
22-03-2025 Vol 19

Andy Rooney (1919-2011)

By now, you may have heard the news. Andy Rooney died yesterday.  Unknowingly to me, I got a text alert in the early hours this morning. I didn’t discover the sad revelation until after I woke up.

Like most of you, I best knew Mr. Rooney from his short segments on 60-Minutes. His flare for satire with his trivia style commentaries made me laugh with his sense of dead pan seriousness and bushy white eye brows.

Some would whine and disagree with Rooney’s perspective, but I saw his spotlights as more of his no-nonsense on the real problem.  After all, are we not entitled to give our own interpretation on a matter?

Regardless, where you stand political or socially, I dare say chances are you enjoyed listening to Rooney’s from time-to-time. In memory of Andy Rooney, I  leave you with a playlist of some of his popular 60 Minute segments.



RIP, Mr. Rooney, we’ll miss you!


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