Nothing Left

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!  This week, we’re dancing to whatever music moves you!  

My song (and artist) share is one I stumbled across while looking for a replacement video after the one I saved got yanked from YT. Allow me to introduce to you the American rock band called Secondhand Serenade with their 2014 release, Nothing Left.


What music moves you?


This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.

To access the party, add your music post below, and visit others on the dance floor. Let the party begin! 


I borrowed Friday’s Friendly Fill-ins to share with you. Here’s how I filled in this week’s statements.

1. I want to try to lose 5 pounds this monthThis is a reasonable, achievable goal if I can minimize unnecessary snacking which is a goal killer!

2. Dealing with multiple customer service representatives in one phone call should be an Olympic sport.  I hate that most companies now outsource this sort of work to people in other countries. Although the people are nice, it’s really difficult to understand what they are saying half of the time and I have little confidence that they understand my issue leaving me frequently frustrated when I get off the phone.
3. I’m grateful that I was close to my grandparents, aunts, and uncles while I was growing up.
4. Curious as a Cathy deserves to be more popular. My mind went blank on this one, so I just decided to be my silly self. I know you wouldn’t have expected anything less, right?

For anyone interested, I published my first BOTB of the month this past Thursday. Have a boogietastic week! 

Brushstrokes recreation



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