
22-03-2025 Vol 19

#AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter ‘B’

Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, Before I go any further, let me say thanks to all the hosts of the A2Z event. They put a lot of work into pulling this shindig together and I’m happy to be apart of the challenge again. Last year, I ventured outside my comfort zone to pick up my pencil to create art sketches and if you’re interested, you will find a reference to them in my Reflections’ post.  This year I’m continuing my new-found passion but instead I’m using two new tools DH got me last  year, an Apple iPad and pencil.  I hope you’ll hang with me throughout April as I create iPad art sketches through the alphabet.

The fun thing with sketching on my iPad is my projects can be done in layers so to not disturb your technique. With in the above image it’s appears as charcoal drawing and by adding layers I can add color using waterbrush, pencils, markers, … to get the desired feel I wanted. I can even add texture to my image with the paneled wall in the background, my book covers has a twisted tree impression, and a grudge effect for the table top.  I still need work in the perception department to nail those angles better. 🙂

Hopefully, what I share with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you just don’t think you can. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was! 🙂

[tweetthis]This is my 5th year of the #AprilA2Z Challenge, please join me all month as I create iPad #Art Sketches. Today’s letter prompt “B”. #books[/tweetthis]

Visit Annie at McGuffy’s Reader for “SPARKS” of inspiration!

My co-hosts, XmasDolly(Party Coordinator),  Stacy Uncorked, and our fabulous friend, Michelle filling in for Colette while on temporary medical leave invite you to hit the dance floor. This week’s theme is “your choice” song picks and keeping with today A2Z letter prompt, I’m going with song titles containing the word “book”.

Books Song Titles playlist

  1. Picture Book (The Kinks)
  2. Wrapped Up in Books (Belle and Sebastian)
  3. The Book of Love (Peter Gabriel)
  4. Goin’ By The Book  (Johnny Cash)

Please only link your mewsic post below.  😉

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (direct URL to post) so I can find my way back to you.  Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks.  Along with the A2Z hookup, you might find me participating in my usual daily blog hops as co-host of Monday’s Music Moves Me where I’m boogieing “freebie” style with my song choices based on today’s art – books. Join me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches!

X💋X💋, Cathy

In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is  quick link to each one:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z






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61 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter ‘B’

    1. Mimi,

      Ah, you’re so sweet and kind! It’s such a delight to have good friends such as you in my circle. I think we all need to do a little weed pulling most days. If only we could be more like Christ!

  1. Things are poppin’ around here and I have no time for nothing… just got home from doin’ stuff with my hubby (I’ll explain later). We had to pick up his car at the pound for one… oh Lord girlfriend it’s such a long story… anyway WELCOME HOME dear put your feet up and just take a great big sigh… you’ll feel better… give hubby a hug too! Those for nothing hugs are the best!!! Your artwork… girl I gasped… you have more talent in your little finger than I do in my whole body I think… I’ve got to get around to others too, but there’s just not enough time in the day… but I will even if I have to go back a few days! Loved your selection today too so happy you saved me a dance… love ya gal!!! BIG HUGS Oh & your quote… how true… how very true!!!!

    1. Marie,

      I’m sorry to hear that you ran yourself ragged yesterday. Oh, dear you had to get the hubs car out of the pound! Now, that’s gotta be a story to tell, right. Sending cyber hugs your way, a cup of tea, and a shoulder rub your way! 😉 Thanks for taking the time to boogie with me and for stealing a peek at my artwork. Although, all of my drawing app I can use my finger to doodle, I just don’t do that very well so I was tickled pink when DH got me an Apple Pencil for my birthday in December. I use it nearly every day to sketch something or to fine tune an existing drawing. Here’s hoping today will be better for you, dear friend. Let the mewsic play on!

    1. Sue,

      Thanks for mentioning Brushes Redux. I just downloaded it from the App Store. I will give it a try another day to see what I think. I’d love to draw with the same ease and confidence of an art teacher or experienced artist. It’s amazing to watch others share their craft. Years ago on the weekend, we used to tune in to watch Bob Ross. That dude really knew how to paint and the way he communicated with the audience was genuine. I would love to learn how to paint. That’s been a long time dream but one I haven’t pursued. Maybe, someday I’ll give it a try. Thanks for visiting. I’m off to see you next!

  2. “How to survive A to Z without losing your mind”. The kind of book we really need right now.
    A wonderful technique. How do you make drawing to look so easy?

    1. Hannelore,

      “How to Survive A to Z Without Losing Your Mind” should be a prerequisite for the challenge but I’m pretty no one has actually ever lost his/her mind. lol I’m usually pretty exhausted by the end of the month and usually retreat to parts unknown for a week or two but I’m hoping to not abandon blogging like in the past. Well, you’re a dear to say that I make drawing look easy. I’m not sure that I feel that way sometimes. Thanks for popping in for a visit. Have a blessed day!

      1. Hello again! Well yes, I already lost my mind, I have bad memory, and don’t remember where I left it, hihihi.
        I know drawing isn’t easy at all, not if you want a quality work, I’ve struggled for days with some drawings I need done for this friday, and aren’t finished yet.
        Don’t quit drawing or blogging. You have a lot to show the world yet.
        I thank you too for reading Alaska’s story till the end.
        Even I never knew if it was a dream, or if it was really her to came to me in spirit to thank and say goodbye. This happened me only once years before. With a cat I loved so much but had a car accident. So, I prefer to believe she really came back one last time and she was already fine.
        Sorry for the chocolate. I don’t know how to submit it to the internet 😉

        1. Hannelore,

          I think in our subconscious we see what we want which gives us the closure that we crave. You obviously have a big heart to take in so many cats. Don’t worry about the chocolate I don’t need it. I need to take cutting calories more seriously. It’s been a struggle since Christmas. Thank you for your kind words. I wish for you the best with getting your drawing projects done on time and I hope you’ll visit again soon.

