
15-03-2025 Vol 19

4M Retro Style

Welcome to 127th edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me. 

This week’s theme is “your choice“! This means simply, you share whatever tunes you got stuck inside your head or just those that are stirring your soul to boogie. Last week, I was in AC Moore when this song floated across their sound system.

1. BTO “You Aint Seen Nothing Yet” 2. Grand Funk Railroad “Bad Time” 3. The Blackbyrds “Walking in Rhythm” 4. Carl Douglas “Kung Fu Fighting” 5. Gloria Gaynor “Never Can Say Goodbye”

Was that fun or what?  Don’t contain your electric experience, shout it from the tree tops to all of your musical friends to come join party each Monday. Are you ready to get dancing this week? Admission to this awesome dance party is totally doable. Here’s what you do….

  • Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice
  • Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button
  • Follow all 4 hosts, including the honorary co-host
  • Link your 4M below

Head conductor of the Love Train is Marie of XmasDolly & her co-conductors are the lovely: Callie of JAmericanSpice,  Stacy of Stacy Uncorked , & Cathy Kennedy’s Blog (my old blog). This month’s honorary co-conductor Becca of Everyday Life

Our spotlight dancer tops the linky line up in the number one spot – Congratulations, my friend!


Go ahead, shake your bootie with any of the fellow rockin’ bloggers below and if you wanna make put a smile on someone’s face today then be sure to leave them a comment!


Next stop… your place!  What music is moving you?

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