I hope all of you ladies had a blessed and beautiful Mother’s Day. We’re still staying relatively home except for taking care of essential appointments and I’m happy to finally get the earlier cancelled doctor appointments out of the way. Normal life or a version of it has finally arrived after weeks of anticipation. I’m still not ready to mingle with the masses. I want to see what happens before I jump in with both feet. The medical community is insisting patients to mask up for visits until the end of June and that doesn’t bother me one bit. We plan to continue home grocery delivery for a time things seem more settled. I’ll go about day around the house as usual enjoying doing what I do which brings me to today’s Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me. This week, Cynthia, our honorary co-hostess’ theme is “songs to honor Mom“. Sounds groovy to me! To my mother, my daughter, my nieces, my cousins, and all of you in Blogosphere this is for you!
My playlist for today include these song tracks:
- Mother ~ Sugarland
- The Hand That Rocks The Cradle ~Glen Campbell with Steve Wariner
- You Can’t Lose Me ~Faith Hill
- Somebody’s Hero ~Jamie O’Neal
- I’ll Always Love My Mama ~The Intruders
Yesterday, I shared another Mother’s Day Procreate illustration similar to the one I sent my daughter. The only difference is is I personalized hers. Below is the design I created for my mom.

This month’s honorary co-hostess is Cynthia from Cool4Him’s Claymania!
DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians. Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

A number of these my mom often spoke. I’d have to say my favorite has to be “Because I said so. That’s why.” I didn’t like it but I accepted my mother’s final words.

I didn’t forget, I just decided to postpone my May 1st BoTB results for today. I’m stunned how this battle started off strong for Karen then in a blink Mimi caught up, took the lead and with a one margin difference straight to victory. Congrats to Mimi Page
for a well deserved win with her Wicked Games cover! I’ll close with an original song, Dark Before Dawn.
Not to worry anyone, but I just want to remind y’all that I am on a semi-blog hiatus trying to keep to posting only on Mondays. Okie dokie, that’s a wraps! Have a boogietastic week!! XX
, Cathy

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I am finally here! I do have to catch up on your A to Z and i will be since I love your theme and your drawings. Love your irises here and that Mommy Otter is just too sweet. Who doesn’t love otters? I think it is wise that things slowly return to normal. I know some people think it might be something sinister but I think a lot more people would have died than in the 1968 flu pandemic. I think we are being proactive and we need to be smart about it besides, have you got a head cold recently? Isn’t it nice that we are not sick overall? I will enjoy seeing my family and friends and going shopping but I am aok with it all. Mother’s day is something I miss because my mom is gone and i miss her so much. Aside from my hubby, whom I love, nothing beat my mom when I needed to talk or to have a hug.
I’m glad you found time to visit. It’s slow going around here. I’m trying to relax away from blog life until I’m feeling refreshed again but I’m kinda thinking about staying low-key all summer. Once normal life returns full force then I’m certain Internet traffic will fall off sharply. I can’t blame folks for wanting to do other things especially with all this Covid-19 stuff. I know Mother’s Day is hard for you with your mom no longer with us and it’s a good thing you have your husband to help you through these tough periods. I’m so happy to have DH. He makes every day special. Catch up with my A2Z posts anytime you want, my dear. Have a good weekend!
I had an amazing Mother’s Day! I worked, but my kids got me Mexican food afterwards, and while at work a lot of really sweet people wished me a happy Mother’s Day. I sure hope you had a great one as well!
Your MDs sounds nice. I love Mexican food! Thanks for stopping by, my dear. I’m happy to see you back in Blogosphere.
Happy belated Mother’s Day to you, Cathy. Love those irises you drew . NY State starts to reopen tomorrow region by region if they meet 7 criteria, and my region has met all seven criteria for “phase 1” so we’ll see. So, I didn’t know any of these songs, not one, not eve The Intruders, which surprised me a little, considering it is from the early 70’s when I was in college. Country music sure knows how to express emotions. I’m so used to hearing Glen Campbell on his rock chart hits, so it was nice hearing him in his other setting. Hope you are having a good week.
Thanks for the MDs wishes. 4M often offers a refreshing ear to new and forgotten oldies. I love how this dance party broadens my mewsical horizons. Have a good weekend, my dear!
OMC That were wonderful songs, CK, especially Steve Wariner and Glen Campbell. Granny has seen Steve Wariner once on a Country Festival in our Country, he brought her to tears and this song almost did too
We just found out today that you made a list on YouTube of the songs, we never knew that and hit over to YT with every song, this makes it so much easier…if only we knew it before…MOL…
Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie

