
19-03-2025 Vol 19

3-for-1 Saturday Special: Songsuasion/Sillies & s-ART-urday Tove Lo

The Swedish born singer/songwriter, Tove Lo, rose to fame in 2013 with “Habits (Stay High)” and hit the US Billboard Hot 100 chart in April of last year ranking #3 on the list. She is the highest charting Swedish singer since Ace of Base #1 song “The Sign” in 1994. I invite you to enjoy one of the best Tove YouTube song compilations this morning!


Thanks for visiting, kittens & dawg! I hope the weekend and the people in your life are treating you right. I mentioned the A2Z challenge caused me to question my blogging direction. You did get that from an earlier post, didn’t you? One thing I decided to change is my weekend posts. I make time to take time off in Blogosphere even though I schedule posts, but everyone needs a day off. So, starting now I’m suspending my Sunday posts as I roll that opportunity into one with the launch of 3-for-1 Special: Saturday Songsuasion/Sillies & s-ART-urday!

Bear with me, as I figure out a new blogging routine that makes me happy and hopefully you, too.

My sillies this weekend is honor of dear Mom!

mother humor
image borrowed

Things Mom Would Never Say

  • “How on earth can you see the TV sitting so far back?”
  • “Yeah, I used to skip school a lot, too”
  • “Just leave all the lights on … it makes the house look more cheery”
  • “Let me smell that shirt — Yeah, it’s good for another week”
  • “Go ahead and keep that stray dog, honey. I’ll be glad to feed and walk him every day”
  • “Well, if Rahul’s mamma says it’s OK, that’s good enough for me.”
  • “The curfew is just a general time to shoot for. It’s not like I’m running a prison around here.”
  • “I don’t have a tissue with me … just use your sleeve”
  • “Don’t bother wearing a jacket – the wind-chill is bound to improve”

With Mother’s Day tomorrow, I wanted to created some really special for my mom!

Mommy & Me 1963_beam
Project 4: Join Claudia this week for another addition of #s-ART-urday!


It goes without saying, Dah, these images weren’t snapped by me! I don’t know who was behind the camera. Let’s not worry over that for the moment.

I used two vintage photos, I will display those in a moment, for creating my new masterpiece and I thanks to Obsidian Dawn for the free-use of the cool light beam brush tool!I used this picture for my image background. Yes, that darling little girl is me. 😉



In the below photo all I wanted was my mom’s image, so I used the Photoshop Elements lasso select tool to pluck her image right out of the picture like magic.

Mom&Minda copy

Merging two photos together is tricky, especially when the lightening is slightly off. I add Mom to the foreground framing the left side and placing me in the background. I applied PS Elements clone stamp tool to blend the trouble spots around Mom’s head where the light was obviously brighter. I touched up a few scratches using the PS Elements spot healing brush, adding the cool Light Beam special effect brought the whole picture together.

I loaded my finished PS Elements image to AutoDesk Pixlr to apply dirt frame.

Which photo-art image do you like the best?  That’s a wrap for this week. I hope you enjoyed your visit and I appreciate you including me in your weekend. Feel free to invite your friends to stop in to enjoy the artwork, listen to the music, and to have a few giggles. It’s a great feeling to share! Have a songsational Saturday!

Happy Mother’s Day to all my lovely blogger moms!

Catch me on Monday’s Music Moves Me, if you wanna boogie!




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8 thoughts on “3-for-1 Saturday Special: Songsuasion/Sillies & s-ART-urday Tove Lo

  1. This is a funny post, Cathy. I love how you did the photos. Very special, indeed.

    1. Dixie, glad you liked my photo-art and the sillies. It’s always such fun to pull together my weekend posts and now I’m doing it all-in-one!

    1. Claudia, thanks for the encouraging words on the photo-art. All week, I struggled with what to do until BAM it hit me to use these vintage images of mom and me for Mother’s Day. I’m so glad it came to mind just in time for s-ART-urday!

  2. Hi, Cathy! That composite picture you created is amazing! It’s a great idea for Mother’s Day and I’m sure your mom will be very touched by it. I smiled as I read your list of things your mother would never say.

    The following would top my list of things my mother would never say:

    * I love your new longer hairstyle inspired by the Beatles.

    For years the length of my hair was her #1 pet peeve. Born in 1918, my mother was considerably older than my friends’ moms. When she was a teenager, the ideal boy had short, neatly cut hair and kept it oiled and slicked back off his forehead. She simply could not relate to, appreciate or tolerate long, shaggy hair that covered a boy’s forehead, especially if that boy was me. 🙂 I miss her.

    I wish you and your beautiful mom a happy Mother’s Day!

    1. Shady, I stumbled across the list of things my mother would never say. Those aren’t things I came up with, but a few of them I am certain my mom would not say EVER. lol I hit my teen years in 1974. The boys who rebelled the most wore long hair and for some it was just away to express themselves. When I look back on those long hair days I don’t see why any girl in her right mind, including myself, would have been attracted to that kind of mess. lol Of course, I’m a mom now and I see things differently. Thanks for the sweet Mother’s Day wishes. My mom lives in another state, but I did remember to send flowers and a card. I’m sure your mother is smiling down on you (and not because you don’t have long hair anymore)today. I’ll be by for a visit soon. Thanks for stopping to see me.

  3. Love the things that Mum would never say! Mothers Day in the UK is in March, so we’ve had ours already this year. I don’t know if you celebrate it in your household, but have fun if you do!

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