
25-03-2025 Vol 19

AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches “J”

Hello, Kitten & Dawgs! My wonderful, late in-laws were big into gardening back much of their lives until it became too much for them to manage when they hit late 70s and early 80s. My MIL did a lot of canning and we benefited from the laborous works but it was truly labor of love because this is what gave them joy.  Over the years, my MIL gave us a number of jars of canned green beans. Mmm, were they good. I usually returned the jars but I kept some and when she got to the point that she was ready to part with her stash of Mason jars she told me to take what I wanted and gladly claimed several.  Today’s prompt, I sketedh JARS and JELLY.

I welcome anyone who wants to add their post URL to my not-so Wordless Wednesday linky party during the April A to Z Challenge!


Visit Hodgepodge host, Joyce, and link up!

 1. April is National Jazz Appreciation Month. Are you a fan? If so what’s a favorite you’d recommend to someone new to jazz listening? I wouldn’t call myself a fan but I do enjoy jazz mewsic.

2. Mandolin, ukulele, harp, accordion or banjo…which would you be most interested in learning to play? Or do you already play one of the instruments listed? I think I’d like to learn how to play either a mandolin or ukulele.

3. Do you judge a book by it’s cover? Elaborate. You may answer in either/both the literal or figurative sense of the word. Yes, I literally judge a book by its cover. If doesn’t look right, I pass over it. Figuratively I do this all the time with people and it’s something I’m working through to not do, too.

4. According to a recent study the ten most nutritious foods are-almonds, cherimoya (supposed to taste like a cross between a pineapple/banana), ocean perch, flatfish (such as flounder and halibut), chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, swiss chard, pork fat (shocking! but I don’t think they mean bacon), beet greens, and red snapper. Are any of these foods a regular part of your diet? Any you’ve never ever tasted? Which would you be most inclined to add to your diet? Almonds would be the most regular of these foods that I eat but none of the rest appeal to me enough to go out of my way to add to my diet.

5. Besides a major holiday what is the most recent thing you’ve celebrated with your people? Tell us how. I guess I’d have to say the life of my late FIL. He passed away at the end of last month at the age of 95.  Everything about this man is a celebration and we were so blessed to have him in our lives for so long. Now, he’s in heaven with Jesus and the love of his life for  67 years, my MIL. May you both RIP!

6. Insert your own random thought here. I thought with it being National Jazz Appreciation month that I shared this YT discovery of relaxing jazz mewsic. Enjoy!

 Hopefully, sharing my sketches every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve put off because like me you just didn’t think you could do it. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised at what you can do like me! Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. You might find me participating in my usual daily blog hops but right now I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. Join me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches!

In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is a quick link to each one:


A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z







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50 thoughts on “AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches “J”

  1. I love jars and have a couple with clamp lids. They come in handy for stuff. The jars have traveled with us on many a move and I can’t seem to part with them. Didn’t we just discuss clutter in Patricia’s post? 🙂 Love those sketches and the mewsic.

  2. I love how you coloured your picture by distressing the edges and the bold colour of purple with a bit of red. Really wonderful. I have had canned jam and it is delicious but the only canning I do is buy the jam at the grocery store. I think this is a grea5 memory you shared about your in-laws and you obviously loved the, deeply. He lived a long life but no matter what the age, it is your hubby’s dad and it still feels sad. I’m glad you took the time to inform us of your MIL and FIL.

    1. Birgit,

      I’m glad you enjoyed my sketch. My in-laws were terrific people. They treated me just like a daughter. I have some fond memories of them and considered myself richly blessed to have had them in my life nearly 40 years. DH is doing okay but I know it stings terribly when he thinks about the emptiness. Thanks for visiting.

    1. Linda,

      Thanks, my friend. BTW, I took your suggestion to sketch a swan. I am going to work it in a future post soon and I will give you credit for the idea. 🙂

  3. My Granny Gunter canned for years, too. She made the best apple butter that I ever tasted. I sure do miss it. How blessed you were to get your MIL’s canning jars. You did a wonderful job with your picture. 🙂

    Have a blessed week!

    1. Suzanne,

      Mmmm, home-made apple butter! That sounds so good. My MIL didn’t make apple butter but she did canned spiced apples, more like smashed apples (not super fine, there were pieces) she used in her apple pies or to heat n’ serve with fresh baked buttermilk biscuits for breakfast. Oh good heaven was that ever good, too! We were so blessed, weren’t we?

    1. Thank you. I used my iPad, Apple Pencil, and the drawing app Procreate to sketch all of my drawings in the A to Z Challenge this month. Do you have more than one blog. I went to the one you signed in woefulwriterssimsblog.wordpress.com with but there’s no recent content on this site. Have a good day!

