Yawning Baby

This is day 25 of the A to Z Challenge.  The end is near!  I hope y’all have enjoyed my Pencil Sketch Inspired Procreate Recreation  Art Sketch series.  I’m super sorry for not visiting as promised.  There has been a lot of behind the scenes going-ons keeping me from participating fully, so instead of bailing on the challenge I decided to get my illustrations done and try to make amends later on.  We’ll see how that goes but for now here’s today’s fresh look at an old drawing of a yawning baby.

You’ll find others participating in the challenge on the master list at the A2Z headquarters. Thank you for including me in your day.  I wanted to find a song with or about yawning and I found one by Sung Dam, Yawning.  The music has a nice vibe but it really doesn’t work with my illustration the way I want, so I thought a lullaby would be lovely and found the Baby Relax Channel on YouTube with Lullaby Mozart for Babies. You don’t have to be an infant to enjoy the soothing, sweet sound of this music playing.   This is CAAC signing off, I’ll be back tomorrow to close out the month and this blogfest with the last letter of the alphabet! 


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