
18-03-2025 Vol 19

A View from Newfound Gap

Newfound Gap in the Smoky Mountains

For more fabulous sky view shots, join the SWF team and fellow photo enthusiasts across the globe.

Next up, Lexa hosts…Celebrate the small things.

Today, I celebrate…

  • Pinterest (my link). Yep, I’m slow to get on this bandwagon, but within the past week or two I have re-pinned lots of good recipes & other stuff.
  • The laughs & inspiration I’ve gotten on Pinterest.
  • Picking up my drawing pencils to practice sketching techniques again.
  • Cool technology. I love my iPhone 5s, iPad Air, MacBook Air, and all the fun apps available!
  • Having wonderful friends like you!

Life needs celebrating even when it seems like you have no reason to celebrate. Just look around, I bet you’ll see something good! What are you celebrating?

Let’s celebrate making new friends together. We can begin by joining Ramona for Friendship Friday.

Before you scat for the weekend, I invite you to cast your vote in Superstition #BoTB showdown. That’s a wrap, kittens & dawg! Thanks for stopping by.  Until we meet on the other side of the lens next, have a fototastic day!

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

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15 thoughts on “A View from Newfound Gap

  1. Welcome back to the Celebrate hop! I’m so glad you solved your server problems! I joined Pinterest too, pinned a bunch of things, then never went back again. *blush* I’m glad you’re having fun with it! The sketching sounds great too. Art can be so therapeutic. Have a great week!

  2. First, thanks for stopping in and making a comment on my page. Second, really love that picture of the Smokey Mountains. All that deep green is beautiful–coming from someone living in California and the drought. Love those little kitty pictures, too. 🙂 Have nice w/end.

  3. Great shot…. it feels rather like looking through leaf curtains out a window onto this incredible expansive view. Love that feeling.
    I quit my Pinterest.. I miss my Pinterest some days.. but there’s just soooo little time.
    Today we are celebrating Girl Guide cookies because that’s what we have been spending the day selling. and maybe eating a few too. 🙂

  4. Nice. I love puzzles with beautiful sky shots. Great that you’re enjoying a new things, and an old habit. I haven’t joined Pinterest, blogging and FB take up too much time as it is. And everyone reposts stuff on FB so, I get to see it all.

    1. Donna, my father-in-law use to put together amazing puzzles. I’m not patient enough to devote so much time to putting them together, but part of me would like to because I’m fascinated with them. Hey, I sure understand time restraints. I enjoying looking at the pins when I’m away from the computer. All of my spare time goes to blogging. Why I’m not even on FB all that much anymore. Thanks for visiting. If you haven’t yet, I hope you’ll decide to vote in my latest BoTB, here! Have a good weekend.

    1. Stephanie, October is the second busiest month for the GSM. I knew October was crazy busy, but I was reminded of just how wild traffic is while up there the Monday before last. People were coming out of the woodwork it seemed pulling in & out of turn offs to take a quick picture. I’m SO thankful to live near the mountains and am able to go, usually, at a more convenient time. I hope you guys will have a chance next year to visit my mountains. Yep, you read that right. lol I always call them that. 😀 Boy, I wish the Smoky’s did belong to me, you know? It’s such a magnificent place. Thanks for the visit, now off to see what you’re sharing today.

  5. Another reminder of what I think of as home. At least I’ve been able to make it back to Tennessee once or twice a year since I moved away from there. I can celebrate that.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, so glad to share views of home to you. I can’t imagine living anywhere else, but sometimes part of me would like to at least venture to try different places short term just so I can say I lived elsewhere, you know what I mean? Definitely coming home for visits is always reason to celebrate, especially when you live on the other side of the country.

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