
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Another Countryside Barn WW + BOTB & Hodgepode Q&A

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! This post is gonna be jammed pack since three memes collide this time but hockey smoke, can you believe it’s a brand new month so soon? Not me! The year is goin’ up in a puff of smoke!

For the last several weeks I’ve shared photographs of barns. This will conclude my series with another countryside barn.

I snapped this along a rural stretch of road in Lafollette, Tennessee north of Knoxville on a Sunday afternoon drive. In keeping with my series I used the original to create new photo-artwork using the following apps.


The later two images I really like because it captures the essence of late fall and perhaps are my preferred apps to create photo-art. Do you like one more than the other?

Ooooh…BING! Battle song inspiration on a platter! How many of y’all remember Polly Brown’s 1974 hit Up In A Puff Of Smoke? If not, allow me to refresh your memory.

This is my featured song for this “Battle of the Bands” (BoTB) showdown. If you’re new to this meme, here’s how it works. I will share two versions of the same song (the original artist, Polly Brown in this round, is NOT an eligible candidate for the showdown, please do not vote for her as it won’t get counted) and ask you to vote (in comments) for the best singer/band song cover. There’s no wrong vote, except a no-vote so please weigh in and enjoy the fun.

Contender #1 The Rubinoos

Contender #2 Boyz – video no longer available

BoTB used to be a twice per month meme but since July many participants have cut to playing just once a month.  Stephen (click icon below) lists the most updated players on his site and you’re invited to check it out. Mark your calendar to check back next week this time as I will share my pick and the outcome of this battle!

My last mix-in for today is Wednesday Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce. It’s a fun mid-week Q&A session and it’s a great way for you to get to know me better, as well as for me to get to know those playing along.  Here are my responses.

1. What does/did Halloween look like at your house this year? Did you decorate? Pick pumpkins? Carve pumpkins? Expect trick or treaters? Wear a costume to a party or event? Make a costume? Feel glad you didn’t have to come up with a costume? Cook a Halloween themed treat? Eat all the leftover candy?  In yesterday’s post My Memorable Halloween, I shared several old photos of my children from Halloweens past. You might like it. The only decorating I do for Halloween is to set out my Peanuts collection, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”.  No picking or carving pumpkins. We haven’t done that in years.  No trick or treaters expected. In fact, we discourage them by keeping the porch light off. No costume or part. I have made costumes in the past for the kids but nothing in years. Yep, I made home-made caramels and caramel corn. The only leftover candy we’ll have is what we bought and hopefully it won’t be gone any time soon.

2. What are you waiting for? Elaborate. I don’t know if I’d say I’m waiting for it but you might, I’m waiting for the upcoming holidays.  I look forward to the season of Thanksgiving. Cooking and baking are enjoyable creative outlets but I don’t do anything super ordinary. I keep a traditional menu. It’s just a lot of fun for me.

3. Do you wish you were friendlier, braver, more creative, more athletic, or something else? Explain.  Maybe, a little bit of each.  I tend to keep to myself when in public and am aprehensive when a stranger speaks.  Who couldn’t use a little more bravery or creativity? I reckon athletic abilities don’t interest me. I’m athletic enough for the things I do, although I certainly could stand be more in shape.

4. When it comes time to paint are you a do-it-yourselfer or do you hire someone? What was the last paint job completed at your house? What room most needs painting now? How do you feel about wallpaper?  Most home repairs, we prefer doing them if we can.  I’m not sure when the last paint job was done but every room needs painting badly and my first project is the kitchen.  I don’t care a great deal about wallpaper.

5. What is one specific thing you felt gratitude for in the month of October?  This is hard to say. I am gratiful for everything but I think the one thing I’m gratiful a little more than usual is my wonderful husband.  We learned about some dear friends who separated and is getting a divorce. I didn’t see this coming and they were the last people I’d think that this could happen to, too.  I’m thankful to have a truly loyal husband who is also my best friend. I am blessed!

6. Insert your own random thought here.  I decided sporadically that I need to scale back on blogging for the rest of the year. I’m not sure how much I want to do between now and January but I think it’s necessary. Anytime I see what I’m doing as a chore then the fun is gone. I don’t want to add unneeded pressures to my schedule with the holidays coming or blogging life. Bloggers are dropping out of cyberspace like flies. Luckily many of those I started down this path with are still blogging and I think they are like me, they still find joy in doing it. I just found my way back to the Hodgepodge, so I will try to keep going. I do suggest if you’re new-to-me or if just want to find your way back here easily, then please join my email subscription to get instant notification of my latest mews. 

Thanks for joining the mid-week fun. I hope you’ll step back into time with me tomorrow with Throw Back Thursday. Have a good day!




















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36 thoughts on “Another Countryside Barn WW + BOTB & Hodgepode Q&A

    1. Linda,

      I’m glad you like the DistressedFX creation. It seems to be a popular pick among my viewers. 🙂 Have a good day and thanks for visiting!

