My in-laws lived in their home the biggest part of their 67 years of marriage and as you may recall my FIL lived four years longer than her. They have so much stuff. I recall all the times we said at Christmas, “What should we get mom and dad?” Usually, everything we got them got put away rarely did they use what we got them. lol Yes, I drew the daisies for mom with my iPad, then I printed the image onto card stock and sent it to her. It actually turned out pretty well. That was my first time to print off one of my sketches, so I was happily surprised. 73 isn’t old, especially when I think she’s only 16 years older than me. I’m catching up with her.
Thanks for dropping by!
Adorable dolphin and the daisies are sweet! I just did a post on swans. There’s something you can sketch!
Thanks for the challenge. I will hop over to look at the swans you photographed and perhaps try sketching my own. That’s an excellent idea!
Nice theme! Good luck with the challenge.
Visiting from WW
I normally share photos but with the A2Z challenge, I decided to continue my mid-week host but display my artwork instead. Thanks for visiting and joining my WW linky party!
Cute dolphin! I just posted my first Wordless Wednesday in quite a while. Stop by and check it out.
Thanks for visiting. I went by your blog but I wasn’t able to leave a comment. Did you turn commenting off?
A very nice dolphin, indeed!
Thank you, Jz!
That’s a pretty dolphin, i love the way the water sprays around it.
When I first drew my dolphin, I pulled away from it and when I came back to it I realized it needs more water spray to make it look like it’s leaping out of the ocean. I like this finishing touch, too. Thanks for noticing!
Hi Cathy, love your dolphin and the flowers, so lovely. Glad that your preparation has helped you in keeping going whilst things in your life are unsettled.
Have a lovely day.
Hey Pamela,
Just thought you’d like to know that your Gravatar profile does not have your blog URL listed which makes it difficult for others to find you. Now, I need to visit Annie hopefully you’re URL is listed on Sparks this week.
Thanks for visiting!
What a happy, friendly looking dolphin!
It’s probably happy and friendly looking because it’s so glad to see you!
I love your dolphin. Very nicely done.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. ♥
Thanks for the return visit and peek at my dolphin sketch, my friend.
Wow! Cathy I loved your sketches, a very happy birthday for your mum too
Hope you had a pleasant Easter
Have an artistictastic week and thanks for pirouetting by
Thanks for the bday wishes for my mother. Yes, I had a good Easter. I hope that you did, too. Thanks for the return visit, my friend. Please come again anytime!
I love your dolphin, Cathy. You are very talented.
Happy WW!
Thanks, Veronica! I’m so glad you came by to check out today’s contribution.
What an amazing drawings–and those instructions. They made it look easy (but I know it wasn’t–especially on an iPad).
I think you’re going to be surprised at the ease of sketching on an iPad. It just takes a little getting used to. I can only imagine the improvements I’ll see in a year from now. Thanks for your sweet words of praise.
Very beautiful drawings. Thanks for sharing and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week.
Thanks for joining the linky party fun and for your kind words about my artwork. I appreciate all the wonderful support I get from all my lovelies in Blogosphere.
It would be fun to swim with the dolphins!
Thanks for popping in for a visit. Maybe, we can swim with the dolphin together.
Wouldn’t that be fun? Have a dandy day!
Flipper! I love dolphins – aren’t they just so sweet-looking? And very smart. That’s a really good sketch!
And Django……..lovelovelove him and the music. Thanks, Cathy!
I’d love to swim with a dolphin. They are such interesting and smart animals. I remember watching Flipper as a kid. One of my blog friends introduced Django to me. He was a great guitarist! I always wanted to play but my hands are small.
That dolphin came out great. Going through a loved ones belongings is tough , especially so soon after a loss. XO
We didn’t do a lot of that as much as retrieving some of our own property stored at my in-laws. I did find a box of dishes my mother-in-law gave me and she had them stored under our bed. When I found her handwriting labeled Cathy’s dishes, it overwhelmed me as the realization hit that both my in-laws are now gone. I say our next trip back, we’ll do more of going through their things but from the sound of it there won’t be much considering how things changed without our knowledge. Thanks for stopping by, dear friend!
Hi Cathy, Thanks for stopping my my blog & commenting. Yup fun to see others following the muse. I remember your posts from last year as well. A year ahead??/I can’t even imagine. I tend to be a couple days ahead for this challenge to create a little breathing room. Keep up the nice sketching!
Hmm, thanks for reminding me that I stopped by your blog especially since you didn’t leave your URL for me to find my way back to you. Just so you’ll know, your Gravatar Profile does not list your blog and thus anyone who wishes to visit you can’t from the limited info left behind. I don’t compose my posts a year ahead but as you probably read that my good friend, Tom, schedules his that far in advance. It’s really amazing, isn’t it? In years’ past, I tried keeping a week ahead of the challenge but soon became overwhelmed. Last year, I was determined to get everything done before April rolled around and I succeeded. It made life so much easier for me, too. That taught me to keep up that pace so I can do more in Blogosphere without getting burned out so quickly. Thanks for the revisit, my friend. Have a good day!
Hi, Cathy!
First, I want to tell you how much I admire your kitten header and the overall beauty of your blog design. It is always a pleasure to come here.
I love your dolphin! Did you do it on porpoise?
(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) Seriously, thanks to you, I am going to have quite a collection of desktop background illustrations by the end of April.
Your paragraph of text got me thinking. It surely does pay to stay organized and prepared and that includes blogging, especially if you are taking part in a month long hop like the A To Z Challenge. Life has a way of intervening and disrupting best laid plans. It’s nice to have most or all of your posts finished in advance. On my blog I try to stay at least one full year ahead. By the time I publish them, some of my posts they have been finished and “in the can” three years or more. When the time comes for me to run a post written years ago, I tend to notice a difference in the attitude and writing style and realize how much I have changed since then. In other words, my current post is often a snapshot of who I was years ago, not necessarily who I am today.
Is today your mom’s birthday? Happy birthday to her! It was refreshing to sip my morning coffee and listen to the sound of mid 40s swing mewsic courtesy of Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli.
Have a D-lightful “D” day, dear friend Cathy!
I so appreciate your loyalty and I’m happy that you like the layout & feel of my blog, my friend. You’re so quick-witted. Yes, I doodle my dolphin on porpoise.
I’m flattered that you enjoy my sketches enough to save them for desktop wallpaper. Seriously, you have your posts done a year out? I thought mine were planned way out but yours really blows me out of the water. Although my posts are generally generated 2-4 weeks in advance, I notice attitude or event changes that I try to adjust before each post goes live. I’m really impressed with your organizational skills. Yes, today’s my mom is 73 years young! I called her earlier to wish her a happy birthday and I’m glad I didn’t wait since she must work today. Thanks for sharing a cup of coffee with me this morning, my friend and have a delightful day!