
14-03-2025 Vol 19

A Twisted Christmas #BoTB Results with Some Friday Sillies


Merry Christmas, Kittens & Dawgs! Today is DH’s off Friday but I wanted to share the results of last week’s A Twisted Christmas #BoTB showdown featuring two Bob Rivers’ Christmas parodies. It was “Carol of the Bartenders” vs “Police Stop My Car”. This race ended in a tie and it was up to me to break it. Oh why do you put me in these situations, my sweet lovelies? After listening to the parodies again, I decided I like “Carol of the Bartenders” better. The lyrics are far better and more cleverly written than the other. So, there you have it, “Carol of the Bartenders” wins this round.  Here’s another hilarious parody by Bob River.


[tweetthis]”Carol of the Bartenders” wins in “A Twisted Christmas #BoTB showdowns”! #BobRivers #parody #christmas #humor[/tweetthis]


Earlier in the week, I read a hilarious second part feature posted by my good friend, Tom from Shady Dell Music & Memories and I encouarge you to check it out for a few more laughs.

I invite you to visit the official manager of BoTB, Stephen for a complete list of BoTBers.  Join me next Friday for the second monthly installemnt of Battle of the Bands and more fun stuff but don’t forget to hit the dance floor with me in “All Things Christmas” on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!




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13 thoughts on “A Twisted Christmas #BoTB Results with Some Friday Sillies

  1. Now I don’t recall which version I voted for but I think it was the other one, whatever that was.
    No comment on the bra sizes, but I can go with those descriptions.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      You’re remembered correctly, you voted for “Police Stop My Car”. Yeah, the descriptions if the bra sizes is an accurate one and so funny! Thanks for dropping by. I’ll see you soon. 🙂

  2. I know my hubby would agree with the coffee mug and I am a double dang! I know someone who actually is a J and it is all her! I want to thank you for the card..I was pleasantly surprised and thank you so very much, my friend. Have a beautiful weekend!

    1. Birgit,

      Holy cow, a size “J”?! I remember hearing about someone being a a double D and I thought that was big but a J? I can’t even imagine and you say she’s naturally equipped. All I can say is “WOW!”

  3. I like the coffee one 🙂 Looks like tomorrow I will have both coffee and snow.

    1. Ellen,

      We got a light dusting of snow last night but it was gone this morning. The forecast is calling for flurries this evening but I’m sure it won’t amount to much. Keep warm!

    1. Myke,

      I don’t have many of my battles to end in a tie for me to break and I’m glad but at least the decision was an easy one this time. Thanks for visiting!

  4. Heeheehee! That’s a new one for me, i can hardly wait to play it for Sweetie. Happy Friday!

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    I am here for your sillies, dear friend! First of all, congratulations on hosting a perfect BOTB with two equally matched contestants. It’s nice to know your ears matched mine and that you cast the tie breaking vote for the song I favored “Carol of the Bartenders.” I enjoyed the Bob & Tom Show doing “Boob Job For Christmas.” I laughed all the way through in appreciation of the clever lyrics that included the rhyming of melons and Mount St. Helens. 🙂 That song immediately brought to mind a similar ditty I posted on SDMM a few months ago entitled “My Boobs are OK.”

    Thank you very much for linking to my silly post. You are a great friend, Cathy! I wish you and DH a fabulous Friday and a safe and happy weekend!

    1. Tom,

      I really don’t like having to decide the winner because it’s usually a difficult choice but I didn’t find it nearly as hard this time. “Carol of the Bartenders” has the funniest lyrics of the two. I think I remembered the post you’re referencing but I’m going to take a look at the video to refresh my memory. This is DH’s Friday off, so we’ll probably knock around the house instead of venturing out. It’s a gray and very cool day. Currently, it’s 34º and it’s not forecasted to get much warmer, either. I’m so not ready for this cold weather! Thanks for dropping by and I hope y’all have a good weekend, too!

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