
21-03-2025 Vol 19

40 Questions

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! Next month is the annual A to Z Challenge. If all goes well this will be my 5th year to join. I’m torn with keeping up with regular blog posting, especially since I just got in the groove of daily posts.  It’s a tough call. Keep in mind, I may pull the plug temporarily on everything to give my full attention to get all 26 posts pre-scheduled.  Hopefully it won’t come to that but we’ll see.  Anyhow, recently Debbie from The Doglady’s Den answered the 40 Questions (see below). I felt compelled to snag and share with you.  It’s gonna be a long one folks, so grab a cup of coffee or tea while get-to-know-me a little better.

 Honestly, I can’t recall how the Josh Abbott Band hit my radar but it was song #3 that caught my attention, liking it so much that I wanted to share the above YouTube playlist. I hope you enjoy it.

1. Do you like blue cheese? I’m not a huge fan but I do like it as a dressing on occasion. In the past, we dined with good friends and the wife makes a nice blue cheese dressing.

2.  Have you ever smoked cigarettes? I’d love to say no but that’s not true. I smoked for a short time during my early teen years. This nasty habit controlled my life for a year or two. I vaguely recall picking it up during my college years but it was sporadic. Hopefully, any damage done has since reversed.

3.  Do you own a gun?  It depends, who’s asking?

4. What flavor Kool-Aid? I haven’t had Kool-Aid since they started manufacturing it in Mexico.  I don’t know if they still do but putting that aside I think my favorite was Raspberry Blue. When I was a kid, I think my fave was Grape.

5.  Do you get nervous before a doctor’s appointment? Typically, no.

6.  What do you think of hot dogs?  I like hot dogs. I most often eat them with mustard, chili, and onions but my favorite way is to add cole slaw on top of everything I just mentioned. Yum, good!

7.  What is your favorite movie? Hmm, most flicks from the 80s rocked but I think if I had to go with just ‘one’ favorite then I’d pick, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. It’s so good that we often watch it more than once during the holiday season. 

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?  It’s really not a preference as much as a necessity. I. Have. To. Have. My. Morning. Coffee!!

9.  Can you do a push-up? Yep, I do a push-up or two, but I’d rather eat ’em!

10.  What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? Other than my engagement ring & wedding band it would be the pendant necklace DH designed for me a few years ago.

11.  Do you have a favorite hobby? Photography is a favorite hobby but in the past year I’ve taken up art sketching which is my new favorite hobby.

12.  Do you have A.D.D.? I don’t know. Often times I go from one room to another to do something and by the time I get there I forgot why I’m there. What do you think?

13.  Do you wear glasses? I think I answered this question a couple of weeks ago in one of my g2km posts so if I’m repeating myself then see previous question for explanation.  Yes, I wear glasses. I’ve always been slightly near-sighted and I have astigmatism. In 2010, I finally decided to let my doctor fit me for progressive lens because I couldn’t read small texts anymore. What surprised me is find out in my recent eye exam is I’m now slightly more far-sighted. I still wear progressive lens. I am not a good candidate for contacts. 🙁

14.  Who was your childhood idol?  I don’t know that I had a childhood idol.

15.  Name three thoughts you have right now. Why is it every time someone calls they want something? Will this madness ever end? Why can’t I be rich?

16.  Name three drinks you consume regularly. Water. Coffee. Tea.

17.  Current worries. I don’t like  using the word worries. I prefer to call unstable situations as concerns. With that what concerns me at the present or whenever I think about it is the future of one of my children. There’s a huge question mark hanging over this situation which is burdensome but I have to trust God and know that He’s at work. Whatever happens next, I’m leaning on Him for full understanding.  All you can do is the best you can and when trouble comes knocking then all you can do is pray as a parent. Some kids refuse to apply Biblical teachings to their lives.