  4. What a lovely testament to your father-in-law’s life. Your tribute was so sweet. <3 By the way, I am loving the music! I might just have to send the link to the video to my work email so my students can listen to it while they work tomorrow. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Mary,

      By all means, share the vid with your students. It’s really soothing mewsic, isn’t it? My in-laws were fabulous, fabulous people! It’s a difficult transition for us facing not having either of them in our lives any longer. My heart breaks for DH because these are his parents. I can’t truly imagine what he feels with both my parents still living. I am ever bit gratiful that God gave me such awesome in-laws. I couldn’t have asked for any better! 🙂

  5. Ball jars bring back interesting memories of being in South Dakota and drinking beer out of them. Felt like I was on the frontier then. Great picture!

    1. John,

      I remember growing up folks used Mason jars for Moonshine. It looks like water but oh good heaven does it pack scent that will make our hair stand on ends and if you try drinking it then be prepared have your whole insides to light up! I don’t how anyone can drink much of that or to keep at it until they are plastered. UGH! Thanks for visiting, my friend. 🙂

    1. Lydia,

      I love my iPad! It’s the niftiest piece of technology ever!! It has more computing power than desktop computers from just a few years ago. It’s a crazy little device. Apple is pure genius!

    1. Mimi,

      Oh, I am in awe of anyone who cans their own food, too! It’s a tremendous amount of work in itself and think about the gardening? Whew, that just tires me out to think about it! I do enjoy garden fresh fruits and veggies but not enough to do it myself. lol My hat is off to farmers every where!

  6. Lovely sketch and I enjoyed the memories behind them. As a jewelry and talisman maker I have lot of beads, which I like to keep in clear jars on my window sills so the light can filter through.

    I’m a Sunday afternoon jazz listener. It always seems like the perfect way to wind down a week and start laying energy trails into the next one.

    1. Deborah,

      Thanks for dropping by. Glass jars are wonderful containers for crafters, especially those who deal with jewelry making. I bet all the pretty beads and other sparkly things look pretty in the jarws with the sunlight filtering through. I like soothing jazz the best. It’s so relaxing, isn’t it?

  7. I love to listen to Jazz when I’m cleaning house or crocheting…. it’s actually very soothing to me. Thank you for posting this… piano and sax is my favorite… Way ta go girlfriend!! Thank you for stopping by also… ohhhhhhh my silly me so you chose Jars for yours today.. you know I use to collect jars, but then I got an over abundance of them and they were everywhere and I decided.. party is over and I donating them. I had all shapes and sizes… I especially like the antique kind. Those are too cool and I kept a couple of those. ~hehehe~ Yes, I know… I’m a hoarder… hahahaha luv ya girl… hugs and have a wonderful day!

    1. Marie,

      I like antique jars. My mother-in-law did give me three very old Mason Jars tinted blue with a rubber gasket around the mouth. I don’t think I have lids them, though. It’s easy to collect too much stuff in a heart beat and it’s best to try to head that off as quickly as possible before it gets too out of hand. That’s where we are…beyond the way out of hand stage. Hopefully, when we move I can make heads and tails of what I want to keep and what I want to toss out. Until then I’m not doing a whole lot with what we have for fear I can’t get back where it currently resides comfortably. lol

  8. What an energetic, enthusiastic website. Loved visiting today via A to Z. This sketch would be cute on a kitchen wall or eating nook. I’ll be checking more of them out. You’re a talented artist and must be a cat lover. Thanks for adding fun to my day!
    JQ Rose

    1. Janet,

      Thank you for visiting. I do like cats but I do not have any because of allergies. The name of my blog is just a play on words. I appreciate your thoughtful, encouraging words about my artwork. 😉 I will stop by your place soon!

  9. I used to have a number of jelly jars that I used for drinking glasses. Now most of those are gone, but I still have quite a number of Mason jars that I use for storing various items.

    I have a mandolin that I haven’t played in a very long while. I was never very good playing it, but I do like the sound of a mandolin. It was somewhat easy for me to catch on to playing it since the strings are tuned just like a violin, which I also played.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Mason jars are wonderful for storing home-made candies, coffee, and just about anything it that you want to keep fresh for a long time. I like the sound of a mandolin, too. I remember in college a guy shared his playing in Speech class. It was basically like a ‘Show & Tell’ credit for us. I can’t even remember what I shared. It must not have been interesting enough for me to keep in the recesses of my brain. lol

  10. Your sketch sent me back to my childhood. My mother would can things all summer long so we would have veggies, jam and whatever else she canned through the harsh winter months. It was the way of things back then. Now it’s off to the grocery store for most of us.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. ♥

  11. I love your sketch! I make grape jelly every year and we can tomatoes. I also make arrangements with pussy willows in the jars too. Nice to learn more about you in the weekly questions. Have you tried swiss chard? It is so good.

