
21-03-2025 Vol 19

#AprilA2Z Listen to the Music #TheDoobieBros

The biggest blogging challenge in Blogosphere is quickly approaching. This is my second year joining the rigorous, but fun event. It’s a blast to find creative ways to pull together a snappy post for the alphabet letter of the day.

The head mistral of this show asked that we share our theme for the A to Z challenge in April. Hopefully, today’s post title spells out my theme.

The Doobie Brothers first big hit of 1972.


Music is a ginormous part of my life, but writing for A2Z is a way for you to get to know me. I don’t want my posts to be about music, but about who I am and the happenings around me called life. I read once, you should write about what you know and I can’t think of a better subject than me. I consider myself an expert on the matter. lol

Over the next 4-weeks, you will find me sharing in the moment or from my past or my hopes for tomorrow. Where ever my mind leads me is the place I want to take you and when this venture is done, then I want to feel like an old friend to you instead of a faceless name in a sea of bloggers.

Did you sign on for the 2015 A to Z challenge? No?! *smack forehead* It’s not too late! Click the A-Z button (right side menu) to get the details and join the list before the April 2nd deadline! Still waffling over the decision, kittens & dawgs?

Lucy 5 reasons

  1. It locks you into a regular blogging routine.
  2. You can share and perfect your creative passions while get classy critiquing (the good, the bad, the ugly) from other like-minded folks.
  3. This is a fabulous way to boast your social following.
  4. You grow an intimacy between with your blog buds.
  5. Last, but not least you add a ton of new, interesting friends to your circle.

I’m slinking back into my Blogosphere hiatus. I’m not resting on the blog mind you, instead I’m kicking things into high gear preparing posts for the blog dare of the year! I’ll see ya on April 1st and that’s no joke!

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20 thoughts on “#AprilA2Z Listen to the Music #TheDoobieBros

  1. I wish I could join. I’m so busy if I take on anything else I’m going to cry.
    Thanks for sharing Cathy.
    Have a good week! *HUGS*

    1. Callie, no worries! This is more or less an infomerical to peak the curious and to spark the interest of those looking for such a meme to join. I certainly understand about being too busy. I’m there with you,girl! Keep calm, life is too short to not enjoy! 😉

  2. Good luck with your A-Z challenge! I admire anyone who can post every day for an entire month. And it sounds like you already have some fun ideas for posts, too!

    1. Caryn, it’s tough to do. Life finds ways of trying to sabotage and it’s all I can do to blog daily. You’re a published author, so that keeps you busy. I get that totally. Blogging is my way to bring out the author trapped within this shell. lol Thanks for the good luck wishes. Hopefully, I’ll meet it head on and complete the challenge.

  3. Lovin’ the Doobie Brothers! Hubby likes them a lot too so I am not unfamiliar to them at all. Thanks for joining us my friend. You’ve definitely rocked the house!!!!

  4. I am doing the A-Z again too. This is my 4th or 5th year.
    I decided to do both of my main blogs this year. I might have been a bit out of my mind when I decided to do that. I will be watching for you!

    1. Dah, yeah you’re out of your mind, girl! I wish you the best of luck keeping up with two blogs for this challenge, but I’m sure you’re far more organized than me and will have no sweat pulling it off. I’ll keep an eye out for you, too. 😉

  5. The Doobie Brothers wonderful it will be very interesting to hear more from you in the challenge from A to Z!

  6. 5 great reasons! I couldn’t help but tweet this post. I like the thinking behind your theme as well.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

    1. Ahh, thanks! I kinda like the direction I’m taking this year’s theme. I hope I can pull it off with flare for my readers enjoyment. It’s hard to say who will like this sort of thing or not, you know? I’m looking forward to reading your upcoming posts and learning much from what you will share!

  7. Love The Doobie Brothers. Michael MacDonald was a favorite too, when he went solo. Can’t wait to see what you A – Z presents!

    1. The Doobie Brothers are one of my all-time favorite bands. They just never go out of style! Here’s looking forward to a fun April venture together with you and so many others! 😉

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