
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Abracadabra Dancing Broomsticks

Howdy-hi, folks! I’m keeping things simple while I prepare for our upcoming staycation.  For the most part, I’m not doing my usual daily posts but I do have some scheduled entries in cue like today.  Rain’s prompt this week is ‘broomsticks’. 

It would be fun to draw a witchy pinup girl riding a broomstick but the first thing that came to mind was dancing broomsticks.

dancing broomsticks

I’m thankful to have y’all for my friends.  If you’re looking for other Thursday blog hops, please visit any or all of my friends hosting these memes.


This week, I’ve sat out participating in daily blog parties but I will visit Rain’s Garden to check out her artwork and if time permits browse the listing of artists linking up with TAD.  I’m going to leave you with the TBT tune by Steve Miller Band, “Abracadabra” and some funnies since I won’t be doing a post tomorrow but I do have a new installment of Saturday Songsausions scheduled. 😉  Thanks for visiting, my friend.  Have a doodletastic day! X💋X💋, Cathy

hosted by JingleJangleJungle

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18 thoughts on “Abracadabra Dancing Broomsticks

  1. When I toured with a stage production of “Cinderella” one of the stage effects we used in one routine was a dancing broom. It was actually kind of cool. Your picture is very nicely rendered.

    I recall the first time I ever heard “Abracadabra”. We were traveling at night after a show in Lethbridge, Alberta Canada to Moosejaw, Saskatchewan and it came on the radio. It seemed so appropriate for the time.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Thanks for checking out my artwork and for sharing the story you associated with my featured song. Music is so often tied to events in our lives.

  2. Love those dancing brooms! The funnies were really, really cute too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thrusday Blog Hop!

  3. Love your dancing brooms. You’re so talented.

    Love the funnies and love the video. Catchy tune.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thankful Thursday Art Date with Rain, dear friend! I hope you week’s going well.

    Your dancing broomsticks made me smile. I wonder which mewsical piece got them out on the floor. Probably some “sweep me off my feet” love song. (LOL) I like the cartoon of the old witch shopping for a new broom and the sales weasel showing her the new electric model. The squabbling couple in the second silly is another good gag. That hubby ‘s gonna get beaned by a broomstick if he doesn’t stop taunting his angry wife. I also smiled when I saw the creative use the couch potato hubby found for the broom his wife handed him. I don’t think that’s what she had in mind.

    Thanks for the Thursday morning smiles, dear friend Cathy. Enjoy the rest of your week, and I’ll see you back here at CAAC on Saturday for some Songsuasion!

    1. Tom,

      LOL ‘sweep me off my feet’ love song. That’s good! The old guy using the broomstick to operate the TV cracked me up. I remember our first TV was a 12″ B&W set that didn’t have a remote. We parked the small unit near our bed so DH could see it without his glasses at night when we were first married and even the arm’s length to change channels he didn’t care for too much. He was in hog heaven when got our first color tv set. It was in a lovely cabinet and weighted a ton. The coolest part is it had a remote control which DH took possession of immediately. lol

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