YouTube playlists are super cool. A couple of my bloggy friends do this and and that’s where I got the idea. Thanks for boogieing with me, little furriend!
Love the mewsic, Cathy! Here’s wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day!
I”m glad you enjoyed the mewsic and thanks for the MD wishes, my dear.
My pleasure!
Great music choices and I love the drawing. XO
Thanks, Ellen!
Luvin’ all your tunes girlfriend! HAPPY BELATED MOTHER’S DAY! I truly hope you had lotsa luvin’ on yesterday from your babies! I had two that called during the week cuz they both had to work Sunday, but they got a chance to call on Sunday too, so that was very nice. The other two one called the other just sent a message through FB. As they say something is better than nothing. They all worked yesterday so it was nice they took some precious time out for their mama! Loved your line up that’s for sure. My cousin I told you about that just had the heart attack passed away, so he’s no longer in pain. God rest his tired soul. Amen. Take care girlfriend… luv ya…. HUGS
Your Mother’s Day sounds lovely. At least your kids thought of you and that’s pretty special, my friend. Oh, I’m so sorry to read the news about your cousin. Saying prayers for you and the family. How sad! Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me, dearie. Have a good week!
Love the otters, and the music, congrats to Mimi, and i hope you had a great Mother’s Day!
I did have a nice Mother’s Day.
Thanks for popping by for a little mewsic and cuteness.
Moms always have a lot to say…and turns out they were usually correct!
I agree Moms are usually right. Mine was/is!
I have heard I’ll Always Love My Mama before. I will have to check out the other songs from the playlist.
Thanks for joining me on the dance floor and when you get a chance just hit play to listen to all the songs on my playlist. That’s what I do while I do other things.
Great playlist! I voted for Karen, but I guess you can’t win ’em all…
Unfortunately, you can’t win them all. If you could then more people would be playing bets. lol
If I could, I’d play the lottery when the amount got up close to $1 billion…
Wouldn’t we all! lol
Such beautiful songs. Thanks for sharing them. Very lovely.
So glad you made it to the dance party this week to honor Mom!:)
Great post
Ahh, thanks Robin!
Those otters are adorable!
Great mom tribute songs
Have a great week!
I’m happy you enjoyed this week’s song selections and critter cuteness.
Thanks for boogieing with me!
Awww, so precious. What a great shot of mom and baby.
Love your playlist. Mom was a great prompt too.
What a close win on the battle of the bands.
Have a great blog break.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥
Thanks for dropping by for some mewsic and an awww moment.
Right now my blog hiatus is consisting of creating future mewsic post for the summer months and I am working on colorizing my A2Z pinup girls. I hope to do more drawing and perhaps a bit of cooking, too. I just like not feeling like I have to do much at this point and it’s nice. Have a good week, darlin’!
what a great post! A tribute to your mom …so sweet!
Thanks for joining me today, Kathe. I’m glad you enjoyed the mewsic!
In 1974 my wife and I got married on Saturday and Mother’s Day was Sunday. This year Mother’s day was Sunday and our 46th wedding anniversary is today!
Like you, we are still close to home for the most part. We will probably order our anniversary dinner for curbside pick up. Arkansas is opening up with some restrictions. My wife and I will both get haircuts this week. Most retail stores are now open and restaurants are open with a limit of 1/3 capacity. This coming Sunday churches will be allowed to have worship services, but with certain social distancing guidelines,including no childcare and no small group Bible Studies. Our church will open for worship on the 24th. It’s been a long time coming and I know people are ready to re-engage.
I have to admit, I love the Glen Campbell/Steve Warnier duet. Faith Hill sounds more country in this cut than I can ever remember her vocals, but I love the tune. The Jamie O’neal song is new to me but a very pleasant listen. Thanks for two-stepping a little country around the dance floor this morning. Have a blessed week and stay safe.
Two of my children were born in May. The youngest on the 2nd and the middle on the 14th. Depending on how Mother’s Day falls any given year then it comes pretty close usually to our middle kiddo’s birthday. This makes the occasion even more special.
We were out today. I noticed some retail stores and restaurants open. I suspect if things continue to go well then the Tennessee governor will let all businesses resume as normal. We need to get our economy jump started again. While I believe public safety is important, I still wonder why all the fuss. You don’t see this kind of stuff happening during the flu season and that usually claims more lives than this virus will. It just seems odd. Perhaps it’s a test to see how much elected officials can get away with. I don’t put anything past corrupt individuals. I’m glad you enjoyed the playlist. I did get more country with my songs this time than usual but it was a nice change.
A belated Happy Mother’s Day to you. Some things are opening up this coming week, but still not like what I want to see. My wife and I took a drive to Venice Beach on Saturday and crowds were out in force even though the beaches were fenced off and empty. This morning I have my annual doctor visit except this year it’s by phone which I can’t see that it will be particularly effective.