  1. I like all you have done with your barn pictures.

    Rubinoos, but only because that Boyz girl keeps drifting so far off key…

    My oldest daughter began decorating for Christmas today. I have a friend who put up her tree.

    1. Myke,

      Seriously, your daughter is decorating for Christmas? WOW! Last night, we were in Kroger and they were playing Christmas mewsic. I love Christmas but that’s just pushing things too soon. Of course, I do begin decorating just before Thanksgiving and to some that’s too soon. LD Thanks for voting in this round of BoTB!

      The Rubinoos – 6
      Boyz – 2

    1. John,

      I love caramel corn! The first time I had home-made caramel corn was a a Sunday School function and I thought, WOW! I got the recipe from the gal and have made it ever since that time. It’s a favorite around here, too. Thanks for voting in my BoTB showdown!

      The Rubinoos – 5
      Boyz – 2

  2. Homemade caramel corn sounds good! I find the busier I am the more I enjoy blogging. Finding time to do it is a challenge, but I feel inspired when a lot is happening around me. I think it’s fine to take breaks when you’re not enjoying the process. I look forward to the holiday baking too.

    1. Jo,

      The caramel corn recipe is good. One thing you need to watch for is the unpopped kernels which poses a big problem. I try to sort through the corn before I coat it with caramel but this year I forgot, which means we didn’t eat much of it and I wound up throwing it out. It’s better to be safe than sorry later. 🙁 Sometimes I thrive on all the busyness, too. I am going to see how things go and if I feel frazzled then I won’t blog. 🙂 Thanks for stopping in!

  3. HiYa, CATHY!
    Sorry I missed your October 1st BOTB installment. I didn’t even know about it. I’ve already adapted my mind so thoroughly to the 15th-Only concept that I didn’t even think to look for 1st-Of-The-Month Battles.

    Like Lee said, I also don’t recall having ever heard this song before. And that’s quite peculiar since the Polly Brown original went up to #16 on the music charts in 1975, and I was very much into music and a pop music radio listener in ’75. I can’t understand how this song seems 0% familiar to me. (Maybe I just blocked it out of my mind?;^)

    I’m gonna cast my vote for BOYZ… although they don’t exactly sound like boys to me.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…

    1. Stephen,

      No apologizes needed. I’m not sure if I’ll keep doing two battles per month or not. I figured I’ll do it until I get too busy to manage the schedule. I’m really surprised that neither your or Lee heard this song before. I almost feel like I have one up on you guys. I bet you heard it in the day and just forgot it. Thanks for weighing in this round. I have your vote recorded and am happy to see the Boyz get another. I’m like you they don’t sound like boys and this vid shows three gals, which totally confuses the mind. Trust me, I don’t need anymore confusion. 🙂

      The Rubinoos – 4
      Boyz – 2

    1. Kathe,

      Thanks for dropping by.The image you’re referring to is the one I used the app DistressedFX that my Facebook friend designed. It’s really cool and if you have an iPhone or iPad it will work on these devices. I’m not sure if it works with Android devices, though. I quite like this app a lot, too!:)

    1. Jamie,

      It’s always nice to meet a new friend. You’re very kind and I so love that you like my barn photo creations. I get carried away using the various apps. 🙂 Thanks for popping by for a visit, now I’m off to see you!

  4. I hear you about scaling back on the blogging–I’ve been doing it this past year I think, but I’ll probably have a short burst of energy until mid-December after which I might just take a total break until after the first of the year. But I’m apt to change my mind.

    I don’t remember this song pick at all! I really don’t think I’ve ever heard it before.

    The Rubinoos sounded more like real and not electronically fabricated music like Boyz. The second version was okay, but the first was more to my liking.

    A vote for Rubinoos.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Yeah, I’m going to try to scale back. I’m feeling a bit conflicted because I took such a long break during the warm months. I guess I’ll do what I can and not worry about, as that’s the way it should be. Blogging is a fun outlet and I don’t want to change that aspect ever! I think I’m gonna have a very lopsided battle again. lol Thanks for voting, my friend!

      The Rubinoos – 4
      Boyz – 1

  5. I love your barns and your edits. I didn’t notice the birds from the original shot until you did some editing.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Sandee,

      The birds are not in the original. That’s why you didn’t notice them. 😀 With DistressedFX, you choice from several bird overlays. I think it adds a nice touch to most photo-artwork. Thanks for visiting. 😉

  6. The barn photos are really nice. I love barns. Is it a tobacco barn?
    I am not really familiar with this song, either. I think the Rubinos have a better sound than the others.
    I don’t know how you keep up with blogging as you do. You pack a lot into each post! HUGS! Enjoy the upcoming season.

    1. Annie,

      LOL, you and Ellen both asked if this barn is a tobacco barn! I have no idea. Thanks for voting in my showdown. I have yours recorded. The only way I can do posts like this is to do it in steps. I find it helps the stress leave to compose my posts ahead of time and add to them as needed. I hope the length isn’t a bore. What do you think?

