Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, How’s your week been? Did you land on any new blogs that wowed you? Today’s letter prompt, I decided to sketch a fairy, so I consulted Google and came up with a realistic fairy drawn by Joshua Nava that I tried to replicate. It’s not an exact copy but for a first attempt I’m pleased with it. What do you think of my nature FAIRY?

Earlier in the year I shared the below as pencil drawing only. Someone said they’d like to see it with color, so I added a new layer using the water color brush feature.

Today marks Annie (McGuffy’s Reader) and Ellen (15andmeowing) 100th consecutive week of Friday Fill-Ins. I try to play every other week and I’m happy this is my on Friday to join in the fun. Here are my responses.
- Going to see the doctor is one of my least favorite things to do.
- I would rather do just about anything other than having to go to the doctor’s office, even if it’s just for an annual.
- I have a hard time with needles and without fail I always look the other way.
- Making a doctor’s appointment is easy for me. (It’s just the rest that is hard. lol)
Did you notice a theme with my responses? That’s because I have two appointments on Monday. It’s just annual or follow-up stuff, nothing serious but I’m not looking forward to it at all. I really don’t want to do this but I know it’s one of those necessary evils. I’m not buying the old saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Obviously, someone has that all wrong.

Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. You might find me participating in my usual daily blog hops but right now I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. I’m gonna leave you with some random Friday mewsic to get lost in the 70s but hopefully you’ll find your way back to me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches!
In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is a quick link to each one:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Friday connections…

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More nice drawings. The fairy is whimsical.
It seems like going to the doctor takes up so much time–like their time is more valuable than mine. They always say check in 15 minutes early and invariably I’ll end up waiting past my scheduled appointment time. I’ve got things to do as well!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out / Battle of the Bands
I had great success with my appointments this time. I got there plenty early and was taken back much quicker than I ever have. That won’t happen next time but it was nice that it did this go around.
I love fairies and this is so magical looking with the hair being tree branches. I was always a sucker for fairies and I think this drawing needs a bit of sparkle/glitter
. I hate the dentist which is where I go kicking and screaming. I hope your weekend was good as mine was.
Fairies do need sparkle. I could’ve add a little of sparkle to my drawing. Maybe, I can go back and spruce it a bit or maybe I’ll just do new fairy design. My weekend was okay considering DH worked both days and it was a bit chilly. It’s gorgeous today, though.
If you find wink of Stella and buy the clear one, that offer a hint of glitter without it being overbearing.
Thanks for the tip. That’ll work great on paper but what I meant I can add a little sparkle with a feature in Procreate.
Your nature fairy looks a bit like a tree nymph
Love it!
Lovely blog and post.

