
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Antique Christmas Truck, Thankful Thursday, & 7 Things That Make Me Cringe

Today’s art theme is Antique. I knew instantly I wanted to try sketching an antique or a very old pickup truck in a Christmas setting.  Putting my creativity to pencil this is how my Procreate illustration turned out.

Click to enlarge

This week’s Thankful Thursday list I include these blessings.

  1. DH got his new crowns. Yay, he can eat once more on the left side of his mouth again!
  2. I’m making excellent progress with my cooking/baking.
  3. I completed the design for LA’s Christmas shirt
  4. Crafting. I finally got around to making lavender soap. I’ll share with you the results with you soon.
  5. Nice weather. Our nightly lows have been very cold, down right freezing but our days beautiful and sunny.


Last month, I picked up once more playing along with Kat’s writing prompts.  Writing was my first creative passion. I hope to revive this dormant side of me before it becomes a lost art altogether. This week I’m inspired to write about, List 7 things that make you cringe.

  1. Finger nails on a chalk board.
  2. Watching AFV involving someone’s mishaps.
  3. Having dental work done.
  4. Stepping on the scales.
  5. Colonoscopy prep. I hate drinking that stuff, but even worse is if I have to have an intestinal CT scan with contrast. Double yuck!
  6. Savings dropping after emergency funds needed.
  7. The thought of a socialized government stripping Americans of their  freedoms and rights.


Thanks for stopping in with your morning coffee for a peek at my latest illustration and …oh yeah, thanks for not spilling it on my artwork. 😉 I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry and you’re welcome to follow along!

Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday, so I will be MIA.  I’ll be on the dance floor with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me with songs honoring Thanksgiving with GRATEFUL playlist selections next and I hope you stop by to boogie with me!  Have a good weekend, y’all! X💋X💋, Cathy

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22 thoughts on “Antique Christmas Truck, Thankful Thursday, & 7 Things That Make Me Cringe

  1. I love your Christmas Truck and I hope everyone clicked so they could see the cute little faces in the front seat. Your snow is marvelously realistic … how did you do that? I laughed at the things that make you cringe … I agreed with all of them especially the colonoscopy prep, Ha. But I had never heard of socialism stripping people of their rights … I thought that was autocracy. Anyway, your post is awesome and I promise, at my age, I will never resist a rest 🙂 Stay well, Cathy …

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  2. I am so sorry for being so late visiting. I was SO sick night before last, I didn’t even link up for at least two hours. Still not well, but feeling guilty, so wanted to stop by and admire that antique truck you drew for us. Not sure where YOU live, but in Kansas, if a vehicle is over 35 years old it’s considered an antique and qualifies for an antique license. You did a great job. Loved the cute funny at the end, too.

    1. Elizabeth, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Never feel guilty for late or no visits. I understand completely. We live in Knoxville, TN. Incidentally, I have an aunt who lives in Kansas. I believe she’s in Oberlin. Thanks for the lovely compliment. I hope you feel well again soon! Hugs!!

  3. That is a wonderful sketch my friend. Wow, how I wish I had one of those in my possession right now. We have an antique fire truck willed to us by Dave’s Uncle. It’s awesome. Anyway, I hope you’re doing well, and I was just thinking about you saying a tiny prayer. I hope you’re doing well my friend. Sending a big huge HUG!!!!

  4. Resisting a rest lol lol lol…that’s a good one! 🙂 Cathy, firstly I wanted to respond to your comment on my blog…I know how you feel. When my beloved grandfather died, my parents sold all of his beautiful furniture and disposed of what they couldn’t sell. It was heartbreaking but I had no control over the matter. The only thing I have left is a tie clip that I gave to Alex, that and my memories! I LOVE your old Christmas truck!!! 🙂 It’s so nice. Ugh, I’m so sorry you have to go through a colonoscopy…I can’t imagine. Not to be crude, but I had it the other end…gastroscopy, several times and I never want to experience that ever again. Sending strength to you friend! xxx

  5. Love the red truck drawing – good job! Yep, I agree with all of those cringes, especially the dentist. And love lavender soap! 💜

  6. I love the red truck. My first vehicle was a 1954 Ford truck and it was red. It had belonged to my Daddy so red trucks are special to me. Lots to be thankful for and oh my, those things to cringe about. I’m with ya there. My goodness.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  7. Your picture you created made me think back when I went with my dad to go and cut down a tree. We didn’t have a pick up truck or anything but your illustration is so well done and nostalgic. I love the kids in the truck and the snow falling. I’d love to know how to make lavender soap…that would be fun to make. I am glad your hubby can finally eat properly. As for things that make you cringe..I so agree with the colonoscopy. I had 3 so far(bowel cancer runs in the family) and the stuff they give you to drink is disgusting. I am with Thomas…Trump’s face makes me cringe and shudder. I also dislike litter all over the place as well as people who Canach…that was a word my mom used when we would chew gum with our mouth open. When people eat in a disgusting manner…blecchhhh. You know, we could learn from the animal world. They eat when they need to and only kill when they need to (there are exceptions obviously) and they never litter.

  8. Oh wow, I feel your hubby on the crowns! I got one of my teeth crowned ten years ago after it abcessed. I wasn’t in any pain, but it made my face swell. Tooth pain is the absolute worst, though, so glad he can eat with both sides of his mouth again. I share some of your cringes, especially the savings dropping after emergency funds are needed. I guess it’s way better to have had it to begin with instead of having to figure out how to finance your emergency!

    And that illustration just calls to my heart. You could probably sell prints and Christmas cards of it on Etsy! (Or here on your own site.)


  9. Beautiful illustration! That definitely deserves a spot on the wall during the holiday season! And I’m with you on some of those cringes. The “funny videos” at the expense of someone’s actual pain are the worst!

  10. I love that drawing. Reminds me of my youth. Beautiful.

    I got my permanent crown Tuesday. I’m a happy camper too.

    Wonderful thankful things.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  11. I love that old red truck! Your 7 things were really good, especially #7! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thankful Thursday & Art Date with Rain Day, dear friend!

    I love your nostalgic Procreate illustration showing an old red pickup truck with kids inside all bundled up. Looks like they are heading for home through a snowstorm after a successful mission to find a Christmas tree. That image takes me back and reminds me of my happy years of childhood up north. You did a marvelous job on it and I thank you!

    I enjoyed your TT list. I am happy for DH now that he can fully enjoy the yummies you make for him. I am eager to see the shirt you are making for your granddaughter. I am especially interested in learning how you went about making lavender soap. Currently I am using a store bought lavender soap and I really like the fragrance.

    I also appreciated your cringe remarks, even though, as you might expect, the way you worded your last statement on the list made me cringe. 🙂 I hope you will look into a non-invasive form of colonoscopy. That’s what I intend to do.

    Happy Thankful Thursday, dear friend Cathy. I wish you and DH and your family a safe and restful weekend!

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