18. Current hates. Political correctness. Grow up America! This is how I survived all these years….

19. Favorite place to be? Anywhere in the mountains! We haven’t been much in the past year with DH’s eye healing and we miss going but hopefully that will change this year.

20.  How did you bring in the New Year? We brought in 2018 like we do every year. We had a movie marathan and ate pizza with lots of yummy snacks. As the clock approached the new year, we watched the ball drop in Time Square and at midnight, we greeted 2018 with kisses to one another. After, we raised our glasses of Martnelli sparkling apple cider tossing to a good year ahead. 🙂

21. Where would you like to go? I’d love to go to Maine. Now, that DD#2 lives there we hope to make a trip later this year.  cross fingers It’s a beautiful state!

22. Name three people who will do this.  I’m not going to put pressure on anyone for this undertaking but I hope if you like it you’ll borrow  the questions which you’ll find under my “Cathy Chats” tab at the top to create a ’40 Question’ post, then invite me to read your responses.

23. Do you own slippers? Yes.  I like keeping my feet warm in the cooler months and on the coldest days nothing seems to help.

24. What color is your shirt? Red

25. Do you like sleeping in satin sheets? No, I never cared for them. Satin sheets aren’t cozy. I actually prefer flannel sheets year round.

26.  Can you whistle? Yeah but not as good as I used to. I wonder why that is?

27. Where are you now? My make-shift home office in the dining room. This has always been Grand Central Station as a home school family. Hopefully, after we move into a larger home then I can have a room dedicated for my special place.

28. Would you be pirate? Nope. I’m not a thief, I don’t like to drink, and I hate deep water.

29.  Favorite candy? Hershey’s Reese’s Cup! At Christmas I made some excellent milk and white chocolate peanut butter balls which always makes me think of a Reese’s.

30.  Least favorite chore?  Cleaning the bathroom.

31. Favorite food? This is easy, Mexican food is my favorite. I could eat this every day and when I was prego I couldn’t get enough.

32. What’s in your pocket? Surprisingly, nothing. Normally, I can find either my phone or a Kleenex tissue or both.

33. Last thing that made you laugh? Honestly, I don’t remember because I laughed about something every day.  The world is full of idiotic people doing or saying some of the stupidest things.   I guess the most memorable thing is from the Olympics when Ester Ledecka took the gold in the Women’s Super-G. Her stunned expression just cracked me up!

34. What’s your favorite animal? Big cats – lions and tigers.

35. What’s your worst injury? I’ve been blessed with feel injuries. The worst injury I recall happened in 1994 after DS’s birth. We went to Cades Cove to ride bikes. I was out of shape and found it difficult to pull some of the hills around the one-way 11-mile loop road. The first big one I came to, I struggled to climb it but exhausted I quickly stopped for fear I would wreck myself and the car behind me. When I did, my foot made a miss slip and the toe clip grabbed the front of my shin digging out a 3″ gash.  I still wrecked but in the gravel beside the road.  Thankfully, DH was following behind in the car and soon came to my rescue.  That was all the riding I got to do that day, too.

36. How many TVs in your house? We have a 50″ plasma TV in the livingroom and an old analog TV in our bedroom which we do not use.  I’m not sure it works.

37. Worst pain? Forgetting childbirth, the worse pain I’ve experienced  was in 2013. I had an acute case of diverticulitis which rendered me useless for months with my body riddled with infection. The inflammation made it painful to walk. I barely could raise my legs to get in the shower.

38. Do you like to dance?  Once upon a time, I could dance but not so much anymore. I forgot everything I knew but that’s okay disco is out anyhow. I like moving to mewsic and you can find me often boogieing around the house while listening to the tunes.

39. Are your parents living? I’m blessed to have my parents still.

40. Do you enjoy camping?  If you asked me this question when I was in Girl Scouts then the answer would be yes but these days…not really. I can tolerate it like once every hundred years. 1980 was the last time we went camping. At the rate of my tolerance, then our next scheduled trip will be 2080. 🙂

After this week, I’m scaling back on my daily posts while I prep for next month’s A to Z Challenge. I’m linking up taking a HOT coffee break with Stacy Uncorked and Eugenia @BrewNSpew this morning and you’re invited to come with and let me remind you to visit again tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday.