      The Rubinoos – 3
      Boyz – 1

  7. I had never heard that song before. I vote for The Rubinos, the other one sounded too much like Lollipop, Lollipop at the beginning.
    Nice barn shots, that looks like an old tobbaco barn that has seen better day. I like the waterlogued effect.

    1. Ellen,

      I don’t know what this barn was used for, I guess tobacco is about as good of a guess as any. 🙂 I’m a bit partial to the Brushstroke creation but happy to have the various apps to jazz up my photos. Thanks for voting in my BoTB!

      The Rubinoos – 2
      Boyz – 1

  8. Just enjoyed reading your blog for the first time. I agree when things are a chore and not fun, it might be time to scale back. Great word play on “Curious as a Cat(hy)”!!

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    Let me be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas! 🙂 It won’t be long now!

    I genuinely enjoy your countryside barn series, and this time I most admire what you did in the last enhancement, DistressedFX, with the birds added to the sky.

    I was delighted to discover you using Polly Brown and her hit single “Up In A Puff Of Smoke” in today’s BOTB. You and I had not yet crossed paths in Bloggerville when I ran a post about Polly tracing her singing career from the beginning when she fronted the group Pickettywitch:

    “Up In A Puff Of Smoke” is a great and coverworthy song. Both acts competing in your battle are new to me. I enjoyed both but strongly prefer the cover by act #1 – The Rubinoos – because it gives the song a refreshingly different treatment. I checked into this California power pop band, The Rubinoos, and learned that they did the theme from the 1984 film Revenge of the Nerds. I listened to their two best known singles beginning with “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend,” a song that led to a lawsuit thrown at Avril Lavigne claiming her song “Girlfriend” was a rip-off of “Boyfriend.” Then I listened to The Rubinoos’ 1977 cover of “I Think We’re Alone Now,” the 60s hit by Tommy James & The Shondells. It’s excellent! In a band battle between The Rubinoos and Tiffany performing their versions of “I Think We’re Alone Now” The Rubinoos would easily get my vote.

    Happy November, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Well…you’re the first person to wish me a Merry Christmas. lol We were in Kroger last night and they were playing Christmas mewsic. I was like, “It’s the day after Halloween! Aren’t you pushing it a bit!” At first it was pleasant but then I sorta got annoyed. I don’t like being rushed from one holiday to another. Commercialism and big bucks is all they care about!

      Thanks for the link to a post before my pre-SDMM days. I will check it out in a few! I’m glad you came by to vote in showdown and that you enjoyed both covers. I have your vote recorded making the tie even! We said our goodbyes to DD#2 late last night. They got their moving truck a few days earlier than expected moving up their plans and throwing everyone into utter chaos. We only an hour of sleep before the alarm clock went off this morning. I did grab two more hours after DH went to work. We’ll definitely need to get in bed extra early tonight. DD#2 & DSIL are going to be bushed by the time they reach Portland this evening. They have two apartment appointments. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer that one works out purrfectly! I’m heading over to see you now!

      The Rubinoos – 1
      Boyz – 1

  10. Hi Cathy… I hear you about scaling back. When I woke up this morning, I thought to myself that I don’t have a clue as to what I’m going to write about next Sunday. Have a great week.

    1. Katie,

      I find it difficult some days to know what to blog about, too. It’s best to not force it, though. If nothing comes to mind then don’t blog. Take a break for the day until you something clicks. Thanks for visiting.

  11. Your barns always make me yearn for a trip to one, to climb a hay loft.

    The Boyz had the more updated sound in your battle, and i enjoyed that, they get my vote.

    Enjoy your November!

    1. Mimi,

      Yesterday, I sketched a barn. I will have to share it soon. Barns have a special place in my heart. They are comforting to me some how, maybe these structures just remind me of a simpler life but whatever it is I love seeing them! Thanks for visiting and for voting in my showdown. I’m hopping over to see you next!

      The Rubinoos – 0
      Boyz – 1

  12. Nice shot I like all the edits too amazing how different they can look 🙂

    I haven’t heard “Up In A Puff Of Smoke” for years 🙂

    Have a barntastic day Cathy 🙂

  13. Dropping by as your Hodgepodge neighbour. I can understand why you might want to cut back on blogging during busy times – this post must have taken a while to prepare combining all those elements. Barn pic effects were interesting. I often forget to take photos let alone transform them with apps. I need to work on just taking the pics for now! Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Wendy,

      Thanks for visiting and it’s nice meeting you. I do my posts in stages because sometimes more than one hop crosses turning it into a bigger project. If photography isn’t a hobby then I can see how easy it is to forget to take them. However with a camera always in my pocket then it’s easier than ever for everyone to capture moments of time. Ain’t technology cool? Thanks for dropping by!

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