    1. Ellen,

      You make home-made grape jelly? Do you grow your own grapes? In addition to my in-laws veggie garden, they grew grapes and apples. There’s a mulberry tree (they are laid to rest very close to it now) and wild blackberries on the property. I don’t know if my MIL ever made grape jelly but if she had then I’d have to say it would’ve been wonderful because I loved their grapes. She canned apples for her pies or to serve with biscuits every year. She often gave us canned apples, too. I tell you, I miss these things. No, I don’t believe I ever had swiss chard before. I may have to look for it in stores. Does it work well in salads?

    1. Veronica,

      At least you don’t judge people. That’s a good quality. I wish we all could be like that but our human flaws tend to dictate otherwise, don’t they? Thanks for visiting and for your kind words about my sketch.

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy “J” day to you, dear friend!

    I am very impressed with your ability to render those clear glass jars in your sketches. Mrs. Shady is an artist and has told me how tricky it is to get glass to appear natural. Your Mason jars are delightfully realistic. Your topic brings to mind all the canning my mother did over the years, a labor of love that stretched a dollar and fed the family. She stored the glass jars filled with preserved foods on shelves in the basement. I remember rows and rows of jars, mostly green beans (which we called “string beans”). We ate string beans so often they were coming out of my ears. 🙂

    I am not as big a fan of jazz as some people. I enjoy how jazz massages the brain but, after a while, I tend to become impatient and frustrated by all the meandering and wish it would get to the point. My dad played banjo in an all banjo band. I was very proud of him and often begged him to play for me.

    I applaud you for working to avoid judging people by their “cover.” I am reminded of an episode of All In The Family in which Archie is down at the police station seeking help. He encounters two men standing side by side. One man is neat and clean, with short hair, and wearing a business suit. The other is a long haired, scruffy looking character. Archie mistakenly believes the clean cut man is the police detective and the sketchy looking hippie is the criminal. Turns out it was the other way around. I am always looking for ways to improve my diet and eat healthier, but that can run into money. Almonds aren’t cheap. However, Mrs. Shady prepares fish fairly often, including halibut and red snapper, and I have dined on perch in restaurants.

    My random thought for today, and something that I am celebrating, is the fact that I made contact with Amy Slattery last evening. As you recall, she is the British singer and musician who is the focus of my current two-part blog series. I wrote to inform Amy of my blog tribute I am running and she wrote back letting me know that she checked out the post, enjoyed it, knows and loves the TV show Family Guy, and is grateful for the attention I am giving her. Make someone happy every day. It’s a wonderful feeling.

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Thank you for your lovely praises. I’m amazed at more skilled artists’ talents to make glasses clear and I’m happy that you see my efforts in this sketch. If the truth is told, I am rather pleased with the outcome of my first attempt.

      I remember all too well snapping green beans on the porch with my grandmother and mom. I really hated that job, too. I loved green beans which were placed on the dinner table most nights. My mom, grandma, and mother-in-law always prepared them with bacon drippings. That’s some kind of good but in recent years say the last 20+ we’ve avoided eating green beans fixed this way and discovered that fixing them only in water with salt quite satisfying to the taste buds. In fact, we prefer it this way. I remember the scores of canned beans, beets. pickles, and jellies/jams lining my grandmother & MIL’s shelves. That is such a homey feeling to see, too. Future generations will not be privy to such sights as ours. I love the concept of canning but dang it’s hard work, so it’s safe to say my future grandkids won’t find fresh canned veggies lining my cubert.

      I don’t recall that “All in the Family” episode but I have seen other sitcoms similar to the scene you described. We’re all guilty of making these mistakes. All we can do is try to give folks the benefit of the doubt when we can but a good meter is always your gut instinct. If something doesn’t feel right then chances are good it’s not, so turn and run away. Diet recommendations are expensive and if we tried to follow all the latest and greatest tips then we’d be broke. All we can do is the best we can. I’m not much of a fish eater. I know it’s good for you but I have never been a huge fan. Of course, if we visit DD#2 and DSIL in Maine later this year then you better believe we’ll get some regional foods. Yum!

      How cool is that you, Amy Slattery responded to your email. I have contacted a few celebrities in recent months with no reply. I know that was an exciting experience and I hope she decides to leave a comment on your site. That would be super cool! Thanks for sharing your good mews and for your visit, dearest friend. Have a good day!

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