Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! Every time I see an “Alf” meme it makes me wanna watch that show. You gotta love laugh at an alien whose favorite snack food is a cat. Now, enjoy a few more Friday Sillies!
I lifted the next bit of giggles from a good pal, Stacy Uncorked.
What’s got you laughing/smiling today?
Okay, it’s been a long while since I’ve participated in the Skywatch Friday link up and so I’m excited to share my first image with the group for the new year. I snapped this last fall shortly after getting my iPhone 8.
How’s the sky looking over you?
Today, I Celebrate The Small Things
I’m celebrating the return of warmer weather even if it’s brief. I’m not a winter person and while I’m trying to not wish my days away, I find it hard to not say things like “I’m ready for spring.” The truth of the matter is, I am ready for it. Tomorrow, I may not be celebrating so much since the cold temps are expected to move into the area tonight.
I’m celebrating the possibility of snow tonight. Yeah, I don’t make a lot of sense but I do get a bit giddy when the white stuff is in the air especially when it happens on the weekend with no worries of having to get out in it. This is when I can “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!”
I’m celebrating for posting each day this week. The weekends I still reserve for downtime, though. I really don’t want to break that cycle. I find it hard enough keeping up with Friday comments and visits.
I’m celebrating the idea of participating in the April A-Z Challenge. I have my theme determined and I probably will begin on it so to make life easier. Are you planning on going another round in the annual event?
What are you celebrating?
Switching gears, I’m rounding things out with these Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by the lovely, Annie and Ellen!
- I would like to ask young people why are you so easy to fall for the latest trends? What happened to being your own person? Isn’t that the point of rebellion to stand apart from others? If you’re following the herd, you are not being unique. You’re just like everyone else!
- My favorite fast food restaurant is Chick-Fil-A.
- If I could go to any concert of someone still performing, it would be I have no clue because I’m not a concert person. This environment is too loud and crowded to suit me.
- My Winter pastime is usually doing more of the same thing I already, because of the obvious, it’s too cold to be outdoors more than I want.

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The alt meanings were fun
Thanks for dropping in, Mike!
I’d forgotten that Alf’s favourite food was cats and yes, that meme has made me want to watch the show again.
I can’t believe you’re already sorted with a theme for the A to Z – I need to do this soon before I start getting the A to Z twitch.
Love your answers to the fill ins, but especially number one. I agree totally and worry for the individuality of these young people in the future.
Thanks for sharing such a great post and making me smile a lot.
All it takes is one to break away from the pack to get the spark going for newer, brighter generation. The problem is who will be bold enough to initiate the change?
Fun, fun, fun, Cathy. We may get snow here, as well.
We did get a bit of snow Friday night. I noticed our cars dusted with about an inch or less before going to bed and when we got up on Saturday there was stil some on the landscape. There’s a greater chance for accumulation tomorrow. If that happens I hope DH doesn’t have trouble making it home. Thanks for visiting!
that one makes you laugh
You’re welcome. So, glad you found time to stop in for some giggles!
LOL loved the funnies I remember that song and their other one Yummy Yummy Yummy
Happy New Year Cathy
Thanks for reminding me “Yummy, Yummy, Yummy”. I forgot this fun song! Have a good week and thanks for dropping in for some giggles!
fabulous post! Very fun!
I never quite got ALF. We tried watching it a couple of times and it left us cold.
The neologisms are pretty funny. Dale Cooper, who blogs here, has a feature for One-Liner Wednesday called “Alternate Dictionary,” where he comes up with neologisms like this. Some are a bit strange…
I just had lunch from Chik-Fil-A, in fact. Small world.
I don’t know why, but Chicago seemed to be really into bubblegum music. I have no explanation for why…
Alf is a weird but fun TV show. We didn’t watch it a lot when it originally aired. Alf did make me laugh, especially with his strange diet obsession with cats. We had a kitty at the time and it never bothered me. I just thought it was ridiculously funny. I would like to stream it to see what I’d think of it now. Thanks for sharing your blog buds link. I will be sure to check it out. Chick-fil-A is good. I like supporting them whenever I can because of their conservative, Christian, family values. I think it’s amazing how successful this company chain is for doing business only 6-days a week. Bubblegum mewsic isn’t a bad thing. I rather like it. I didn’t realize that this group was a “Bubblegum” band until you mentioned it. I forgot all about them until last week. I don’t know if they had any other hit songs until Steve mentioned “Yummy, Yummy, Yummy”, another song I totally forgot about.
