Summer Breeze + BOTB Results

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays! 

As you probably noticed things look a bit different on CAAC.  I’m currently making changes.  This is a new theme layout. The one I used for years appears to be outdated which is causing some issues. I’m not sure if that was the problem with things not displaying properly last week or if it was something I did while installing new plugins.  I’ll get this all figured out soon enough.

This week’s theme is songs that make you think of being in nature/outdoors


This song almost makes me feel as if a summer breeze washes over me every time I hear it.  It’s such a soothing tune.  I really do love those summer breezes, especially while outside working. 

Remember music themes are only suggestions.  I don’t care one way or another.  The important thing is to share whatever music moves you. Now, it’s your turn!

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.




Normally, I share my BOTB results a week after the showdown but I’m trying to maintain a single post each week while on my blogging hiatus. I figured a little delay  wouldn’t be too bad. I went with The Tide is High song choice for this battle.  In my showdown the Atomic Kittens faced off with Dakota Blonde.  Two different styles and genres but both equally fun I though.  I threw my ballot in for the Atomic Kittens partly for their cute name but overall I loved their vibe. Now, lets see how the voting went down.

Atomic Kitten – John, Lee, Ed, Mama Louisa, Brian, Debbie, Me (7)

Dakota Blonde – Willow, Deidre, Mary, Birgit, Mimi, Eugi, Stephen (7)

WOW, what a shocker – a stale mate with no winner! I totally wasn’t expecting this. Thanks for playing along.  My next battle showdown is set for September 1st. 

Rounding things out, here are my responses to Friday’s Friendly Fill-Ins.

1. Women’s figuring skating was is my favorite Olympic sport. Women’s figuring skating isn’t as good as it used to be because ladies aren’t as graceful and feminine anymore. Over the year I lost interest in the games and with this year’s opening disrespectful ceremony I don’t care to have anything to do with the organization nor watch any of the events. 
2. I won’t spend money on fortune telling. That’s because you won’t catch me having mine read.  I don’t buy into horoscopes, Ouija boards, or other so-called predictors of fate.  
3. I’ve come to terms with the fact that my body has limitations and while I can’t do everything in my younger years, I continue to push myself to do all that I comfortably am able. My motto still remains “One Life, One Body!”One thing for sure if is you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. I have to keep my body moving so it doesn’t get stiff and unusable.  I don’t want to feel old.
4. My computer search history includes  avocado oil potato chips and children’s wooden toys . We are trying to keep certain oils out of our diet as much as possible.  Our favorite potato which we can’t get is made with peanut oil – very good chips but the company sometimes uses other oils when they can’t get all peanut oil.  That’s what got me to looking for avocado oil potato chips.  Boulder Canyon makes some all avocado oil chips.  We couldn’t remember if we liked them since it’s been a few years and, so, we got a bag. They are quite well, too!  I’m looking for American made wooden toys. I found a few companies that do make their products in the US still which is awesome.  I want to get a pounding bench for LA2.  Little kids, especially boys, love to pound on stuff!  I have yet to find exactly what I want, though.  


I’m still enjoying my blogging hiatus. Unfortunately, the “like” button isn’t loading for some of y’all.  Feel free to do what you want, leave an emoji or a short comment.  I’m easy going.  This will flag me of your visit.  Have a boogietastic week!

Procreate sketch I used in Brushstrokes to create a painting like image
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