  3. Your art looks fantastic, Cathy! I have an iPad, but had no idea you could do that with one and the pencil. Is there a certain app or program that you need to do that? (Because I actually do have a stylus – not sure if that’s what you use though, or if it’s an Apple-specific tool).

    I had never heard this Talking Heads song before. Thanks for sharing!

    And lastly, I keep meaning to try to hop on board the A2Z challenge, but always forget. Maybe next year!

    1. Kim,

      For all my sketches in the challenge, I used the drawing app ‘Procreate’. It’s one DH bought me and is far from favorite of the seven drawing apps on my iPad. Yes, I use the Apple brand pencil. I can’t comment on any others but I really like it. If you’re interested in jumping in on the challenge, then you can do so in an unofficial capacity. I know a fellow 4M dancer, Mary from Jingle, Jangle, Jungle, is doing that and posting only once per week in which she’s sharing a list of classic rock songs in alphabetic order. Missing the A2Z challenge is an easy thing to do when it’s something you haven’t done before so I understand. Do what you can if you wish to play along. I’m sure no one will care if you crash the party. 😉

  4. “How To Survive The A to Z Challenge Without Losing Your Mind”… HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Good set going there. You hit a little bit of everything there: New Wave, Country, and Classic Rock.

  5. Love your creativity andn showcasing the books with the yellow for a spot of colour is perfect. Enjoying your creations so far

  6. Thanks Cathy! Another beautiful sketch. I love it! I don’t mind you visiting just to say ‘hi’ even if you don’t read books, I appreciate it all the same 🙂 I’m sorry that my theme isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I have to say though that your theme is my cup a’ tea 😀

    1. Jackie,

      I usually learn something new from themes that aren’t in my wheelhouse, so I am interested in reading what you share this month. I appreciate you hopping over to check out my contribution for today. 🙂

  7. Love the way you are showing the changes you can make. Also would be interested in reading those books, know where I can get a copy?

    1. Janet,

      Are you planting a seed in my head to start writing these books? Whenever and if ever I write them, then you’ll be the first to get a copy! Of course, you will have to remind me. 😀

    1. Jacqui,

      I was happy to see Procreate have this feature, too. It’s really neat that I can preserve one part of my sketch without destroying it. This has really helped me a lot to hon in on my artistic abilities.

  8. Love your sketches. Very nicely done.

    I think I’ll grow flowers instead of weeds. Probably takes much less effort too.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Big hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I like the idea of growing flowers with the mind, it’s certainly better than weeds. That I can do but to really grow them is another story. lol Speaking of weeds, we see too many people growing that and that’s why our world is in such a mess. Thanks for visiting, dearie!

      1. I adore how you spread musical joy. ~grin~ And thanks for the tip about my Gravatar! I’m thus far clueless on how to fix it. ~shakes head~ But I shall try to persevere and amend it.

        1. Darla,

          Well…I just went over to your Gravatar and guess what I found? I found your two active blogs: Darla M. Sands and Sand Castles. Did you fix that this after I mentioned it in your comments? Oh well… I’m glad I can see both of them now. Have a great day!

  9. Those sketches are fabulous Cathy and I love the titles of the books. Really like the patterned wall in the second one. Love your spark for today – so true and a great reminder.
    Pamela @ Days of Fun

  10. Very nice sketching. I love your spark, I just pinned it on my quote board. Nice song choice too 🙂

  11. I know nothing about drawing. Layering? Thank you for the art lessons you are providing this month. Looking forward to them.

  12. Well done,Cathy for extending your drawing abilities. The books look great, and perspective is challenging. I’m just a bit of a phone doodler and I’m still trying to perfect the cube.
    My A-Z theme also relates to art. I’m writing Letters to Dead artists and looking at how they’ve inspired me. Botticelli was my letter B.
    I look forward to seeing more of your sketches.
    Best wishes,

    1. Rowena,

      Hey, drawing a box is harder than you think! I marvel all the time at the ease of experience artists and think, why can’t I draw a simple straight line? I visited this morning your “A” and “B” posts. I really like your imaginative take on art this year in the A2Z challenge. I look forward to reading more of your Letters to Dead Artists.

  13. Hi, Cathy!

    You really brought that sketch to life using your new tools. I love library and office themed still life art, and your books and their titles brought a smile to my face as did your “to do” list.

    I enjoyed the selection of songs with book in the title. Did you know there is a 1957 doo-wop record by The Monotones entitled “Book Of Love”? Another book song that comes to mind is “My Little Red Book,” a Burt Bacharach – Hal David composition recorded by the West Coast rock band Love.

    Happy “B” day to you, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m glad you enjoyed my book artwork and mewsic playlist. I wondered if anyone would notice or acknowledge my blog title play with my fictitious book titles. The Monotones, “Book of Love” I knew but I hadn’t heard of “My Little Red Book” before now. All of today’s featured songs I purposely chose titles unfamiliar to my ears. Thanks for showing up this morning, dear friend!

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