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14 thoughts on “40 Questions

    1. Stephen,

      Good one. I set myself up for that one. lol I do like bears but I’m partial to the feline kingdom in all sizes. Maybe it’s because I’m a CAThy.

  1. Nice to learn more about you. I read your post with the necklace, it is beautiful. I am sorry you were so sick though, I am glad you are OK now.

    1. Ellen,

      DH is the sweetest ever. He doesn’t do well when those he loves is sick and having me in that state really rocked. I’m thankful God opened my eyes to the importance of seeking medical attention when I did. I’m convinced I would’nt be here today had I not.

    1. Mimi,

      Thank you and please say a prayer. God knows everything. It’s hard to see anyone take a path that leads to heartache. They never see it coming but parents know the dangers and try to teach their kids of the pitfalls Satan uses to snare them. The rest is up them. Will they choose to heed the lessons of Mom & Dad and wait for that quiet voice we know is God instructing them or do they cave giving into selfish desires? What doesn’t kill them, I hope truly makes them stronger in God!

  2. Fun questions! I love questionnaires like this. I find I learn something about myself in the process and it’s fun to share too! Have a great week!

    1. Amanda,

      Thanks for taking the time. Did you do these questions or are you speaking in general while going through them? If you haven’t answered them, then please feel free to snag and use them in a post. You will them at the top, under “Cathy Chats”.

  3. Some of these questions I would have answered the same. I’m sure you know which ones those are. Very interesting Q & A. Learned much about you.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Yeah, I was like that when reading Debbie’s answers. I think many of blogger pals I connect with each, like you, in special ways which I really like and makes the bond more fun.

  4. This is nice to learn about you a bit more. I don’t like blue cheese nor hot dogs. Thankfully, I don’t own a gun and I don’t get guns and bible being in the same sentence. I think of my mom constantly right now, work and what should I do for the A to Z. My favourite movie is It’s a Wonderful Life. I am wearing favourite colour. I feel so bad for you that you had to go through such pain…that is horrible and I am glad it went away. I deal with pain constantly but I will never forget the dreaded kidney stone I had in the mid 80’s. I only own 2 TVs and the one was bought back in 1997! You have a beautiful day!

    1. Birgit,

      Owning a gun is a personal decision. Not everyone is comfortable with having one but I see a gun as a good first line of defense against a home invasion. God forbid we should ever need ours for that but at least we can defend our lives better because evil people always have guns. I can’t imagine living with pain all the time, so my heart aches for anyone who must endure with on a daily basis. I’ve heard kidney stones are horrible to pass. I hope never to have to face that! “It’s A Wonderful Life” is a fabulous movie. I love the message!! Thanks for dropping by.

  5. Hi Cathy! Thanks for playing along. ☺️ I enjoyed learning more about you. That necklace DH designed is absolutely gorgeous! Dealing with diverticulitis must have been horribly painful. 🙁
    Best wishes for a successful A to Z challenge! I’m skipping it this year but will try to visit now and then. Loved your sketches in 2017! 👌

    1. Hey Debbie,

      Thanks for checking this out. That was my first experience with diverticulitis and let’s just say I hope I never have to deal with that again but part of me wonders if what the doctor was saying is Crohn’s in my intestines really the onset of diverticulitis. I guess we’ll never know. I’m eager to learn the results of my next colonoscopy to see if anything has changed since my last one. However, I think I will wait until next year to have one done, though. We have too much going on with DH’s eye surgeries. Oh yeah, if you get a chance month to stop in for a visit then that would be pawsome but don’t feel obligated. There’s more to life than Blogosphere. Good grief, can you believe I said that? *slap hands over mouth* Have a good day!

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