
15-03-2025 Vol 19

4M Linky Party Only

Hello! This has been my normal time slot for the Sunday edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me. Like the girl that I am, I’m moving it to Mondays again. As you know I’m generally no where to be seen in Blogosphere on the weekends but not to worry for those who like hitting the 4M dance floor early I will slip in before I close.

This is a music linky party.  Your co-hostess are StacyAlana, and Me.   Every other week we have a suggested music theme to build your song set around and all participants share YouTube or Vimeo videos for our music enthusiasts.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

©2022 Cathy Kennedy

This is one of the changes I made. This will give everyone an equal shot at adding his/her direct music URL to the party. I will publish this each week on Saturdays at midnight eastern time. Okay for today, I turned comments on for this post because I have a question, normally a few people link up early but last week no one did. I like giving early birds the opportunity to join but I’m wondering if things have changed. What’s your opinion, do you like being able to access the dance floor a day early or would you rather do it on Mondays? I’m curious to know and always flexible, so speak up! Please swing by tomorrow morning at 6am ET to boogie with me with this week’s music prompt!

X💋X💋, Cathy

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7 thoughts on “4M Linky Party Only

  1. Now that I can comment on your post, I tried entering the link to my Blogger blog for tomorrow (as you suggested). I was able to enter it, but it’s in an edit mode, I can’t delete it, and there is no way for anyone to comment. All I can see is if it links to the correct post when it publishes tomorrow a few minutes after midnight. Sigh! This is all a learning process. When I wake up tomorrow, if it’s still messed up, I’ll re-link up. To the other readers of Music Moves Me, my sincere apologies! Alana ramblinwitham

    1. Update to my earlier comment: My first link (#5) doesn’t work. It leads to an edit URL. All, please use the second link I posted. Again, thank you, and sorry about that. I’ll know, for next time, that I can’t link until the post is published. Alana ramblinwitham

      1. Alana,

        Thanks! I noticed your previous link up but forgot to try it yesterday. I was recuperating. Our involvement in our son’s wedding was minimal but still I was happily tired by the time things ended Saturday and so sad with the departure of our daughter who lives in Maine. It was wonderful to have all of our family together for the big event. 🙂

    2. Alana,

      Not worry worry, I removed this linky from the lineup. This is a learning process, so no apologizes needed in my opinion, darlin’!

  2. Thanks for getting rid of the pictures that go along. That doesn’t work for a lot of us. I like this. I would suggest ditching the Linky altogether and just using the comments, but people are used to it…

    1. John,

      The thumbnail form didn’t always work well and I’m glad you’re happy that I ditched it. You’re right, I think many of us prefer to have the linky up for ease to find others as it allows everyone who lifts the code for their posts to see every new party goer as they enter the dance floor. It also keeps others from having to leave their URL each time they comment. Do you remember how difficult it is when an A2Zer doesn’t use their URL signature? lol Thanks for your your thoughts. I want to make this party fun and easy for everyone!

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