
19-03-2025 Vol 19

A bit of fall color lingering plus some random laughs

Did you miss me?  What’s that, you didn’t know I was gone?!  Well, I’m back from our staycation.  We had a lovely relaxing time just doing whatever we pleased.  We got a chance to visit the mountains twice.  Below, I created a photo gallery from both trips so that you can enjoy the views.  

Not wanting to rush things after the return of staycation, I decided to fill in advance today’s post full of laughs.  Warning…if you have your morning coffee in hand, you may want to sit your mug down.  I don’t want to be liable for any hot coffee spilled in your lap. 🙂    

Please join the Wild Wednesday linky party where just about anything goes!  This is an excellent way for you to do a little self-promoting of your current post or another your favor. There aren’t any rules, except to keep things family friendly.  

This linky list is now closed.

I’m going to take the easy way out by using Joyce’s last week Wednesday Hodgepodge questions because I know I will be too far behind to squeeze in her current set, so I apologize for being a rule bender.  

1. How did you name your blog and do you now wish you had thought about it maybe another five minutes before hitting publish? Would you change your blog title if it were not a huge pain in the derriere? Curious as a Cathy is a play on words, “Curious as a cat”.  This isn’t my original blog name.  When I started blogging 11 years ago, I was simply known as Cathy Kennedy’s Blog.  I wasn’t an established or even successful author, just a hopeful children’s writer who had grand ideas that my one-time book publishing adventure would be the golden road to new things.  It was in those early years I hit Blogosphere doing a bit of self-promoting only to learn that it was a whole lot harder than I anticipated. I soon found out that wasn’t for me but I loved the community and decided to stay around.

2. What bill do you least like to pay? Usually, it’s my credit card bill that pains me, especially here lately.  Hopefully, we can cut back on our speeding before too long. 

3. What is your favorite word? Okay okay, calm down. How about one of your favorite words? 

4. Is the glass half full or half empty? Elaborate. My glass is half full.  I just feel like I have so many projects going on with most of them partly completed and nothing done.  I really hate that feeling, too.

5. Were you here for that very first Hodgepodge post? If so, were your answers then similar to what they are today? Tell us what was happening in your life in November of 2010? No, I don’t think I was taking part in the Hodgepodge in 2010.  I did a quick search of published posts and it appears I didn’t come on board until late in the following year.  On November 10, 2010, I posted a teaser sharing the cover artwork of my children’s book.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  My last photo of the day on November 1st.

iPhone capture with car in motion traveling south on the Blue Ridge Parkway close to Asheville, NC. I barely noticed the painter beside the road because I had my sunglasses on while concentrating on the sunset. What a happy discovery!

In September I stumbled on The 126ers.  I enjoyed this song track and went in search of more of their music.  I’m going to close things with a 20-song playlist someone else put together by The 126ers.  This will give you 48-minutes of beautiful instrumental background music to enjoy.   Up next on CAAC, Friday Funnies.  Have a wild and wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

Join a few of  these Wordless Wednesday communities hosted by my good pals: Sandee, NatashaMarie, & Wordless Wednesday!

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13 thoughts on “A bit of fall color lingering plus some random laughs

  1. Welcome back, Cathy, and I enjoyed your answers. I’ve changed the name of my blog a few times and I found one that I think will stick. Eugi’s Causerie means Eugi’s casual chat, which I feel describes my blog. Stay safe and keep on keepin’ on.

  2. Welcome back and thank you for sharing some of your views. Capturing the man painting the sunset (?) was a bonus, too. I especially enjoyed your story of how you started to blog and how you chose your current blog name. I had no idea it was a play on a saying, showing you how dense I can be. Our lives certainly go down different paths than expected, don’t they.

  3. Such a pretty fall scene and I love the funnies! Good answers too. If my glass is ever only half full I pour it into a small glass, then it’s full again.

  4. Welcome back from your staycation….great funnies and your photos are sublime- autumn is such a beautiful time with all the warm colors.

  5. Love the fall slideshow. Beautiful.

    Love all the funnies. Love the cat hotel the best.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. Welcome back! Nice to learn about how you named your blog. Thanks for hosting. #WW.

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild and Almost Wordless Wednesday, dear friend!

    Welcome back from your staycation, Cathy! I’m happy to read that you and DH took it one day at a time, doing whatever tickled your fancy on any given day and that you managed two trips over to the mountains.

    I enjoyed your mid-week funnies. The kitty checking in to the cat hotel reminded me that our black cat, Boots, always runs for the closet and hops into the laundry basket whenever he hears a storm approaching. I am thankful we didn’t have to endure any hurricanes with him this season. The second cartoon is also a good one. Those sharp-edged Legos are indeed painful if you step on them. Those old martial arts movies make me laugh. I remember a fight scene in one of them in which the hero jumps straight up to the ceiling, kicks the fluorescent lights out, then plunges back to the floor and attacks the opponent in the dark. It was unbelievable. I love the last meme of the robot taking offense at his PC’s un-PC request to prove that he is not a robot.

    Thanks for sharing how you got started in blogging. You were smart to change the name of your site to CAAC. It’s a catchy and clever name, if you ask me. I love that picture you snapped from the moving car showing an artist painting the sunset over the mountain. I see that you were over near Asheville, the city Mrs. Shady and I visited last year.

    I’ve heard of the 76ers ad the 49ers, but not the 126ers. 🙂 I enjoyed the calming, relaxing, healing sound they produce.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday and once again welcome back from hiatus, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Your pics are so pretty and it looks you gad a really nice time enjoying fall. I love the comics especially the cat one and Edvard Munsch’s painting of The Scream. Those Legos really do hurt. I am a glass half full most of the time.

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