Nice outcome for your Battle! Certainly better than mine.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Thanks for the warm wishes for Mother’s Day. I hope your wife had a lovely day. The drive sounds very nice. It’s amazing how folks are going out and about with life. I hope they manage to keep distance between them and cautious about sneezes/coughs. Oh yeah, frequent hand washings to keep from the spread of germs. That’s something I learned in elementary school and I betcha others did, too. They just refuse to implement good hygiene practices. Hmm, an annual doctor visit via phone. What about your labs? I got my annual exam done at the doctor’s office a couple of weeks ago with no problem. They are doing an excellent job screening patients and insisting face masks for visits. I have seen some without a mask. Thanks for visiting, my friend.
Update: After my phone visit where I described some of the issues that had been bothering me, my doctor told me to come in immediately and get blood work before my visit. I got the blood test and the nurse administered an EKG and saw the doctor. He said everything checked out excellently and prescribed a heartburn medicine since it appeared that I was only suffering from GERD and not some kind of heart issue. I feel much better now.
I hate the masks and think the whole thing is kind of silly.
I’m glad all turned out a.ok for you. The masks are an over kill but I can live it with for a short while. What I’d like to know is why aren’t things like this put into place during flu season? We have for more cases and deaths from the flu generally speaking each year and yet people go about life like nothing is wrong. I’ve always take precautions to protect myself to avoid sickly people and I do frequent hand washings, especially after being in public. People don’t know how to use their brains which is even more disturbing then any health crisis out there!
Hi, Cathy!
Sorry I’m late, dear friend. I had computer problems first thing this morning. Happy Mother’s Day to you and all the mothers around your family, and happy 4M and Awww Mondays as well!
Awww, I want to tickle that little otter’s furry belly! I enjoyed your set of mother songs. I agree with the words to the song “Hand That Rocks The Cradle” – “There ought to be a Hall of Fame for mamas.” The Faith Hill song is new to me and I love the spirited singing and arrangement. This is the type of country I most enjoy, the kind that comes close to a rock style. I also enjoyed Jamie O’Neal’s song and video showing actor portrayed retro flashbacks of her as a child being loved by her mama. What a treat for you to post that rare Soul Train clip of the Philadelphia sweet soul group The Intruders doing one of their hits “I’ll Always Love My Mama.” Coincidentally just yesterday I inserted an Intruders song into the draft of a future post for Shady’s Place.
Purple and green are my signature colors, and I love the Mother’s Day greeting you created for your mom. I’m sure she loved it. i enjoyed flashing back to those classic mom sayings. My mother said most of those things to me. The funniest is the first one warning that if I crossed my eyes and made a funny face it would “stay like that.” My frugal mom also loved to say “money doesn’t grow on trees” and “Eat your dinner! There’s a starving kid in Africa who would love to have it,” and, when I kept going out the door and coming back in, she’d say “Make up your mind – in or out?!”
Thanks for reporting the result of your BOTB. I am pleasantly surprised to learn that Mimi Page pulled off a win. For a while I thought I’d be the only one voting for her. It must be the “Twin Peaks effect.” I think a lot of people enjoy the dreamy, surreal soundscape created on recordings like Mimi’s.
Another “Awww” moment comes at the end of your post as I read that mom meme. If there is one thing a good mother does and does often it is sacrifice for her family.
Have a safe and happy week, dear friend Cathy!
No worries with being late. I’m dragging around these days anyhow making small steps toward getting caught up. I need to get back to my A2Z replies and make sure all return visits are done. My brain is still all swimming after last month’s challenge. I’m glad you found time to stop by after your computer woes settled down today. Technology can be squirrely sometimes as well a major headache. I dare say we all are quite familiar with the list of Mom sayings. The switch around on this battle really surprised me but then the last few I’ve held have been interesting. Thanks for joining me today, my friend!
The Otters are adorable. We sure hope things keep opening up and we don’t ever have to go back to full quarantine. It is all so very tiring.
I’m with you, I hope we don’t have to go back to full quarantine or close to it. Supposedly, it was just the essential businesses that remained open this whole time but I questioned some of these so-called essential ones like liquor stores. I’d count that as non-essential. I feel confident if folks exercised good judgement which they should’ve been doing all along then we won’t have to worry with this virus or many other illnesses.
We hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, CK. We finally saw the family for the weekend after 5 months, that was a real good weekend for Granny, not for me because I don’t like my twofeet sister and brothers
We’ll be back to listen to your songs later. For now Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Monday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie

Binky & Granny,
I did have a nice Mother’s Day. I’m glad Granny got to spend time with the family. It’s difficult on furry family members to mingle or escape the humans sometimes. Hopefully, your world has calm today and you can enjoy the sun or at least I hope the sun is shinning over head.