
14-03-2025 Vol 19

A tiny piece of the moon + BOTB results

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs!  It’s not often I get a chance to photograph the night sky or in this case an early morning sky.  The first light was beginning to peak above the horizon when I noticed a tiny piece of the moon in the sky.  I snapped on my longest lens, zooming to 300mm cranked my ISO to 1600 preparing to shoot with a slow shutter speed to try to avoid camera shake handholding for the shot and I managed to do okay at one-fifteen to capture the awesome view.


Last week, I invited you not-so WW crowd to vote right along with my fellow BoTBers in my March 1st showdown.  For a time I thought this was going to be a total shut-out but then the other guy got a vote just like that.  Like the majority, the strong resemblance of Elvis of Ricky Shayne pulled me in and he had a landslide victory; tipping the ballot box 12 to 3!

The golden mic award goes to…



You can see how the other battles went down last time by visiting Stephen for the list of active BoTBers.  ?

I’ll leave you with another listen to Ricky Shayne but this time he’s singing in English!



I am going to sit out “Thursday Movie Picks” until June but I hope you’ll come back for all kinds of fun including some giggles with Friday SilliesSave

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36 thoughts on “A tiny piece of the moon + BOTB results

  1. This was a fun battle even though it seemed to be a landslide. Love the picture of the moon. Sad to hear about the TMP but it takes time and with everything happening in blog world, totally understandable.

  2. I always liked Ricky Shayne and am glad he won. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this other song of his – nice! Your moon sliver photo turned out well. Night shots can sometimes be difficult. You are a talented photographer, my friend.

  3. Wow! What a great capture! That is the tiniest piece of moon I’ve ever seen!!! 🙂

    1. Rhonda. My hand normally isn’t so steady but I managed to keep my hands from shaking some Thanks for stopping by. I’ll be over to visit you in a sec.!

  4. Well, that is a sliver piece isn’t it! All we had today was wind, wind and more wind! I went out in the backyard & side of the house pickin’ up garbage & yard stuff blown in the neighbors yard and everything… even hubby picked up some when he came home. SHEESH!

    1. Marie, It was a bit windy here yesterday but not gusty where it moved stuff around the neighborhood. Thankfully strong winds are rare for us but we did get some a few days ago because of a storm front moving into the area. I believe getting outdoors set my allergies off yet again – ears feel stuffier. BLAH!

  5. I really love the moon shot. Stunning. Stay safe in this fickle weather.
    A windstorm just took out half of my yard! I know insurance won’t pay what the fence bill will be.

    1. Annie, thanks! Yikes, sorry to hear about Mother Nature wiping out your yard and fence. We’ve gotten some sturdy wind bursts on and off over the past week but hopefully, we won’t see too much more of that kind of weather. March really did come in like a lion. I wonder if it’ll go out like lamb.

  6. What a great capture my friend!! You really rocked this one – I love shooting the moon but my lens is just not a long enough zoom to get great shots consistently. I love this little slice here. 🙂

    1. Les, I had my lens maxed to 300mm. It would be so awesome to have a longer telephoto but I guess anything longer would require a tripod for sure. Thanks for visiting & for the nice comments! 😉

    1. I want to continue working on my night shots as much as possible. These are so much harder to get than day shots. Thanks for joining the fun today!

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    Thanks for letting us know how your battle turned out. I was confident the Shayne gang would win and win big and I’m happy to know that your ears matched mine. Ricky doesn’t sound at all like Elvis on “Once I’m Gonna Stay” but nevertheless I enjoyed the bonus song.

    You did a great job of capturing that sliver of the moon. Happy Wednesday, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Ricky won big! Yes, our ears matched this time. The bonus song doesn’t sound anything like his Elvis impression from the battle song but like you I really enjoyed it. It grows on me everytime I hear it. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by for a visit and I’m glad you liked my moon shot!

  8. No surprise to me who the winner of that Battle was, but they’re always worth a shot just to make sure. I’ve been surprised more than a few times.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, yeah, no surprise with the turn out on this battle. It was definitely lopsided from the start and remained that way until the end. 🙂

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