Great laughs, great answers, and i hope you keep warm!
I’m trying to keep warm! I remind myself things will look better come Friday but getting there is going to feel like a long way off. lol
LOL, thanks for the laughs and have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping in for a few laughs.
I like the definition for coffee.
I used to like the show ALF, but that was before i ever had a cat, I think now I wouldn’t like it. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Good question for #1. There is a Chik-fil-a about 30 minutes away, but I have yet to try it, I need to. Have a nice weekend! XO
Alf aired when we had our kitty but I always thought it was still a gas. I never took it seriously. I think you’ll like Chick-Fill-A. I love the values of the company! If I ever wanted to work in the food industry then I’d look to getting on with them first. Thanks for visiting!
Love the new definitions. Willy-nilly! I am going to be participating in the A to Z again this year, my third. Looking forward to reading yours. Happy Friday.
Excellent to hear you’re gonna do the A to Z challenge, too. We’ll have loads of fun together!
Loved the winning submissions. I laughed out loud.
Loved the kitties too and linked this post to Feline Friday.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. ♥
Thanks for including me in your Feline Friday link up. I’m glad you enjoyed the giggles, too.
Oh, #1. I say this often! Remember when you did not want to look “odd”. It was about looking GOOd. You did not want “weird” looking hair, jewlery, clothes, etc. But, you wanted to satnd out by what you DID or achieved. I do not get this or how it happened. I am with you.
I have extreme clautrophobia, so choose concert seats carefully. It has been a while, but we are going to see John Prine this April. Woo-hoo!
I am claustrophobic, too. I don’t think I’ll ever go to a concert. The mewsic is too loud for me. My hearing is already not the greatest. I suffer from some loss due to ear infections as a child which is a concern of mine the older I get. I don’t want to be one of those old people who say all the time, “What did you say?”
Hi, Cathy!
I enjoyed your Friday funnies, dear friend! As I told you before, I recently watched Alf for the first time and was impressed with the quality of the writing and acting. It’s a great series! Alf’s favorite food, cats, reminds me of season 2 of Stranger Things and the Demogorgon, a creature from the Upside Down. Calling it a “demo-dog,” Dustin tried to keep a young Demogorgon as a pet. The beast grew at an alarming rate and and wound up eating his cat.
I enjoyed reading the creative neologism list. #13, “circumvent,” gave me the biggest smile. I hope my soul doesn’t fly up on the roof and get stuck there next to the pizza (Breaking Bad reference). Did you know that mischievous tourists, determined to make life imitate art, have been known to throw pizza pies on the roof of that house, the one Walter and his family live in on Breaking Bad? I hope you know what I am talking about here.
That’s a marvelous blue sky picture, Cathy. Down here it is on the warm side and we have the a/c running again day and night. I hope it cools down a little by next week when we start moving.
It was fun to watch the studio group the 1910 Fruitgum Company perform one of their hits. I never saw that video before. At some point in the future I will have an entire post devoted to the best of those Super K productions.
Thank you for the entertainment, Cathy. I have one last post this Sunday to announce my blog hiatus and then I need to break away for a few weeks so that we can move and get set up at our new residence. Thank you for understanding. I’ll check in with you when I return sometime next month. Until then stay well and have fun, dear friend!
I’d like to see that post on Super K. Where’s your blog?
Have you heard if there will be a season 3 of “Stranger Things”? They sorta left it at a place where fans can walk away with some closure but I really like the series and hope that wasn’t the final chapter. I have yet to watch “Breaking Bad”. We started it a few years ago but haven’t gone back to it. So…that answers your question and I’m afraid I do not know the meaning of the reference you made. I will in time, though. I’m sure y’all are getting some of the cool weather now. It’s expected to be really cold for the next three days. I’m not looking forward to it but it’ll be short-lived. I’ll be eager to read/listen to your Super K productions series. You always bring together some interesting mewsic! I more than understand you’re going to be super busy with the move, so please don’t don’t knock yourself out to visit. I know you’ll come by whenever a good time arises, my friend. Meanwhile, saying prayers all goes well and you’ll soon be settled into a new home. TTFN!