A survey stated, 16% of young women admitted they would trade a year of life for their ideal body weight. Let’s face it, none of us will have that “perfect” body we see splashed across billboards and magazine ads, despite where we are fitness wise. The magic of photo editing places unrealistic aspirations in a woman’s mind. I was surprised to learn in a MSNBC news article what some woman would give up for the perfect body in Many Women Would Trade a Year of Life to be Thin.
I’ve been on a perpetual diet. I’ve knit picked at what I should or shouldn’t eat. I’ve gone from points of depriving myself to bingeing on no-no foods. It’s ridiculous, I know, but it’s all about finding where you need to be with ease and confidence. Improving my self-image through moderate, healthy means is the best approach. Dr. Oz offers some excellent advice on goodhousekeeping.com
The bottom line is, eat smart and exercise. Don’t fret over not looking like a pin-up babe, if you look that smashing good, then kudos to you! Life is too short and there’s no sense in wishing it away.
Patrice from Everyday Ruralty asks…
- Are you happy with your recent attempts at healthy eating? I have good and bad days. Being a SAHM, my diet is fairly conservative – no fast foods and limited sweets. This is really good for me.
- Do you ever put off things because you don’t want to do them unless you look/feel better? Yes, I’m guilty of doing this. I don’t like having my picture taken for instance when I am not feeling well or have extra weight.
- Did you get all dressed up for Easter when you were a kid? Dressing up for Easter wasn’t too much different from other Sundays since we went to church regularly. My parents may have bought me a dress especially for Easter only on a few occasions. Money was just too tight.
- Do you have more of an appetite in warm weather or cold weather? I haven’t given this much thought, but I would think the cooler weather would tend to be the time to have more of a desire to eat more because the body needs the extra calories to keep warm. However, I just don’t know if I’m actually hungrier or not.
- Have you done anything this past week that you could describe as “being kind to yourself”? I can’t think of anything I’ve done in particular that I would regard as being kind to myself, but DH has been very kind to me. He bought me several ink pads on Sunday and then last night, he bought me a new Loreal mascara to try. He’s the best!
Here are some more mid-week memes to join in on….
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@Emptynester…I’m with you, I want to look good but not at the expensive of giving up even one tiny year. That’s just crazy! Anytime you’re feeling bummed and need some rah-rahs to get you through the day, then give me a shout. =D
@Cynthia…thank you! Am following you back. =D
I really want to look good again, but not enough to give up a year of life for it!
We were regular church goers too but, on Easter and Christmas, my mother always made me a brand new dress and I always looked forward to it—until I got older anyway. LOL
Thanks for your comment today! And your encouragement!
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Be sure to enter my Nikon Coolpix digital camera giveaway that ends in 8 days 
@Vickie…ty for sending me the button code. I’ll get it posted on my blog ASAP.