Beatles Greatest Hits BOTB series: A HARD DAY’S NIGHT

John Lennon is the primary author of The  Beatles’ song, A Hard Day’s Night and was on the film soundtrack with the same name in 1964.  The song also released as a single, climbing to #1 in July of that year, staying for two weeks on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart.

I’m straying off the serious path for this battle to go with two covers I found funny in an interesting way or just funny period. Listen, then tell me what you think in comments.        

#1 The Sons of Britches





#2 Peter Sellers

Polls close at noon (ET) on the 7th!

That concludes another edition of Battle of the Bands.  Next week, I’ll publish the results of this showdown.  I hope you have time to check out the other battles underway. You’ll find a list of participants in my side bar beneath the BOTB banner. 

Later today, DH has his last scheduled dental appointment to have his permanent crowns for his upper arch seated. It’s gonna be a long one.  I’ll be happy when this is done but probably not as much as he will. 

Tomorrow, I’ll be back with art for TAD. Feel free to drop by if you can. This is CAAC signing off, have a bandtastic day! 

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