
15-03-2025 Vol 19

#TheListingHop 5 of the scariest movies I’ve seen #music

This is the last Monday in the month, kittens & dawgs. The year is flying away like a witch on a broomstick. I’m pulling together a theme based 2-for-1 post with 5 of the scariest movies I’ve seen.

Let’s get started!

#1 Psycho

Everyone has to agree the shower scene is the heart-stopping moment in this flick. It’s definitely the most memorable. We didn’t have a shower when I saw this movie and afterwards I never wanted to take a shower. Years later I learned that shower sales declined sharply after people saw this movie. Talk about movie persuasion!

#2 Jaws

The opening scene with the gal taking a late night dip in the ocean struck real terror in my heart. Not only did it scare me to death, it roused a hidden fear that I have of deep water and since then if my feet can’t touch the bottom (excluding swimming pools), then I curl my legs up to my chest.

#3 The Exorcist

The wickedest part of this was the whole head turning completely around thing, regurgitating on the priest, bed levitation, creepy demonic voice in this movie. It sorta left me a bit traumatized because I know there are such things as demons and this truly raised the hairs on my head.

#4 Friday the 13th

Up until this point, I had NO idea what horror films were really like and honestly after all that slice and dice, thinking the bad guy is dead, but really isn’t stuff then this totally turned me against these sorts of flicks. This stuff actually happens. What was I thinking of? Anywho, after the first terrifying scene where I pierced DH’s ear drums and the people sitting the row in front us with a shrill pitch that surprisingly escaped my lips, and then I sat in the theater the rest of the time with my hands ready to cover my eyes, which was often, until the movie ended. Boy, was I ever happy when that movie was over!

#5 Alien

Science Fiction is a different kind of creepy and I’m pretty sure this sorta thing can NEVER happen. However, near the beginning of this flick where the “Alien infant” bursts out of that man’s robbed me of six of my seven lives on the spot. I screamed. I jumped. I pulled my feet into my chair (and, I’m pretty sure that’s where they stayed the whole time). It was seriously good scary stuff. The best part is I looked forward to a possible second movie.

Thanks for joining this scaredy-Cathy, but before you go, I invite you to visit the duo responsible for this blogging community event, Bish and her co-host, Alex. .

I’m participating!

Now, let’s keep the party going, link up and join the fun with the Monday’s Music Moves Me crew for a spooktacular time.

And, this is a scary thing in itself! Have a safe and happy Halloween!


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29 thoughts on “#TheListingHop 5 of the scariest movies I’ve seen #music

  1. Strangely enough I can read horror without problem but I’m not able to sit through a horror movie. So I can’t really comment on the film you mentioned.

  2. Wow, that’s some list. Not really fond of scary movies, especially those that ‘could’ happen. I love the water, so I don’t even like to think about Jaws, and The Exorcist, no thank you.

  3. I am such a wuss — cannot watch those slice and dice movies. But… I like to be scared so I like some movies that give a bit of a fright. but after you actually worked in a prison and have met a serial killer? yeah, I don’t want to watch it when I go to the movies. I can put an actual face on the character!!
    Now Jaws, that is the kind of thrill I can handle. and it probably helps that I don’t live any where near an ocean. ha

    1. Le, you use to work in a prison? Seriously? How is that I didn’t know this? Ahhh, maybe I just forgot. I do that a lot…forget that is. Yikes, that is totally scary to come face to face with a “real” serial killer. I’m so with you on that, why go home and watch such stuff. That’s the biggest reason why I don’t like slice & dice movies because it’s real life stuff, baby. I think I prefer science fiction creepiness over all with the exception of zombies, ghosts, vampires, and other such monsters flicks to spook me. I know there aren’t any such things as these. 🙂

  4. Glad to see you Ghoul friend. I am not a scary movie/horror flick kind of gal but I have seen these! Great picks!

  5. I have to admit, I’m totally with you on the whole horror/slice n dice genre. I never did consider it entertainment. Though I have seen Alien/Alens and loved them. As you say, it’s a different kind of horror. One of these days I really need to watch Jaws. Can you believe i”ve never seen that? Or Psycho?

  6. I remember long ago I wanted to see these movies and then I kinda forgot about them. Not sure I can watch them now though. Too creepy 🙂

    And I still haven’t seen all the Jaws!

    Thanks for the reminders Cathy. Enjoy your week!

    1. Colette, I definitely don’t like those kinds of movies now. I can take a good ole Sci-Fi feature or a monster type movie any day over Mr. Badman who never dies gone wild. We see stuff like this in the headlines (everything, but the never dies part) so why on earth do we want to pay to see overly dramatized versions of the truth? You gotta see Jaws. It’s such a classic! The first Jaws movie is the best; all others in the series isn’t quite as good.

    1. Alex, you’re so right Jaws is still scary and I refuse to go into the ocean…even in ankle deep waters I stay out of. lol I’m one big scaredy-Cathy! I still feel pretty safe in bathtubs until now. Thanks for dropping by!

  7. Apparently I saw Jaws and The Exorcist as a very small child. I don’t really remember. Drive ins. Apparently (this is family legend) I woke up just at the head turning part of Exorcist.

    1. Liz, a small child shouldn’t see either of these movies, especially The Exorcist; that’s just terrifying for a youngster. What a spot in the movie for you to wake up to, too?! Poor thing! I bet you had nightmare for weeks. 🙁

  8. I was so happy to see you on our linky… how are you doing? Look at all the great tunes you have here! Woo Hoo and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! You have fun, don’t eat too much candy and BE SAFE of course! HUGS!

  9. Brilliant list, Cathy. I’m with you on everything except The Exorcist… That one didn’t faze me (probably because I was raised an atheist). Instead of that one, on my list I’d have When a Stranger Calls (the original, not the crappy remake), which still gives me nightmares 🙂

    Loved it!
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

  10. I’ve seen ’em all and they are all classics. My scariest would be the original Night of the Living Dead. To me there’s something particularly scary about black and white films.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, I don’t think I’ve seen this flick, but I think either Netflix or Amazon Prime has it and I have it on my watch list. I do enjoy some of those old classic horror films, though. You just can’t beat that B&W effect for these sorts of movies. Thanks for reminding me.

    1. H.R., I haven’t heard of this movie. I’ll see if I can find a trailer of it to see if it’s anything that I’d like. Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Chrys, I haven’t seen any of the Paranormal Activity movies, but I think the first one may be on Netflix. I’ll have to check out, as long as it has nothing to do with slice and dice. Thanks for the visit!

    1. Bish, I’m not a huge horror movie buff, either. I like scary movies, if they don’t involve knives or chainsaws or anything else sharp and pointy. Ghosts, Zombies, and other monsters that go bump in the dark type of movies are okay. Thanks for dropping by!

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