A Wednesday hodgepodge of music, art, and A2Z catchup

Road Trip #7

It’s a brand new month again and it’s time to share another another report in my A2Z Road Trip with installment #7.  This go around,  I managed to catch up with EveryoneHasAFamilyStoryToTell.   Jeanne is the blog author, a southern born Georgian who now lives in Connecticut.  Her passions include family research, knitting/crocheting, crafting, and naturally blogging.   In April, she sailed through the alphabet sharing stories, which by the way she does an excellent job as a story telling, in Mama in Photos series.  Not only is Jeanne a fabulous story teller, I fell in love with her mama who was quite a character with a passion for creating and just being herself.  I’m envious of Jeanne’s time spent with her mama, and keeping a journal of their conversations despite the miles that separate them.  Jeanne’s mama was an independent spirit and a real spit fire but then she was a woman from the greatest generation of all time so I really wouldn’t expect anything less.   Jeanne has a natural way of pulling the reader into her life allowing me to be apart of her mama recollections. This is a great series! I encourage you to stop by to read this series when you can and even make a new friend in the process.  After all, that’s the neighborly thing to do even if you’re not southern. 🙂

The original A2Z Granny pencil sketch

More A2Z Looney Tune sketches in color:

I invite you to join the Wild Wednesdays party where just about anything goes.  This is an opportunity for everyone to link up sharing current or past posts for extra traffic!  

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha,  Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!

Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. Do you think intuition is as valuable as rational thinking? Explain why or why not.  I think intuition is important.  Sometimes you don’t know why you need to do something a particular way and when you go against your gut instincts frequently something goes wrong.  It pays to use a little of both when you can.

2. In the grand scheme of things God is in control, not me or you.  We need to be patient and listen quietly to His leadership and not try to take things upon ourselves to fix when He’s got it. 

3. Last place you went that felt like ‘Grand Central Station’? Have you ever actually been to Grand Central Station (and by Grand Central Station I mean Grand Central Terminal)?   It’s been so long since we’ve been in a crowd that I can’t recall precisely when the last time I had a sense that we were in ‘Grand Central Station’ and no, I have not been to the Grand Central Terminal.  I really detest being in crowds whenever I can avoid these scenarios then I do.

4. October 6 is National Noodle Day. What’s your favorite dish made with noodles and have you made/eaten this dish lately? I’m not a huge noodle eater.  I guess spaghetti or lasagne is my favorite dishes with noodles.  The last time I ate noodles is when I made a pot of spaghetti about a month ago.  Yum, was it good, too!

5. A time recently you had to really ‘use your noodle’? Elaborate.  Last Friday, we got our new cable modem.  A few days prior, we spoke with someone at Xfinity when our service was interrupted and upon completion of our call, we asked if we replaced our modem what would be the first step and the gal said to do nothing until we called them.  That was a mistake.  I knew it would be.  We spent more than an hour on the phone Friday afternoon.  The Technical Support guy was only able to get our new modem registered on our account.  He couldn’t tell us what the problem was with why our modem and wifi router couldn’t communicate.  His solution was to escalate our concerns which meant we had to wait for a phone call.  After we hung up, I looked over the modem instructions pointing out a few simple steps that might be what we need to do to get things going and wouldn’t you know it, that fixed us up.  So, within 15-minutes or less our modem and wifi and all of our devices worked perfectly once again.  Next time, we’ll just try to do things for ourselves before calling Tech Support again. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  We are taking 2-weeks of vacation starting October 29th.  There aren’t any plans for a far away trip this time, but we hope to get plenty of daycations to the mountains during our R&R.   After this week, I probably won’t be blogging every day.  I have my 4M and Saturday Songsuasions posts scheduled with nearly all of my TAD posts done, as well.  If I have time then I will fill in the daily gaps, otherwise that’ll have to wait until life slows down again.  Hopefully, I’ll be back ready to blog again by mid-November.  Gee, just saying that seems so weird!   I’ll leave you with a view from Cherokee, North Carolina near the GSMNP Visitor’s Center.  This field is the happening place for elk and it is an easy place to spot them in this open field certain times of the year.  

I did a little photo-editing to alter the colors to bring out the warm seasonal colors just barely visible to the eye.

That’s all folks.  I’m going to leave you with my song picks for today’s song challenge.   I’ll be back tomorrow with more artwork on Rain’s TAD.  Have a wild and wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

playlist includes: 1. The Best of My Love (Eagles) 2. Sad Eyes (Robert John) 3. Ride Captain Ride (Blue Images)
This week’s song prompts are: A Song with Love In the Title, A Song with Eye or Eyes in the Title, & A Song with Ride in the Title. Please visit Mary at JingleJangleJungle to join the fun!

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