
14-03-2025 Vol 19

A Little Angel

I will keep things on the short side today.  Last week I used my grand daughter as inspiration to sketch a cute little faerie.  With LA in mind, I put pencil (Apple pencil) to paper (iPad) to illustrate a little angel for Rain’s art prompt.

Isn’t she sweet?

My real little angel has brown hair and olive skin but every time I think of angels I envision fair haired beings since they live in the presence of the Almighty. If you’ve seen the vintage film, The Ten Commandments, then you know what happened to Charlton Heston when he came off the mountain carrying two stone tablets. 

Yesterday, I made a new cookie recipe thanks to DH. He sent me one for Vanilla Bean Shamrock Cookies and let me say, “MMMM, these are sure gooood!” I decorated a few similar to the author’s but most of them I just sprinkled vanilla sugar on them before baking.  

Happy St. Patty’s Day!

My apologizes for not responding to your comment last week.  I certainly appreciated your show of support and I made a point to do a return visit to show my gratitude.  Up next is the Sunday Edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me.  You’re invited to join the party.  The theme choice is to pick music from the 50s, 60s, or 70s but if you have music you’re more than welcome to link up. 😉  This is CAAC signing off,  have a doodletastic day! 

Touched By An Angel is off the 1998 album Gloria! which spawned four singles and one promotional track. The hottest single to come off this album was Oye which topped the Hot Dance Club Songs as well as two other charts.

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14 thoughts on “A Little Angel

  1. Hi Cathy! ☺ I’m late responding to comments!! Your angel is very sweet, and I kind of see them in the same way, fair-haired with brilliance. Oooh the cookies! I haven’t made cookies in a while, those look yummy! Btw, the 80 pounds of tomatoes made 37 pints of tomatoes in their juice. I peel them, quarter them, remove seeds, stems and excess juice then boil them for about 5 minutes. Then they go into the water bath canner for 40 minutes. Each jar gets 1 tbsp of lemon juice for acidity. It cost me about $1 a pint. The tins at the grocery store are double that price here and I find you can taste the metal so I much prefer to can my own!

  2. Your angel is sweet and glittery which is perfect! The cookies match her hair and those cookies look delicious. I love Maxine as she is so right on.

  3. Your little blond angel is sweet. I have never tried to draw on a tablet, mainly because I don’t have one, but my granddaughter does … think I will give it a try when she gets back from Thailand. Your cookies do look yummy and vanilla sugar (didn’t know there was such a thing) sounds even more yummy. You posts always perk me up … see you next week, lovely Cathy …

  4. Sorry for the late visit. Time got away from me today. Your angelic granddaughter (ish) is beautiful. She is a true beauty.

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I got a kick out of Maxine and her way of thinking.

    I had never heard that song before, so it was quite a surprise to me.

  5. The angel is adorable. I love her hair. Wow.

    I ate several of those cookies. Yummy.

    Maxine cracks me up.

    Have a fabulous St. Patrick’s Day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy St. Paddy’s Day and happy Thursday Art Date with Rain, dear friend! I hope your week is going well.

    Awww… I love that little angel! If I am not mistaken, your darling LA is now old enough to understand and appreciate the artistic tributes to her that you post at CAAC. I hope her mommy shows her the faerie and this beautiful little angel. The angel’s face is bright, happy and, to me, expresses innocence and purity. Her purple robe goes well with her long golden hair. She is, quite literally, a work of art.

    Your DH is a clever fellow. He submits recipe ideas for the goodies he’d like you to make for him, in this case, bake for him – a batch of yummy cookies topped with green shamrocks for St. Patrick’s Day. I can’t decide if I like Maxine more on your blog, or Foghorn Leghorn. (LOL) I get a kick out of both characters. I enjoyed the angel song by Gloria Estefan, a track from her 1998 Latin-tinged dance-pop album Gloria!

    Thank you for the morning mewsic and smiles, dear friend Cathy. Enjoy the rest of your week and I’ll see you Sunday on your 4M Monday post!

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