Good morning, kittens & dawgs! Whew, where did the week go? January is all, but gone. I’m counting down the days for spring’s arrival and for the biggest event of the year, the blogging from A-to-Z Challenge.
I don’t remember very well, but If my memory serves me I attempted this once in my early days of blogging and it was an epic fail. Last year, I decided to give it another go. I happily say I completed the challenge with flying colors.
Blogging every day isn’t for the weak and fearful, but if you’re looking for a meme to hold yourself accountable while developing a daily ritual in Blogosphere, then this challenge might be just the ticket to springboard you in the right direction. It was exactly what I needed.
You will meet tons of cool, interesting, and most importantly supportive bloggers to give you that little nudge to keep on keeping on, doing what you love to do ~ cooking, writing, drawing, ranting, photography, or what have you.
I signed up yesterday for the shindig with both categories of music (MU) & photography (PH). I’m not sure, if that was a legal move or not per event rules. I guess someone will say something if I crossed the line. I am developing a theme of sorts somewhere inside this gray mass called my brain. Oh wait, DD#2 told her daddy when she 2-years old, “Mommy, doesn’t have a human brain.” I’m not sure what kind of brain I have, unless….yes, I got it!
I have an Abby Normal brain or it seems I do on most days anyway. Just ask anyone, they’ll confirm I’m right.
Whatever direction I decide to go in or whatever theme I launch on April 1st, it’ll be with the spirit of creative fun ~ no stress or worries just hanging with my homies in Blogosphere doin’ our thang.
Have you participated in the challenge before? If so, what words of advice & encouragement would you like to offer?
Are you sold on giving the A-Z Blog Challenge a try? If so, then sign up here and get the full scoop on what to expect.
That’s it for another Thursday. Come back tomorrow for Flashback Friday. Until next time have a terrific day!
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Abby- something! I loved that movie! No A2Z for me unless I can get something off the plate. You’ll do great, Cathy!
Me, too, Dixie! Marty Feldman is perfect in that movie, as the entire cast is. Thanks for the encouragement on A2Z. Only time will tell the tale, eh? Have a good weekend!
Glad you’ll be joining us for another round of A to Z. Hey, might as well since you post so much anyway!
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Lee…yeah, I know. But…now the pressure is on to stick to it without slacking off. I hope my nerves don’t get rattled. lol
I took part in the A to Z challenge for the first time last year, and I’ve signed up for the next one, too.
I’m looking forward to reading your posts.
Romi, we can have fun together doing the #AprilA2Z challenge!