Thank you, Cathy – nice information in each post, which means you work at keeping us informed. I love faeries and have my own from childhood. Her name is Rhyonna and I wrote a book about her, Rhyonna Fright – which is a paper back or ebook on Amazon, and also on Smashword.com. When you put your emotions and feelings into the drawing, your faery will come alive and move around. When copy an image –> look and study it and from your mind draw the faery. Your faery does have a portrait – keep drawing – Rhyonna took many tries she would not hold still, as a faery will!
How nice of you to return my visit. I appreciate your encouragement to keep at it with my fairy, I certainly plan to draw more in the future. The nature fairy just captured my attention and I felt compared to try my luck with her. I will take your suggestions and apply them to heart & mind to improve my artisit ability. I hope to see you again here!
I like her crown of branches and leaves:)
I like the way you described her hair as a crown of branches & leaves.
Wow, great post, lovely fairy and love the mewsic. Doctor’s appointment – ugh
Your nature fairy is very cool!
Thanks, MNL!
An oldie but a goodie. I’ll be humming that one for a while!
I’m sorry for planting the earworm but mewsic fills you with energy and can lift the spirit and/or soothe the soul. God’s creativity in us produces this wonderful tool is an essential ingredient for making us happier.
Please feel free to visit again, now I’m heading over to see you!
The fairy is lovely, and i agree it’s way no fun having to go to the doctor. A necessary evil is a great way to put it.
I think most folks feel like us about doctors, especially at this point in our lives. We know the value of good health and preventive medicine to improve our lives as we… *whisper, softly* age.
Well, this is a fun A to Z! Love the nature fairy. I’ll check back later to see what else you’ve been up to. Cheers!
Hello Jenny and welcome to my blog! It’s a joy to see you here. The one thing I like about the A2Z Challenge is the introduction of new bloggers and seeing repeat bloggers from previous years. Thanks for dropping by for visit, now I’m off to check out your site!
HEY GIRLFRIEND, where’s your button? I want to change it on my blog okie dokie or maybe you can email it to me. Thanks for telling me about it. I haven’t checked that stuff in I can’t remember when! Anyway, girl have you ever tried drawing people like copying from a picture… you really do an awesome job. You should go professional and try to sell some scenery’s like for peoples parlor/front rooms. You’re really quite good and as far as fairies… love, love, love, love fairies. I have a fairy garden. Did I ever tell you that? It’s small, but I like it. ~hehehe~ Have a wonderful weekend, but I’ll be by tomorrow at some time. My daughter is coming in from Missouri tonight and we’re having our Christmas and tomorrow night we’re going to see my granddaughter at a play in high school & she’s got a big part! Woo Hoo It’s a Disney Movie called “Inside Out” I think. Woo Hoo
You can use the SAME image button and CHANGE the address to my WordPress URL only. I need to add my button back to my blog it seems. I’m glad you like my artwork. Yes, I think I recall you mentioning on your blog that you have a fairy garden. That’s something I’d like to do but haven’t gotten around to doing it yet. No, I haven’t thought about drawing for a living. People are very hard to sketch and I’m nowhere ready to try duplicating someone’s likeness just yet. However, I may practice a bit in the coming weeks. I do enjoy challenging myself. Have a good time celebrating Christmas with your daughter and enjoy the weekend!
I like the fairy she fits in well with the nature all around her. I have tried drawing apps but realize my old school pens and pencils are here to stay. A good thing really as the only tech I have in Northern Uganda is a sketch pad.
Happy Friday.
Hello, my friend. I’m delighted to see you’re visiting this year’s A2Z posts again. I appreciate your encouraging words on my fairy art. Doodling old school is my preference as well but learning how to master artwork on the iPad is a fun challenge and I love the idea that everything is neatly contained, no pencils scattered about to get lost or sketch pads in the way or fear of messing up your drawing. There are things to like about both forms of art. Let me dash away for now to visit your lovely site.
I like that layers allow you to easily add different results to a pictures. I didn’t know the iPad had that much sophistication.
The iPad is more powerful than desktop computers from 30 years ago. The layering capability is in the drawing app (Procreate) that I use. I think technology is just super cool! You’re gonna love your iPad when you finally get it.
I’ll be dancing to that song all day! Great fairy!
Dancing all day is a good thing. I’m glad it put you in a good mood.
Love your sketches. Beautiful.
Doctors are something that you’ll see more and more of as you age. Please go when you’re supposed to. It’s essential in good health.
Love today’s music.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, my friend. Big hugs. ♥
I agree, it pays to be proactive with your health instead of accidentally discovering something crazy one with yourself. I can’t stop age but I can help keep myself healthy along the way. Quality of life is important as we grow older.
Great fairy drawing and the fruit came out nice too. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Going to the Dr. is a pain especially when you need blood work. I hope it goes well. Have a nice weekend! XO
Thanks for the return visit this morning, my friend. I’m sure all will go well with my appointments but I had to have my blood drawn. I have small veins that tend to roll and are easy for the inexperienced to collapse them. I always make a point to let them know ahead so they know what to do to prevent this from happening or else my arm will be extremely bruised and sometimes quite sore.
Love that song!
Thanks for visiting.
Hi, Cathy!
A bottomless cup of black coffee is my idea of happy hour.
I admire your fairy sketch. It looks like her branched hair strands are sprouting new springtime growth as she gazes around the countryside from her lofty perch. I also like your colorful still life showing a bounty of fresh fruit.
I wish you well at your annual physical exam. I have three doctor appointments in a row scheduled for June and don’t look forward to them. One of those doctors typically runs way behind and makes patients wait more than an hour past their designated appointment time before he finally walks in the room to examine them!
I remember the Scottish poppers the Bay City Rollers, mainly from their big U.S. hit “Saturday Night. This is the first time I heard their cover of the Dusty Springfield hit “I Only Want To Be With You.”
Have a super weekend, dear friend Cathy!
Thanks for visiting so early, Tom, with your coffee in hand. I’m on cup #2 this morning while I catch up with my readers. Sketching this fairy proved to be a delightful challenge. Most doctors run behind on their appointments which makes me wonder why we can’t charge them instead of it being the other way around. lol Hopefully, you’ll get all good reports in June for your exams. I was in a 70s funk yesterday, clicking on the first YouTube videos that caught my eye before adding each to my playlist. Oh, yeah “Saturday Night” I didn’t see that one when I was hopping through the mewsic. I’m listening to it right now.
What fun! Thanks for the reminder of a popular tune from 1976, my friend. Have a great weekend!